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I can't live with them any more.

nvk's picture

Luckily I have a sleepout - it is cold out here but I have the computer and a tv to keep my company while I avoid my stepkids.
It is so hard and I don't understand why I feel this way about them. I am not a hateful person. I don't have any enemies - I am fairly normal and calm ---- until they come for their 50% time with us.
There just isn't much I can relate to with them at all. They just sit around all day - eating and doing nothing. They must be so bored doing that - I said why don't they organise to go out - we can take them to the mall or to their friends place - but they just sit.
Funny how I love my husband so much when they aren't around. We make plans, have fun, enjoy each others company. Then they come around and within 24 hours I am thinking I can't live with him any longer.
Having different values - different expectations - even different menus from their mother. I didn't do anything wrong, I just happened to fall in love with their father. Why does that make me the enemy?
And it hurts that they probably think of me as the worst person in the world.
I read somewhere that you have to let go of any responsibility towards them. That could work - I don't have to cook for them, clean up after them, run after them. In fact I don't have to have much to do with them at all. OK that is fine, but I still have to live with them (or not).
I read a forum where the stepkids are writing in the same hateful way about their stepmothers. How the stepmothers are ruining their lives. Funny how it works both ways.
I wish I could figure out a way around this problem. I don't want to leave my husband - he is the best husband anyone could want (except for his weak parenting skills). Its not his fault - he is not a naturally good father in my opinion but he still loves them in his own way.
But it isn't healthy for me to stay in the marriage when I am so upset and angry when the kids are around. I have two kids of my own - they are older and have left home. It is so much easier with your own kids that's for sure.
And the sad thing is that I just don't want to try any more. I have been with my husband for about 9 years and married for 3. And I now just move out when they come home. I haven't actually seen them for a few weeks now - but it is my house I have moved out of. I still go over to sleep in the house but move back out to the sleep out ,or stay in the bedroom during the day. Sad way to live.

I have spent money on counselling, I have apologised to them, I have tried to just live with them and not worry about being totally ignored. In the 9 years I have known them I think my SD may have spoken less than 500 words to me in total. The SS may have spoken a few more. How sad is that? It is so hard to live with people who so obviously hate your guts.

christinen's picture

That is such a sad way to live! I think it's normal to feel that way when skids come over though. We have SD 50/50 as well and the weeks she is here, I feel the same way, like I just can't live with them any more. I have even went to look at apartments and seriously considered leaving. But then once SD is gone, it's back to normal and we really do have a great marriage (50% of the time...). I don't have much advice since I am in the same boat and have not yet found a solution but I can tell you that you are not alone! I think if you feel like you would be happier if you left, then you should leave. I know it's hard to tell. I know my life would be so much easier if I was not with DH, but would I be happy? Would I ever find true love again? If I did find someone, would it be too late to have my own children? Is DH my only chance to have kids? These are the questions I ask myself every day. Being a SM is so hard.

nvk's picture

Thanks for that Christinen. I ask myself the same questions. When they go it is like the air just clears and we laugh and love again. Then they come and it all goes bad again.
Probably communication is half the problem. I hate conflict so avoid it - then when the pressure gets so much I finally blow up and come across twice as bad as I really am, and then it is really uncomfortable for ages and then it all starts again.
Until now - when I finally couldn't take another cycle of that again and moved into the sleepout.
So that makes them happier. I don't have to see all the irritating things they do (or actually they don't do anything so that is irritating Smile ) but not sure if I am happier or not. And my poor old husband is not happy at all - and just uselessly comes between me and them.
I actually think that my husband has to take a stand here and tell them (and in a way me too) how we are expected to behave. He is the one who brought us together and I think he has to help us to live together. He is not a good communicator but I do think he needs to be more assertive.

nvk's picture

And my latest annoying thing - my SD asked if she could stay with her mother over the weekend (its our week). Then my husband said no she had to come here but he would drop her off wherever she needed to be the next day.
Then he comes home without her - she wanted to stay there because she wanted to meet up with her boyfriend (she is 16years 3 months).
He comes home without her and said SHE IS STAYING AT HER BOYFRIENDS PLACE!!! At his parents. Like really? - I would never let my 16 year old stay at her boyfriends.
My husband said he didn't think she was sleeping with him - WAKE UP!! And her mother lets her stay there all the time.
This is the first we had ever heard of it. I can't believe my husband actually let her stay there!
I am just flabbergasted :jawdrop: at how little they seem to care. I actually think I care more about them than their own parents but have NO say in them of course.

OK some people will say if she doesn't go there they will do it somewhere else - and maybe but it just feels completely wrong to me.