What should come out of the child support and what should we pay extra for?
BM has been nickel and diming us to death lately, wanting us to "split" her on expenses for SD... $40 for softball sign-ups $40 for softball equipment and clothing, $75 for dental work... Now we have to buy new tennis shoes this weekend (no splitting on this one) because SD tore hers.
My question is, how much of this should come out of the child support? What is child support for anyway? In our case, it mostly goes to support the mother and her older son, whose father does not pay child support. She acts like she's broke all the time, yet she always manages to get her nails done and is always having "me" days.
Just wondering how others handle this...
Even $600 can be considered a
Even $600 can be considered a lot, depending on where you live. I dated a man who paid $640 a month, and where I live, that could pay a person's rent for a decent two bedroom apartment.
Everything is relative, I have two children and get $438 a month.
Oh boy, gonna watch this
Oh boy, gonna watch this one.
I personally don't agree that it should be used to equalize both families standard of living, since if that was true then if the CP earned a vast majority more than the NCP, and they have 60/40, then shouldn't the CP still pay to bring up the standard of living in the NCP's house? I know it happens but I think that's a bit crazy. Especially for those who were never married.
If you are frugal, then you don't have to spend that much. Also, I don't believe it's only the NCP's job to financially support the child. To me, whatever the NCP gives, the CP should match, and that's where all the expenses come out of for the kid. So if someone get $600 for their child in CS, I think it's only fair they put $600 in, for a total of $1200 a month to raise the child.
I think then this combined total should be used for the child and the child it is designated for only. So if there are four people in the house, it should cover 1/4 of utilities, property taxes (if there are any), mortgage (if there is any), or rent (if there is any.) 1/4th of food, and so on. To have it cover the difference from a one bedroom to a two bedroom apartment is a little OD, as I know a family who have lived comfortably in 1 bedroom apartments, and it's a teenage boy, an adult girl, and their mom for their entire lives. They made it work.
Of course, to me, that is just crazy to spend $1200 a month to raise a child if you're not saving up for college and going to ask for extras. I mean, what does a baby REALLY need? What does a toddler REALLY need? We are so stuck in the consumer mindset of getting this play pen and that toy and this cute jacket when something much cheaper can definitely be used. Also, what happened to sending the child out to play instead of playing on an iPad or video games. Making them do prep books instead of sending them to prep school?
I guess I feel, since I am very budget conscious and still live and financially comfortable life, that many things are not necessities, and only clutter up one's life, and the life of their kids.
Then again, I try to live my life spartan and minimalistically. Give me a floor futon on tatami with nothing else in the room except an under the floor store space (where I can keep the futon and blankets and pillows when not in use) and I'm in heaven.
I've been going over my budget for the one in my belly and after actually sitting down and looking at what I actually need--I am at a loss as to what else I could buy other than a few sets of clothes from Goodwill, diapers, a car seat, and a breast pump with some bottles. These are the bare necessities (and even then the breast pump is really not) and since I'm not interested in a crib (actually we are installing my dream room in the attic so we'll all be on the floor or a stroller), and I don't want baby toys in the house other than a few stuff animals I will be making, I seriously can't imagine how expensive this baby is actually going to be with my standard of living.
^^ Agreed, not2sure! There is
^^^WELL SAID Christinen!!!^^^
No kid costs 920.00 a month to raise/pay for either!!! Someone needs to tell our lovely "Justice" system this so that men who actually pay for their kids stop getting fucked so hard so these lazy, gold digging, entitled BM whores can sit pretty just for popping out babies and these "good" men can actually afford to live and have families too!!! WTF!!! :sick:
Honestly..... It can cost
Honestly..... It can cost that much. My baby is 180 a week for daycare... That's almost 800 a month just in daycare costs alone.
Just because you didn't need a larger home to accommodate a child....other people do. I have two skids that live with us...no way I can get by in a one bedroom apartment with two preteen skids that are different genders.
We had to upgrade our little ford focus into a van because you can't physically fit two adults and 4 kids into a sedan (where as me dh and our two babies fit just fine)
Both my skids are on expensive medication every month....co pays in the hundreds.
My gas consumption has doubled due to the skids.... Driving them to and from school and other necessary trips to their drs and therapy....so that's another 60 a week in gas.
It does add up. Our bms are only ordered to pay 200 a month each(not that they've ever paid it) and dh and I laugh at that. That doesn't even cover their after school care for a month.
The car thing I agree with
The car thing I agree with that you need it to be legal. Everything else--day care at a professional place, to me, is a luxury, even if someone does work. I dug up this link I had before--http://suite101.com/article/babysitting-coops-a89503
One thing they didn't have was a rotating mom schedule--where a whole bunch of moms each take the children for a day of the week. And this is only if grandparents are not willing to baby sit. My parents and DH's mom are clamoring for who gets three days on the weekdays and who gets two, for free.
Where there's a will, there's a way, even for day care.
The family was brother and sister and mom, Mom and sister shared a room, brother had the living room. The step dynamic is a bit different, but in my opinion, CS should only cover the portion that the kids it's designated for, and not anyone else.
Seriously, we live in such a consumer consumer consumer world. Most of these are not have to's, but want to's. Even disposable diapers--in the old days, they used cloth which was washable. With washing machines these days, we can just buy a set and do laundry. Cuts down on diaper costs like crazy.
I agree with Formygirl.
I agree with Formygirl.
Some NCP parents pay such a low amount in CS, that they look like asses when they complain. about extras.
DF's CS order is only $360 a month for TWO kids. As much as I hate BM, I think some of her request for help with extras.are justified.
CS is supposed to pay for the
CS is supposed to pay for the child's necessities, that means food, shelter, clothes and medical. Extra-curriculars are not necessities, the sports fees are extras and Biodad is not obligated to pay for them. Now the tennis shoes - that's what CS is for and your DH should not be paying for those.
Check your DH's court order to see if medical and extra curriculars are covered. It should state how extra-curriculars and medical expenses are to be handled.
My order says both parents have to agree to sign the child up for extra-curriculars and split the cost - and if both parents can't agree then the parent that wants the child to participate pays for the activity.
The cost of the insurance premium I pay to cover our two girls is calculated into the amount of CS paid. I pay for any co-pays.
Where there is a will...there
Where there is a will...there is a way...even if one of the parents didn't want to contribute if it means enough to the other parent they will make it happen one way or another. Not saying that is "ok" but it's true.
I know as a BM I sure as hell do and would anyway!!!![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
^^ Yep! My DH has 50/50
AMEN TO THAT!!! There are
AMEN TO THAT!!! There are alot of deadbeat dads, but I have been realizing alot lately that numbers are growing exponentially for deadbeat CS abusing BM!!!
There is NO REASON ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH why my BF should have to be driving a pos truck on it's last leg and live in a makeshift bedroom with no privacy with a friend in a basement apt while BM has new vehicles, hair, nails, tanning, etc. and she and her new hubby are BOTH not even working right now and BF pays 920.00 a month to her for ONE FUCKING KID!!! Now THAT is a classic case of a BM abusing the CS system to her advantage and a BD getting fucked and the system doing NOTHING about it but further enabling her to be a letch!!!
Wow...we must have the same
Wow...we must have the same BM! My BF is ordered to pay 920.00 per month. BM is a lazy, gold digging, entitled, waste of skin and she too manages to have a new vehicle every 1-2 years, hair, nails, tanning, etc. and she has 5 kids from 4 different men. Only ONE belongs to my BF. So of course we KNOW that my man's hard work pays for her whole fucking clan and of course herself. We just recently found out that BM got married again (marriage #3) and neither her nor her new hubby currently have jobs. So her only "income" of course is MY man's money and the youngest kids daddy she never went after CS for because according to her hes a loser and she wouldnt get much of anything because he works at Best Buy and the oldest 3 she now only gets between 65-150 a week for so in essence it is my man that upholds her household. MUST BE NICE!!! My BF can't afford a new vehicle or his own place but BM and her family sure aren't hurting in the living well department!!! GO FIGURE!!!
So....my wonderful man doesn't give that bitch ANYTHING more than the 920.00 a month that is CO to pay. I receive 400.00 a month from my son's father and I make that work and NEVER ask for more or extra for this or that and he technically owes me 574.16 a month as per our CO...so that bitch can sure as hell support ONE kid on that 920.00 a month!!!
Everything comes out of the
Everything comes out of the CS and you pay extra for nothing unless it is clearly called for in the CO. If your CO is typical the only extra things called for, if any, are things like half of visitation travel costs, medical expenses not covered by insurance, etc..... If it is not called for in the CO, don't pay for anything.
I do not have biokids, I am a stepdad so my perspective may be a bit confusing. Don't get me wrong. I would dearly have loved to take my Skid's SpermIdiot to the cleaners but the courts in the Peoples Republic of SpermLand (Oregon)has no compunction towards holding serial breeders accountable for their actions.
CS started at $110/mo when my SS was 1yo. It went up to $130/mo when he turned 2 and stayed there until he was 11. Then I was finally able to convince my bride to nail DickHead's worthless ass to the wall. So it bounced way up and down for a year through court orders and counter claims until it settled at $380/mo until the kid turned 18 when it stopped. It could have continued if my Skid had not allowed the SpermClan to guilt him out of waiving the requirement that CS continued while SS was in college with CS being directly deposited to SS's account rather than my wife's account. Were I my SKid I would have kept the worthless POS on the hook for as long as I could. But that is just me.
Even with someone as detestable as the SpermIdiot I would not suggest that an NCP pay one penny more than the CO requires. Anything else can be contributed while the kid is on visitation or in a manner that benefits only the kid and not the X.
IMHO of course.
I agree! And I make sure my
I agree! And I make sure my BF doesn't give BM a red cent more than he is CO to pay her. Per the CO any extra curricular activites, etc. are NOT covered so he doesn't pay for any. Period. I would never give a red cent to a "woman" that I KNEW used that money to further HER self and her lifestyle!!! EVER!!!
When BF has skid he makes sure he has groceries on hand etc. and doesnt go out and do much of anything when he has him. They stay home and do things at the apt that don't cost much money if anything at all. He spends enough on/for that kid! That kid has a flat screen tv, name brand everything, he's overweight so we know he ain't deprived of food, constantly has new video games, so yeah apparently he is doing quite well compared to his father who is struggling. We don't even know when we will be able to have our own place and get married because he pays so much for that kid. And the worst part is my man makes great money, but you wouldnt know it because she gets sooo much of it!!!![Sad](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/sad.gif)
I was always told that CS
I was always told that CS pays was for food, shelter, and clothing. Anything else should be outlined in the decree regarding who pays what. Not sure about the equalizing of homes theory because CS is based on income. I guess in some cases it could, but in many it does not. If the NCP has little or no income they cannot equalize anything. In our case the NCP was ordered to pay (not that she ever atually paid)the state minimum. That amounth did not even cover a week's worth of food/hot lunch for them in my home.
Our state CS guidelines
Our state CS guidelines specifically state CS is used to "normalize" the lifestyles of each home (equalizing the standard of living).
And even though CS is based on income, they sure DO use it to equalize. I won't say how much my DH pays for two kids, but it's a LOT. BM doesn't work, never has and never will by her choice. They did NOT impute minimum wage for her.
Playing around with the CS calculator, which I know is not the end all and be all, IF the BM was imputed for 40 hrs at minimum wage, my DH's CS would be reduced by almost $200/month. Impute $10/hr for 40 hrs and he would pay even less.
But in this case, BM is being "rewarded" for not working. It's work enough just to put on the "poor single mom me" act.
^^^EXACTLY^^^ Let's just
Let's just "reward" these useless waste of skin BM and make the men pay for everything until they die or feel like lifting a finger to support a child(ren) that ALSO BELONGS TO THEM!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^^ A lot of times, the
For example, my DH does work hard but I make double what he makes. BM doesn't work at all but she lives with her third baby daddy's mother (yes, her third baby daddy's mother lol) who owns a nice home.
So a lot of things we have are because of MY hard work and MY income. BM could get a job if she wanted to but she is a lazy piece of trash and chooses not to work so she can get more money from the government. If she were to work, she would actually make LESS than she does now because her state assistance would be reduced smh.
Why are these lazy POS parents rewarded and what the hell is wrong with this system??
Exactly!!! Why work when you
Exactly!!! Why work when you can stick it to your baby daddy(ies) or us tax payers and make us pay for your lazy ass and kids WE didn't even create!!!
And I am one of those that doesn't believe that a NCP/CP spouse or SO income should be considered. Like you said you make lots more than your dh and that IS YOUR $$$ and should never have to pay for HIS/THEIR kids...EVER!!! I would never expect my son's father's GF to pay for or contribute to OUR son's needs etc. we made him therefore he is our responsibility ONLY!!!
I wouldn't care if I was a millionaire and BF worked at McDonald's and BM and skid were living under an overpass in a cardboard box...NOT MY KID NOT MY PROBLEM!!! I am not paying for or having my $$$ being considered to make someone elses life or standard of living better because they CHOOSE not to work or contribute to THEIR CHILDS NEEDS etc. WILL.NOT.EVER.HAPPEN!!!
I agree with everyone that is
I agree with everyone that is saying go by what is court ordered and not one single dime more. Sounds like the BM in your situation is taking advantage of your husband because she thinks he will pay it since it is for princess. That is not how it works. There should not be long drawn out conversations with her about it either. One call or text telling her to read the divorce decree/ court order regarding child support and to stop contacting him about money if it is not covered in wht he is ordered to pay is all your DH should allow.
Exactly! And the reason these
Exactly! And the reason these BM's are able to get away with getting more money from their baby daddies is because these men don't (usually) have or use their backbone and realize they can say no and there is nothing these women can do about it!!! Yeah they can be bitches and withold the kid etc. but then that is when you go after their asses and let them KNOW you won't be bullied, exploited, etc.
These women are not God...they do not have any control over our men that these men don't ALLOW them to have!!! They need to wake the fuck up and get that thru their thick heads!!! And I believe it starts with us helping them to wake the heck up...I know I sure used my big mouth to help open my BF's eyes.![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
CS is a crock of shit as far
CS is a crock of shit as far as I am concerned. It should be called NAIL YOUR BABBY DADDY & SPEND HIS CASH ON MOMMY to the wall support. To those of you who actually USE the CS on your children, I am not speaking to you.
Our BM has received an unGodly amount of $$ from my DH throughout the years. Yet, SD12 is always in NEED of something or another. School uniforms, shoes, trip $$, the list goes on and on. My DH also pays for part of her tuition, yet, BM is always 2 and 3 months behind causing SD to get letters threatening to be suspended for lack of payment. BM travels once a year for 2 and 3 weeks at a time, has the latest Gucci bag and her hair and nails are ALWAYS done. But the Skid is always last on the list. For this reason, I have pretty much forbidden my DH from spending ONE EXTRA CENT on SD at the BMs request. When she is at our house, he can shop for her and take her out, when she is with her mother she is HER responsibility. SS, who lives with us doesn't get a penny from BM and NEVER did since he moved in.
^^^I couldnt agree
^^^I couldnt agree more!!!^^^
It is up to our men to tell these gold digging bitches that they are NOT GETTING ONE FUCKING RED CENT MORE THAN THE CO AMOUNT THEY HAVE TO PAY. PERIOD!
When my BF has skid he doesnt take him out to eat etc. he buys groceries and does things at home that cost little to NO money out of pocket!!! I told my man straight out you spend MORE THAN ENOUGH money on/for that kid and what you get out of your check should be for you and our family!!! You do what you are supposed to do by paying what the court orders you pay which is way more than enough to take care of that fucking kid so yeah!!!
I don't a get a penny.
I don't a get a penny. Actually, let me rephrase that. I have 2 older sons who for 17 years I didn't get a DIME. Took the Dad to CS, as soon as the letter got to his job to garnish his wages, he quit his job and fell off the grid. Raised them ENTIRELY by myself their ENTIRE lives.
My youngest, just RECENTLY the dad started giving 50.00 every other week or so. He works off the books so taking him to court would get me NOTHING. So I have him deposit the $50.00 directly into my sons savings account. Since January of this year, he's put in $350.00. It's pennies, when you think about it, but I guess $350.00 is better than ZERO.
I don't touch that money. I leave it there in case my son wants to go to the movies or get a pair of sneakers. It is HIS money. MY money supports him. He is MY son and I will provide. It's just the way it is.
I am a single mother to BS9.
I am a single mother to BS9. His father is not involved other than paying CS. I work 40 hours a week and receive 400.00 a month from my Ex. I make it work, and my son gets everything he needs and more! I also still live at home BUT...I pay my parents to live there, I pay ALL of MINE/BS bills, groceries etc. and every cent of the CS I receive pays for my sons private school tuition. I get a little over 400.00 a week in my paycheck and I make it work no matter what!
I agree that the NCP should have to pay for their child by way of CS BUT I do NOT agree with how they compute the CS figure that the CP receive. My BF pays 920.00 a month for one kid and neither skid or bm are hurting for anything!!! Yet my BF who actually DOES work hard can't afford to even have his own apt/house or a decent vehicle and he is 40 years old! Meanwhile BM gets new vehicles, hair, nails, tanning, etc. THAT IS WRONG!!!
I too don't and wouldn't feel bad for receiving CS for my son as he deserves it and I deserve to receive financial help in raising my son too HOWEVER when one parent (CP) is living ALOT better than the NCP and the NCP actually does work hard to support said child(ren) and in our case BM doesn't even work but lives off of BF CS and us tax payers than THAT is fucked up and that is what I have a problem with!!!
I think parents have both a
I think parents have both a legal and MORAL obligation to support the offspring that they have created. Luckily for my SSs, my husband is a high wage earner and really never needed her help. Nor did he ever force the issue. He always felt like they were his kids and he would support them and care for them and not worry about what she wasn't doing.
Formygirl - HELL YES, my life
Formygirl - HELL YES, my life would be easier if I got CS! I wouldn't have to stress out about where I'm getting tuition from or how to pay for his expensive cleats. My son is 15, growing like a freaking tree, goes thru clothes like a bandit because he's on super speed growth mode.
It IS an injustice that I don't get help, but I've done it for so long that I don't stress about it anymore. I am thankful that deadbeat 2 at least is putting in the 50.00 whenever he puts it in. That way, when my son graduates HS he can have some pocket money for college, that's what I'm saving it for.
I agree with you
I agree with you FORMYGIRL!!!!
They do make us all look bad! I am just like you, every penny literally is spent on my son (his school tuition) and like you my sons needs always trump mine. I work 40 hours a wk to provide for us both. Don't make much, but it works for us.
Yeah, if my Ex ever said that to me then I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to take his 950.00 a month!!! At least my BF has a legit excuse, he has to actually work to support BM's lazy can so he isn't available to cart skids ass around for appts etc.
I believe that each parent
I believe that each parent should be responsible for paying 50% of what the child costs. I believe that medical bills should be split. Usually if the NCP has to pay for medical insurance 100%, that is factored into the amount of monthly support that is paid.
Any extra-curriculars are to be split equally only if BOTH parties agree. That is only fair. We have a BM who has a lot more money "under the table" than what is actually claimed to be her income. But she had plenty of money AND had a rich family to sponge off of as necessary. This enabled her to attempt to nickle and dime us to death with deciding to put the kids in anything and everything she could find (I wondered if she ever spent any time with them HERSELF) and then wanting us to foot half the bill. The problem was, she never once consulted DH for how it would affect his visitation time with them or if he had the extra funds to help out - much less pay half.
Then she would use those extra activities to justify canceling the COed visitations...even after getting a Contempt of Court fine AND a tongue lashing from the judge that DH could take them to these activities, too, if he wanted to and having those activities should not supercede a COURT ORDER.
I've went round and round
I've went round and round with this issue in my head and I really think it depends on your situation. FDH & I have agreed that he pays nothing more than what is ordered in the CO. BM lives with her rich family on their very large property in a huge house and pays nothing for food, rent or utilities AND she works full time and has her mom watch Fss for FREE. At one point BM enrolled Fss into the most expensive daycare in the city and asked FDH to "help" pay for it for the first month while she got on her feet, which didn't even make sense because she in no way struggles financially but FDH at that point was still afraid of her withholding visitation and said okay. Well after that first month it went from asking him to help to demanding that he cover it because it was his "responsibility." This psycho even had her mom call FDH and start demanding that he continue paying because I guess BM started demanding that her own mother pay it because FDH said no more... The craziest thing of it all was BM wasn't even working, she just "wanted" him to get out of the house more. Another time When FDH and I first started dating she would always hit him up for money and when he said no she would threaten to hold visitation and once even offered sexual favors. I also remember the first week FDH and I started dating she was blowing his phone up because Fss needed new shoes and she was demanding that FDH buy them because she needed to pay her cell phone bill. Ridiculous, right?
All in all, I think there are great BM's out there that really use the money for their kids. Unfortunately the BM here isn't that way. She uses the CS for herself and her family pretty buys everything Fss needs. Thus we don't pay a penny extra, I say we because we own a home together and share our finances. Fss is here every weekend and comes w/ the clothes on his back and nothing more. He has his room here and we supply clothes, toys, food, everything. since then anytime BM has tried contact FDH to ask for more FDH lets her know that if she is incapable of taking care of Fss that we are more than happy to take him in. But no extras to anything becuase with this bm you give an inch and she'll take a mile.
My husband has never been
My husband has never been behind on child support. He was laid off for months and he pawned stuff and did odd jobs and whatever he could to pay his child support. When I met him, he had no food in the house. He is the kind of guy who can catch and eat squirrels and fish and deer, and that's what he did. But he paid his child support. House payment was behind...child support was not.
Then I entered the picture. I am an RN and so I'm blessed with a decent, stable income. BM has been jealous ever since because he lives a nicer life now. Plus he finally got to back to work on a steady basis so we are doing okay.
However, I have three biological kids... all young adults who need help from time to time. My barely adult son is working 50-60 hours a week and can still hardly make ends meet. HIS shoes are torn in several places (not just one teeny tear). HE needs shoes. I don't care that he is a grown man... he is MY baby. And since it's MY income that puts us in the place of being able to do these extra things, it just irks me that BM and/or SD thinks they are entitled to it simply because she is under aged.
Okay...that was a rant. Sorry...
The court order/agreement states he is to pay his child support. Nothing more, nothing less. He wants his daughter to have nice things and I have no problem helping with that. Since we've been married, she probably has nicer clothing and more "things" than she's ever had in her life. But now both BM and SD tend to think it's their "right". It's not. It's still MY hard-earned money, and let me tell you, nursing is NOT easy. Neither was nursing school. And I didn't see BM or SD there helping me get through it.
So I can't seem to get through this post without ranting. I guess I'm angrier than I thought.