DB won't be intimate when BD is awake in the house
This is my first post so forgive me if a stumble over some of the proper ways to do things. I have been with my dear boyfriend (DB) for almost 5 years now and the only reason we haven't married (besides horrible first marriages) is because our whole relationship has been long distance. We want to at least live in the same town for a while before we make a legal commitment. He is military and has 5 more years before reaching retirement. That is our goal before being able to co-habitate.
He has a 13yo son who he doesn't have custody of but gets for a time for the summer. I have 2 grown daughters and 1 daughter who is 19 and is still at home going to college.
My DB and I take turns traveling to see one another. Whenever I go to see him it is great because there are usually no kids around and we can live like 2 honeymooners with all the privacy we want/need. But when we are at my home he becomes super paranoid and doesn't even want to have sex if he thinks my BD might be awake and up in another part of the house. He says it's ok if his son is awake in his room because it's at the other end of the house but my daughter might hear us. He has gotten past this before and it wasn't much of an issue in the past but all of a sudden this visist he's making it a big issue. When I told him he was going to need to get over it because I wasn't going 3 weeks with no sex he then came up with another excuse - that he didn't want it to be an "appointment". Meaning he didn't want it to just happen at bedtime. Well, with his son around when else will it happen? I think he's making excuses, he says not to read more into it than what it is.
Does anybody else deal with this and how do you get around these insane excuses? DB use to joke about it with my older daughters now he's actually giving up the sex and we go months now between seeing each other so it's now or none. I don't get it!
now he's actually giving up
now he's actually giving up the sex and we go months now between seeing each other so it's now or none. I don't get it!
During a 3 week vacation is a
During a 3 week vacation is a hell of a time to break it off but I can't rule it out. Something to explore.
No way he's attracted to my
No way he's attracted to my daughter - thanks. My daughter keeps a different schedule than most, will stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning and sleep until 3 or 4 in the afternoon. And you forgot his son is here too. So then the son is up when my daughter is asleep (early in the morning). I am not trying to force him to do anything when he is uncomfortable. The point is is if he's going to pick that (someone in general being awake) to be uncomfortable about it's always going to be a problem and we will never have alone time. With multiple children in the house (something he is not use to) there is almost always some kind of activity going on. Kids coming and going, watching tv, etc. Parents continue to have more kids so they are still having sex - how do I assure him it's not a big deal? Earlier in our relationship all 3 of my daughters were living at home and from time to time all 3 daughters and my SIL will be in the house too, he had no problem then so why now?
At first I was going to say
At first I was going to say that he is not that "into you" but your wrote that when you go over to his place, you guys act like honeymooners. Is this still the case?
Yes, it's still the case as
Yes, it's still the case as long as the house is empty of anyone else or we are at his place. Although now he has a roommate so I don't know how things are going to play out next time I go see him. I don't like feeling like I'm a teenager in my own home and have to sneak around. Believe me, we're not bringing the rafters down by any means but I should be able to enjoy myself in my own home!
Guess it will all work out- or not and then that will be a different kind of problem.
I'm simply confused here.
I'm simply confused here. What does he tell you when you ask for action and he claims he is not comfortable bc of SD? There just seems to be something that he is not telling you I guess. Maybe he is confused or could your daughter be giving him looks of questions?
Find a cheap motel?
Find a cheap motel?