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5 love languages- have you read it??'s picture

I just started this book, Has anyone read it???

If so, did it help you understand your loved one's better? Not just your spouse but other famiy members too?

RedWingsFan's picture

I haven't read it yet but it comes highly recommended by my friend who has 3 AWESOME sons. I mean these boys are golden boys. They truly are the epitome of polite, sweet, kind, caring and loving. I've been with them all on camping trips, outings at the lake, parties at their home and I've NEVER seen teenage boys act the way these 3 do. Their mom is one of the coolest women alive (she's a mix of sweet, smart and stern) and the girls that end up marrying her boys are going to be lucky ones.

I guess just on her recommendation alone, I need to read it. LOL I just haven't gotten around to buying it. Let me know how it goes ok?

Maybe we should all start a book exchange here? Pass along the stepparenting and other informative books that all help us deal with skids?'s picture

I just bought it for my kindle and I read the first chapter and it seriously made me think of my daughter and what her "love language" is and how to make her feel loved no matter what bc she is jealous of FDH and she's having some issues bc she wants FDH to be her dad but has never had her dad in her life so she doesn't really know how to feel. In therapy yesterday the therapist said she thinks that BD9 is jealous of SD15 bc FDH has been there her whole like and BD9 hasn't had a dad........

Breaks my heart really, but I want to make sure she knows and feels my love all day everyday and so far this book is great for recognizing things that is so easily overlooked and I barely started it!!!

Also, it's easy to follow advice! I'm still madly in love with FDH but this book can either save a relationship thats rocky or enhance a relationship thats doing well, s what I hear!

I think thats a great idea. I love to read so I'm open to a book exchange!

I'll keep you posted!'s picture

correction: I ALWAYS try to make my daughter feel loved but maybe her love language is different than mine Smile

misSTEP's picture

I really want to read this. But I am a cheapskate. So I keep waiting...and hoping I find it at a thrift store or rummage sale. So far, no luck.

Actually, I DID find it BUT it was the 5 Love Languages for Single people. Since I am married, I did NOT get this one.'s picture

I actually ordered this on my kindle for less than $6!

Try a half price books?! Not sure where you are from if they have that store?

Kes's picture

After I saw it recommended on here, I bought a copy off Amazon (in the UK) It is actually a tiny little book, not the size of a normal book. I would imagine I will read it in an hour or two. Flicking through it, I gather that the five love languages are:
Words of affirmation
Quality time
Receiving gifts
Acts of service
Physical touch.

What does your spouse do or fail to do that hurts you most? The opposite is probably your love language. Similarly you can deduce their love language by what irks them the most in your behaviour. Fairly simple concept - maybe you don't need the whole book! Wink's picture

So far, I'm considering this a manual, a reference to go to when things get tough and a better way to understand my loved ones. I love this book so far!

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Great book. They have an online quiz you can take. I had SS take it. His love language was Receiving Gifts.'s picture

LMAO!!! Not surprising with skids- I'm sure thats what Sd15's would be too..........

RedWingsFan's picture

So is SD14...the more the better! Hell, buy her whatever she wants and she'll "love" you until you tell her no!

StickAFork's picture

It's a great book!!
Reading it and applying its concepts in my life toward my loved ones has been awesome. DH, kids, even the "less lovable" people in my life.

DH and I both read it while we were dating, and we continue (six years later) to incorporate it in our marriage.