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So Tired of BM

Redsonya's picture

I definately had my doubts, but DH has done everything possible to make things up to me and I am feeling happier than I have for a long time:) He is working like a crazy person and starting up a side business after hours, totally demanding that the skids be respectful of both of us, completely cut off all contact with BM (phone, cell phone, and email). He is only required to notify her by phone within 24 hours of picking up SS13. SS18 is now away at college - far, far away:)

One of my conditions to get back together was that he see BM's nephew in his town and that he not come to our home anymore. DH has no legal or biological right to him, I don't want that kid around my DD4, and he just plain annoys me. DH is totally in agreement at this point after how crazy BM has acted. I guess she mentioned to him several months back that she knows I don't want the nephew over. DH tried to explain that BM has continuously threatened restraining orders on me, lied to the IRS, the court, and anyone else that suits her to get back and him and me and so we don't trust her enough to have a kid that she is sole legal guardian of at the house. What if something happened to the nephew - should would absolutely sue us for everything we have. BM immediately jumps to "what do you think RedSonya would do to him? Should I be concerned? blah, blah, blah". What we meant, was what if the nephew falls down our stairs and breaks a leg or a car hits me on the way home from picking him up. BM would stick it to me for all she could get FOR SURE! But for her to jump immediately to assuming that I would DO something abusive to the kid was enough for DH. Game over. The nephew is not coming over again. The funniest part of this is, is that when she decided to ask for supervised visitation last year (in retaliation for DH requesting every other Xmas and Thanksgiving with the skids), she wanted ME to be the supervisor, lol.

So now, after months of BM sending texts and emails about how she will never allow the nephew and SS13 to be around me, how if DH doesn't divorce me it will just make it impossible for him to see his kids, and saying she won't force SS13 to come over if he doesn't want to (and then convincing him he doesnt want to), she cornered us outside the courtroom on Tuesday (since she has no other way to contact us) and completely went off about how DH doesn't want to see his kids, how horrible that is,and how he should FORCE SS13 to come over and then make it up to him. Ummmm, no, I don't know how many times I can say this to her, but this is MY house and DH lives with me. I WILL not have a kid over who doesn't want to be here and has carte blange from his mother to call me horrible names and throw huge tantrums. I have a 4 year old here that will see that. If he wants to come over, apologizes for the name calling, and acts normal, he can come over. Otherwise, DH will continue doing what he has been doing - seeing SS13 and the nephew in the afternoon after school in their town. Afterall, this is about maintaining a relationship with the kids, not BMs time off to skank it up right? And that is EXACTLY what this is about. Last time DH talked to her (before the cell phone block), she was literally screaming that he needs to get SS13 for visitatation, while SS13 texts DH demands that he divorce me or he will only ever see him in court mediation again. Then BM dumped the kids at DH's brothers house for the weekend to go on a "date". Guess BM better stop PASing or she'll never get a night out alone:)

Orange County Ca's picture

Sounds like all is well with you and I'm glad. I certainly agree that the point of him seeing his child is for him to be with the kid and one afternoon a week is good. Mention to him that camping is a good way to get closely involved with his child. Everyother weekend during the summer from Friday after school to Sunday late afternoon gives them two whole days to camp somewhere relatively nearby. It's inexpensive and forces them to interact over camp chores, hiking, nature trails etc. I found it excellent.