Period, oh Period? Where are you PERIOD?
I'm a couple days late... We're planning to start trying to conceive in a year or so. I'm not on the pill but we're fairly careful. If I don't get it in a couple days I'm going to take a test.
Hmmm. This should be interesting.
The main thing is that DH doesn't want our baby to be "an accident" like skids were. He wants it to be more intentional (I agree mostly). Though he would be thrilled if happened nw. Except we have a huge trip to Asia in the works for next summer, an infant doesn't factor well into that....
With many birth control
With many birth control options (especially the older ones) people tried to be very, very careful and then still ended up with 3-4 kids. It's only been since the BC pill that reliable contraception has been available.
I'm an older woman. I remember when everyone tried to not get pregnant and then just took "accidents" as they appeared. There was no "trying to conceive".
As a midwife I think I see as
As a midwife I think I see as many people whose pregnancies were 'accidents' as the ones that were planned! It can be hard to come to terms with an unplanned pregnancy, but if you do turn out to be pregnant then I'm sure you and your DH will adjust quite well to the situation. Give it a few days, and if you still haven't had your period then by all means take a pregnancy test, and hopefully that will give you a more definite answer.
Well i'm in the same boat
Well i'm in the same boat Snowdrop. My period is a week late, but I have been suffering from Gastro and tummy upsets for the last two weeks which I think may have caused the delay, plus I'm stressed with things too, which never helps, I also came off BC in January so i've been told that my periods are likely to be irregular, and my period in February was 5 days late, still there is a slim chance that I could be pregnant so Tuesday I will take a pregancy test, if it hasn't arrived,just to rule out that option, but I'm pretty sure i'm not pregnant!
Best of luck with the test, and I agree with catgirl, I'm sure you and your DH will adjust well if it turns out you are pregnant.