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I guess I should finally fully introduce myself

Biomomof2's picture

I've lerked for 2 years and posted a couple of times but never truly introduced myself.
I'm a kinda SM to my DHs kinda daughter!!! Lol it's confusing but he is raising his EXSD's daughter. So technically his ex grandchild. But he raised his SD and she calls him dad. The one I refer to as SD calls him papa. DH is only 44.
I'm a bio to 2. I have full legal custody of them, dad has 3 weekends amonth. No summer schedule changes. SD''s parents have zero custody of her so we have her all the time.
SD has RADs. Like if you remember Houston's SS.
All 3 kids have PTSD. I have a restraining order on my ex.
I'm very strict in behavior. My kids will be forced to deal with me if there is any disrespect. DH is getting better with SD. The biggest hurdle I had to cross was him stop treating her like a baby. She is 4 months younger than my DD and 30 months older than my DS. And has the least amount of responsibility in the house. It took me a year to get DH to hold her responsible for putting away her laundry. Yep, he spoiled her that much.
My kids are FAR from perfect. They are your basic kids with a little emotional damage thrown in there.
Anyways. Thought I would try to finally introduce myself.

SMof2Girls's picture

Nice to meet you .. sure sounds like you have a handful, and a wealth of stories to share!

Biomomof2's picture

Thank you. It has been a long road. Yes, we found a RADs specialist. It had come to a point that before we got married I told DH I was taking my kids and leaving. We found the counselor. Started working with her, the only reaso we are still together and got married is he has changed how he deals with her, and there has been massive improvements in her. It is no where near done, but without all the changes I would have been gone. It is hard. And she does have different rules than the others but only because she needs them. My own two have different rules. Oldest has 2 chores, her own bathroom, and a later bedtime. My youngest has 1 chores, the middle bedtime and kinda floats between bathrooms. SD has the earliest bedtime, one chores, immediate 10 minute time out for attitude. Things are much better than they were a year ago. But trust me, still kinda crazy.Normal SD issues are 1000x bigger with RADS.