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Getting understanding and support from your mate (parent of step children)

Josie335's picture

Does anyone have ideas on how to help your mate understand what you go through as a step parent? I want to help him understand, but there is little I can find out there that helps the bio parent understand what it's like for their mate.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Have a baby with someone else, and then parent them poorly and ask your mate frequently why they don't love your bastard child as much as they love their own children, or you.

Just kidding. I got nothing.

3Libras06's picture

Lol, just what I was thinking. It's impossible to do that unless you switch places with that person... And well, that's impossible.

Anne Boleyn's picture

Go to your exes house a lot, have chatty / giggly phone calls with him, help your him do stuff like computer fixing, moving, car repair consultations, etc...

sterlingsilver's picture

It's hard for me too and we both have our own kids living with us, but DH likes my kids b/c my kids are respectful and don't do the sort of shit my ssons do. I think my ssons disrespect me b/c of what bm has done to them too. It's hard to take the "hit" for bm.

My greatest WISH has always been for ss16 to hate living here so much that he goes back to bm. I make life pretty darn miserable for him and dh is always telling me to BE NICE and I hate it and get so resentful...

Luckily only 2 more years...

herewegoagain's picture

I gave my DH examples of neighbor's when a kid came over I could see him fuming if the kid misbehaved, if the kid had no manners, if the kid was a little ahole, ungrateful, etc...After a while he seemed to get it. Mind you, by then, we had little contact with his kid.