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Testing into the next grade due to early disenrollment

SMof2Girls's picture

BM has received orders back to our state. To make her deadline for reporting at the new duty station, she has to withdrawal the skids from school on May 17.

DH just called the school to verify the skids won't be penalized for this early of a withdrawal. Military schools tend to work with parents on these things, but we were previously told anything less than 2 weeks early was fine.

This would be 3 full weeks.

School confirmed that skid will not be recommended for promotion if disenrolled that early. They will have to test into their grade at their new school district in order to advance to the next grade level.

BM did not tell us any of this. She just said they wouldn't be penalized and would be enrolled in the next grade.

What would you do about this? Their CO actually states that if BM gets orders here, skids will move to finish the remainder of the school year with him; primarily to prevent these exact scenarios. But it's SOO close to the end of the year and DH and I agreed that it's probably more disruptive to move them at this point than it is to just let them stay. But that was before we knew all the facts ..

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Can't she take a week of leave and stay in TX?

The military schools ISD's in Texas are still governed by the state and state laws apply to them.

SMof2Girls's picture

I'm not sure .. she didn't make it seem like she could get any more time off. She actually graduates April 19th, so I think she's already really stretching it staying until the end of May.

She is planning to leave TX no later than the 22nd, with movers and all her stuff, and be completely relocated by the time she reports for duty on the 24th. Not realistic in any sense (IMO).

And the only reason I think she CAN'T get more time, is that she's handing the skids over to DH 2 weeks early .. something she wouldn't normally do if she had any other alternative.

She has also mentioned she will be enrolling the skids in a local school district here, not on base like they were before. She wants to take advantage of the BAH premium over actual rental rates in the area. Trouble is, she doesn't know where she'll be living yet. There are 3 different counties to choose from in this immediate area that would work for her.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

She will get the BAH for her duty station. That usually covers a certain geographic area.

SMof2Girls's picture

Yeah, she will be getting E-6 BAH for the Washington DC area. Previously she was getting E-5 for the Fort Meade area; not nearly as much.

She can EASILY find a place to rent off base for way less than what they'll give her. I don't blame her for pocketing the extra cash if she can, but it just creates uncertainty right now since we don't know where she'll go.

SMof2Girls's picture

Trouble is we don't know where she's moving to. He would have to call 3 different counties and the local military base school, and hope the information is somewhat consistent?

At a minimum, I guess he would at least have an argument for her to move to one district over another ..

Idk .. so much leg work

SMof2Girls's picture


So far DH has called 2 of the 3 possible counties. Both have said they do not offer a "test-out" option. If SD6 has not completed the school year at her previous school, she will have to repeat it.

SD5 is fine because Kindergarten is apparently not a requirement for 1st grade enrollment (didn't know that!).

tryingmom's picture

Doesn't BM have her mother living there with her? Couldn't dear ol mom stay with the skids in SA to finish off another week so they can get promoted to the next school grade? (I guess its a rhetorical question as there is no logic in anything the BM in your situation does)

SMof2Girls's picture

Her mom does live there, but she doesn't have a car. So she has no way of getting the skids to school if she stays behind with them. And if BM moves, her mom and the skids can't live in her old house since it's base housing.

PeanutandSons's picture

Could you guys fly out and take custody of the girls and take them to their last week of school?

Or have bm rent grandma a cheap car for a week.

Or have bm ask one of her friends to do it....since she like playing the poor single mom routine.

Make sure you point out to bm that the local schools won't let SD test in and she will be repeating the grade if it doesn't get worked out. Tell her either she figures it out for the kids to finish the school year or you will excersise your right in the CO to take custody now and they will finish their school year with you.

SMof2Girls's picture

"Tell her either she figures it out for the kids to finish the school year or you will excersise your right in the CO to take custody now and they will finish their school year with you."

This is exactly what DH is planning to do. He wants to talk to his lawyer first to make sure this would really be enforceable (since we KNOW BM will fight it tooth and nail).

The ideal is finding a way for SD6 to stay an extra couple days and finish school .. it will REALLY suck for her if she has to relocate and enroll in a new school.

Convulsive's picture

Call the current school & ask to speak to the MFLC (Military Family Life Counselor), that person should be involved in creating a smooth transition.