ahhh! when will BM pay child support?!
(Hello all! I'm new here!!! Looking forward to getting to know you all!)
I turned the TV on randomly today. Judge Judy was on (hahaha! oh yeah!). It happened to be a mother vs a father re: child support and unpaid medical bills. SD11 walked into the room and wanted to watch with me. She sat down for all of 5 minutes. I could hardly contain myself. BM doesn't pay a cent in CS (long story). Eventually we'll take her back to court for it. But for now, not a cent. SD was watching like "oh that's not good that the father doesn't support his kids! wow braces are expensive." ahhh I sat there looking at her, like wow she has no idea that her mother doesn't pay a cent does she????
I would have loves to let that little rant out, but managed to keep quiet.
When will BM pay CS you ask?
When will BM pay CS you ask? Nasty didn't pay a cent until the courts determined that she had to...despite hers (& yes, SO's) protests...the CSA is a great place to start
DH is supposed to have 50/50
DH is supposed to have 50/50 custody with BM but we end up having SD almost all the time because BM doesn’t pick her up when she’s supposed to. When she does take her, she drops her off with her mom or some other relative so she doesn’t have to take care of her. She should be paying CS but she doesn’t hold a job for more than a few weeks at a time so I don’t see that ever happening.
My best friend has 3 sons (6, 5 and 3) and their father hasn’t been around pretty much since the youngest was born and hasn’t paid a dime in CS. He had bench warrants, license suspended, all that and nothing actually made him pay. He even quit his job so they couldn’t attach his wages. If someone doesn’t want to pay, I’m afraid there is no way to really force them! Losers!
My two older sisters had a
My two older sisters had a different father, he left when they were babies and moved to another state. When the youngest reached 18, she filed a lawsuit against him for Never... not once ever paying child support,... Their dad then sent a check for all back payment,... It was only $ 18,000!! For two kids! For 18 years!
But my mother never fought it from him, she just never expected it and let it go...
It took his own daughter suing him for him to pay the measly amount,...
So I fires what I'm saying is just don't expect it to come, don't budget thinking it will be there,...
I think they have known the
I think they have known the schedule for the payment. And they may not miss it, so the children will be satisfied.
selling settlement
Our BM hasnt had a job in 2
Our BM hasnt had a job in 2 years. We have her first four kids yes you read that right four kids and guess what nada zip zero nothing from her. She had a job the first 2 years but we received nothing and she didnt see the kids. Then she decided she wants to see them well we are going to need child support. The court said she needed to pay 700 dollars a month because its four kids thats a ton of money. She quit her job who does that??? Just to get our of child support. She gets another job and find some douche who will have sex with her because she got knocked up....how does that make sense?? You cant afford the four you have so your solution was to get knocked up again? So the next court date she is put on disability for her pregnancy. How are you diabled? So she has the kid and never goes back to work. Our last court appearance she is ordered to pay $300 bucks for 4 kids!!! thats astonishing I pay more for them than that in a month. Anyways we got our first check last week for $70.63..............what in the hell can we do with that?