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Email only communication

theoutsider's picture

So, I'm wondering, BM can not get a court order to say FDH HAS TO CALL her instead of email cam she?

I'm just wondering,... She did not respond back to his email he sent last night. Has not really contact him at all since her "NO MORE EMAILS NO MORE TEXTS! I WANT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE AND KNOW ITS YOU IM TALKING TO"

she has no grounds right? As long as their is communication and the kids are being taken care of she can't do jack right?

VioletsareBlue's picture

She can try. I doubt a judge would order that he call her.
Just have him keep all emails.

SMof2Girls's picture

I can't imagine a judge would force him to speak on the phone with her. Email is a pretty effective form of communication, even if she doesn't like it.

EvilWickedSM's picture

I would think if anything it could be ordered the other way around, that all communication be via email/text message only. Of course, I guess if she could prove that she has neither option, then I guess that's a different story. But, obviously she has both options so no, I can't imagine it would be ordered that he call her :?

Drac0's picture

In our CO the judge has it explicetly stated that all communication between the parents concerning co-parenting the child shall be in written format (letters and emails).

I believe this was put in when DW accused Donkeykong of bullying her over the phone. Now that both parties are forced to communicate with each other in a written format, the chances of bullying are less likely.

theoutsider's picture

I wish that was in the CO!! Would have simplified a lot!

BM did respond about 11am (technically morning since no specific time was mentioned) But she did it in TEXT!

FDH didn't tell me specifics, just that she was going to drive down to pick up the girl to take her to the appt.
And I guess he is letting this one slide that she texted him,... AT LEAST SHE DIDN'T CALL and leave a nasty voicemail message. And at least it is written.

And really,... she does need the stitches out today, we are leaving for vacation TONIGHT, and if BM wants to drive 4HOURS today,.... FDH says she is welcome to.

I am only worried that BM is going to pull some shit saying that "the doctor" said she can't get wet (we are going to a waterpark) or that BM is going to "have car trouble" returning the girl to make us late leaving....

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Send emails thru "read notify" or whatever it is called. That way you can tell if she read it or not.

Personally, I think parents should speak to on a perfect world.