Now that SD is 18... does anybody know what happens to CS?
She graduates this year. She is NOT enrolled in college NOR has she filled out anything for FASA. Does he continue to pay her mother for her as well or will it drop? And what do we have to do to get it dropped? Seems our office is a bunch of Arses and don't really do much to help DH out. Of course they think he is a POS.... forget that she lives off the state and refuses to work...
I think it depends on your
I think it depends on your state. I would definitely check with your local CS enforcement office, as difficult as they may be to deal with. Or consult with an attorney if you have one.
You may have to wait a few
You may have to wait a few months after she graduates to make sure she does not enroll in college, then file for termination. I think she has to enroll within 4 months.
Check with the state and
Check with the state and check the court order.
In Michigan, where my daughter is, I pay CS until age 18 or graduation from high school, whichever occurs LATER.
In Colorado, where DH's daughter is, he pays until she's 19.
Every place is different and you can even have it drawn into the court order to pay for longer than the state's requirements, if the parents want to do that. So check both their court order and the state's law.
Whatever office receives your
Whatever office receives your money and sends it on needs to be contacted. Are you in the U.K?
A lot of States make you pay
A lot of States make you pay until their 19th birthday.
Sucks, I know.
19th would be heavenly. How
19th would be heavenly. How about 21st?
We are in oregon
We are in oregon