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His constant attitude has caused me to hate him

StepDad1981's picture

I've posted on here before about my SS. We created a behaviour contract which worked for a short while but he now manipulates it to work for him. My wife has stopped me having input into his discipline after he had a tantrum and said he wished he was dead. So the upshot is that I have to try and bite my tongue or else my marriage is threatened.

His constant attitude and annoying ways have turned me to hating this spoilt little brat. The small things that I've asked him not to do before constantly get ignored by him and the DW won't tell him off for because she believes that these are minor things. So now all these small things build up inside me and it just makes me resent him more and more every time he slams a door or leaves lights on behind him. I've seriously considered leaving over this little shit but I really do love my wife and I wouldn't want to give him the smug satisfaction to feel that he has won.

Help… Please.

Disneyfan's picture

The kid is only doing what his mom allows him to do.

You can't check his butt because mom has shut you down.

At the end of the day mom is to blame for the way the kid acts. Yet instead of hating mom, you hate the kid. :?

StickAFork's picture

What Disneyfan said. Your issue is with your wife...not really your SS. Address the problem there if you want your marriage to survive.

Orange County Ca's picture

Wait just a minute here. A million kids are growing up in the world and way more thant 99.9% of them are going to turn out just fine. And 100% of them are doing it without your help.

You're not needed or wanted in this kids life. Frankly he'll do better without the distraction of you constantly badgering him over picking his nose in his bedroom. Listen for better or worse his mother will get the blame/credit for how he turns out regardless of any input you've added to the mix.

Tell your wife you're disengaging and that if you have a problem with how the kid acts you'll talk to her in private. Once. Then you'll shut up and back her up 100% which mainly means you'll keep your mouth shut.

Read this for more tips:

Everyone which includes you will have a much happier life. Trust me I've been there. You will have removed all his power over you which may have an amazing effect on his attitude given time.

TorturedGuy's picture

Same here,they suck. Oh but does she also turn around and try to deflect blame at you for whatever reasons too? Yeah happens here^