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Dealing with non-stop drama!!

mom8's picture

Ok well first off I'm new to this site and read some posts that made me want to join this site cuz I have some major issues with my SK's that I need help on!!

I've been married for 8yrs now and my Husband has 5 girls before I came along. They are now 24,22,21,16,14.. From the beginning there have been problems between his kids and I.. mostly his oldest in the beginning she didn't like change and someone taking all her Daddy's time.. so that relationship with her was a bust from the start there was no trying on her end and I gave up on trying as well.. it also broke his relationship with her too.. as for the other 4 we've had our ups&downs but got through them.. now I get along great with the 22&21 y/o but have no relationship with the 16&14 y/o.. the 2 youngest ones are always on there Dad about Me and talk so much sh*t about me n are always putting me down n calling their Dad down cuz he's still with me.. ok I have 2 kids of my own and another on the way that are all my husband's kids.. I have made mistakes in the past n learned from them and my babies suffered a bit cuz of my mistakes and my husband almost left bcuz of it.. bt I learned my lesson n now we're getting back to happy again.. so this is the hurt his kids bring up everytime they're mad at their Dad cuz I messed around n had babies(which are his btw) and he's still with me n not at their beck n call all the time.. this bothers me so much I sometimes just want to give up n leave this marriage cuz its so stressful n I hate to say it bt these 2girls I wish would leave us alone for good!! Then I feel bad for feeling that way.. my husband and I are always fighting bcuz of this and it has put such a strain on our relationship that we have almost ended a few times this past summer! I love My Husband very much he's my soulmate and my best friend n I don't know what I'd do without him so I honestly don't want us to end bt I do want peace!! See the tother thing that bothers me is I know deep down his kids n I will nvr have the ideal relationship of stepmom/daughter bcuz of their BM she has to put her 2sense in everywhere n is another reason why we don't have a relationship now cuz she's filled these kids heads with so much hate for me its ridiculous!! She always has something mean or bad to say about me and their Dad.. ex: when she found out a few yrs ago the kids were starting to call me Mom now n then she lost it on them all n made them nvr call me that again.. so to this day they don't!! I really need someadvive on what to think.. or do.. or say.. or something.. I'm at the edge ready to jump if I don't figure something out soon.. I'm so tired of being stressed out and tired of all the drama his kids bring into our lives n my babies lives as well..
Someone HELP!!!!

Thanks for listening to my vent for today!!! Smile

mom8's picture

Also forgot to mention the 16y/o has a 5mos old baby, the 21 y/o is having a baby soon too.. I'm not gramma to the first baby bcuz I don't talk to the 16y/o bt this one coming I'm apparently going to be gramma to.. but I know once their BM finds out that I'll be gramma as welI know she'll freak n prolly make the 21y/o not let her son call me gramma.. which is ok by me cuz I honestly don't know how much longer I'll be apart of that any advice would be much appreciated!!!

OptimisticMe's picture

^^^^This LOL!! I cannot imagine that many, nor all girls. God help you! But really, I am sorry for all you are going through, that must be a nightmare.

Starla's picture

Oh my goodness, you need a lifetime vacation!!!

I know that teenage step daughters are really tough & they don't even have to be step kids to be difficult. So how about a vacation until the youngest hits age 30?

That's great your husband is your soul mate or you would already be doomed! How has he been supportive of you? I'm curious as to his relation with his kids.

As for the BM, let her talk go in one ear & right out the other. Let her dig her own grave there. Now you can have your DH have your back when the girls are out of line in what they are saying what not but I advise you to not bash their mother to them. Vent that here & don't hold back Smile

I would like to hear some more about your relations as in who handles these issues & how before suggesting further. Keep your chin up!

mom8's picture

Ok as for my Husband well he doesn't really defend me much.. he don't know how to argue his point to his kids.. he can argue with me no problem tho.. bt when this kind of drama comes up and they're attacking him he usually tries to talk more about the past and how things were when he left their mother and stuff like that.. if I'm the target and they're talking straight to me well I defend myself and speak my mind.. I don't know how much more I can take bcuz it seems we don't see his kids much until it comes to Oct or Nov cuz they butter up their Dad for Christmas stuff.. so the rest of the year we have such a smooth and almost relaxing time bt they do have to start drama with us here and there throughout the year.. and YES most days I think what did I get myself into those 9yrs ago why?!?! Why did I do this?!? Also I totally believe this is why I'm so depressed and YES on meds!! It all adds up over time especially when you keep everything in all the time and let it build n build!! Bt bcuz of MY 2 1/2 babies I nvr went through with taking myself out when I got so down!! Cray 2