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I don't hate my stepkids I just don't love them

Big Poppa1230's picture

Sad I have two step kids Boy (17) and Girl (14)- they annoy the crap out of me. I just chalk it up to poor genetics. I've tried to mentor the Boy but he's soooo stupid- refuses to do homework and can barely read or write. Tried to teach him to play basketball, boxing, chess, how to work out but he's such a freakin fag that he'd rather give up then give anything effort. I told him I'd teach him to drive if he get's his permit the idiot has failed the exam 3 times in two years. What an ass! He makes me sick to look at. The Girl is a whynie 14 year old who thinks she knwos everything. I wouldn't be upset if I never saw them again... Saving money to get out of the relationship.

Only good thing in the relationship is my son Michael. Cutest and smart boy! the other two are freakin idiots...feels good to vent

TASHA1983's picture

LMAO!!! Love it!

Trust me...saving to leave that nightmare will be the smartest thing you ever did!!! Wink

amber3902's picture

So when you blame the "poor genetics" of these two teenagers, I guess you are including the mother of these two kids?

And I find the term "fag" very offensive as well.

RedWingsFan's picture

Wow, sounds like you need to remove yourself from the situation totally. Total contempt and disdain for them and calling him a "fag" - yeah, NOT cool.

Drac0's picture

Big Poppa. Have you thought for a moment that maybe you are not the "right" person to teach the step kid these things? Don't get me wrong. You may be an excellent boxer, driver, chess player and basketball player. And maybe your stepson has the willingness to learn...but maybe you just can't "connect"? That was my biggest problem with my stepson. Before we figured out that he has ADHD, teaching him anything was like trying to read poetry to a fish.

realitycheckmom's picture

You sound young and immature yourself. I am sure your skids are just as enamored of you and your enlightened thinking.

BSgoinon's picture

:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:


beepysee's picture

You need to vent sometimes and you did.
It sounds like you have put a lot of effort in with the fag - venting or not you must know calling him that is not right.
Have you stopped to think that boxing or basketball is not the right thing for him?
I had the same problem but when my stepson took to guitar we had common ground. Can't you find what he is interested in and take part?
If it has gone to far and you have no feelings for your partner then get out, if you stll have feelings then vent here but get down to talking calmly with her.
Good luck and stay calm, its your future and you make it what it is

Executivestepmother's picture

I think it's your job to teach him how to be a man, a gay or a straight man, and when he does not respond I can see why you would be frustrated. Vent away my friend.... and I think you did the right thing by trying to teach this young man to act like a man. I mean, it's no one else's job and maybe in some small way your effort won't go unnoticed.