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Out of state visitation

Claire2012's picture

If God forbid parents who were ordered mediation concerning
Custody decide for mom to take two girls move out of state 11 and 13 year old
And father keep son age 9 with him
How would visits work with that and siblings still see one another
I think it's bad bad thing to do but that is what he
Is going to go for and she has once before entertained the idea.

Claire2012's picture

I had reply to you and put as comment on accident.
Along with what I put in response how would it even be
Possible to work out a visition seeing each parent plus siblings

Claire2012's picture

If its reached in mediation does it still have to
Have a judges order though?
I agree I can't believe anyone would think it is okay
What I am told .. Well girls want to be with mom and
My son wants to be with me

StickAFork's picture

Chances are likely a judge will want a custody evaluation or a GAL. This is the screwiest schedule I've heard of.

Claire2012's picture

I agree it is totally wrong but this is What my
Bf tells me he is going to try to work out in mediation with his kids mom.

Orange County Ca's picture

Does everyone understand that if nobody complains to the court nobody, including the court, could care less what the parents decide among the two of them?

Seems to me if the girls are with who they want to be and the boy is with who he wants to be then all is well within the family. There is no abuse so there is no reason for the authorities to step in such as Child Protective Services even if they were informed.

If neither parent complains to the court then the court doesn't care and won't even know.

Like has been said "Just do it".

As for visitation the kids will get a lot of air time I guess. As in an aircraft or someone will do a lot of driving. Maybe they can meet at the Mississippi river bridge and exchange kids for the summer or something when the eastern parent and western parent meet.

SMof2Girls's picture

When my husband was a teenager, his parents divorced. DH and his brother stayed with their father, the sister moved with their mom 2 states away.

They settled all of this out of a court and reached agreement on it. No judge ever had a say in the matter. His dad made more money, but had two of the kids; so they agreed no child support would be needed.

Granted, a much simpler time.

If they agree to this outside of the court, they will have to work out visitation. It will likely be very limited and hard to maintain regular contact between all the siblings.

In my DH's situation, his dad worked for an airline, so him and his brother were able to fly for free once a month to go visit their mom for a few days. Different times though ...