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BM's search for love

Redsonya's picture

lol - okay sorry, I just had to share. BM got dumped by her BF and is apparently falling apart, which is why she has been acting doubly crazy over the past couple weeks. DH is friends with SD18 on Facebook and sometimes when a friend posts a comment on someone's board, you can see it from your news page.

BM was blubbering about how her dreams have been washed away and why can't she find her one true love to spend the rest of her life with, etc, etc. It was so ugly, but I am dying to clue her in. Hello - you are short and fat, with horrible burgandy red dyed hair, a man chin, some kind of nasty skin condition so you cake on foundation, PLUS mean, lazy, broke, uneducated, entitled and greedy. Not to mention she has the horrible nephew and SS13 living at home. The nephew literally smells because he refuses to shower and is literally the dumbest, most obnoxious person I have ever come across. SS13 has an absolute fit every time a new person comes into BM or DH's life - and will call them horrible names. Why on earth would any man want to take THAT on?!

oldone's picture

Yeah that dating profile is going to garner a whole lot of attention.

Not everybody gets a "true love" in life anyway. It helps to be happy on your own. You need to have a life before you try to share a life with someone.

Redsonya's picture

I love that! I feel like I have a complete life without a man - financially secure, close family, comfortable home, interesting career, good friends, amazing daughter, hobbies (riding my horse and backpacking). I also travel alot. BM has absolutely none of these - except a duaghter that she is happy with. Explains why she is on some manic search for a man and why she insists on reporting on Facebook everytime she wakes up with "a man in her bed". No joke. Because her kids are dying to see that.

Redsonya's picture

lol - I think she must try to come across better on dating sites, but it blows me away how fast men come in and out of there! And the biggest, grossest losers too! A 24 year old who lived in SS13's friends backyard in a RV, some pot smoking gangster wannabe with a wife and two little kids in another state (she was in looooove with that one until he dumped her and went home to his wife), another druggie loser who lived in his parent's cabin, and a big, fat smelly troll who lived in the most nasty junk strewn house in the desert. And these guys dumped HER.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Glad to see others can get a good laugh out of BM's search for lasting love! My SO's ex is a piece of work. She is no catch, that's for sure - in her 50's, but thinks she's a diva.

She is dark complexioned but dyes her hair peroxide blonde. Her face has a striking resemblance to Liberace's! They could have been sister and brother. She is overweight (so am I, so I can't throw stones) but in her case - tries to squeeze herself into clothing from places like Forever 21 (because that's what she thinks she is).

Although she has a degree from a prestigious university, she's never put it to use. Her parents spoiled her rotten and nothing was expected of her. The longest stint she ever had in a workplace was a part-time job in a real estate office more than 25 years ago - since then she has preferred to spend her life on her plump butt most of the time.

As for her love-life, she developed a penchant for migrant lawncare workers. She dumped my SO (a decent, hardworking and educated man) for the guy who was mowing the lawn at their country club. And he wasn't even good looking! Yep, I can imagine what all the "ladies who lunch" had to say about that! As soon as she ran my SO out of the house and filed for divorce, she moved the lawn boy in. I am sure the kids were thrilled with that. Especially since this guy was from a very strict religious background, which is not particularly compatible with the religion they all belonged to.

This relationship didn't turn out to be her true never-ending love, surprise surprise. So she moved on ... to the next (you got it!) LAWN BOY! This current one is more than 20 years younger than her, speaks no English and his status in this country is doubtful at best.

But she thinks he's so fab, she told SD that she was "thinking of having a baby with him" and what did SD think about that? SD essentially told her the stark reality is that she should be planning more for upcoming hot flashes than boiling baby bottles. I met the guy one time and he was about four inches shorter than her, about 50 pounds lighter and couldn't speak a word of English. He also looked like he was barely shaving.

So yes, if tales are to be told about BM's who search for love, this is one who can go down in the history books. Aye carumba!

Redsonya's picture

wow!! That was a good one! Although I think I can one up you. Our BM tried to date the neighbor - someone that her and DH had been kind of friendly with for years, but they always used to laugh about how creepy he was. He was in a divorce too so all of a sudden she was in looooove. He used her once in a while when he was up at his cabin next door to her house and nothing else. Oh except, he was in Indonesia for a business trip (one of the few bfs she had with a job) and was emailing her telling her about the young girls he was meeting there.....and then sending her full frontal naked photos that she swooned over. We know this because he sent these photos to an email account she used to have with DH when they were married and DH needed his tax returns (from an email).

HarleyQuinn's picture

Biggrin hilarious!!!!!!!! oh no then I wanna :sick: imagining them! I cant even do exchanges coz BM makes me feel so sick, I dont DH to touch me until shes a faded memory!