Lowered myself to BM's level, and liked it...(rant, long)
OMG. Ok, fourth weekend in a row with baby mamma drama. I am up to my ears sick of Lazy McCrazy BM and her entitled bullsh*t attitude.
So, DH, my loving, bumbling, thick between the ears DH, agrees to let BM take SS6 this weekend since she didn't come get him on her weekend. He didn't tell me until after all the plans were made, which ticked me off, but, this really is between him and BM, so although I told him I didn't think it was a good idea to put SS6 even more off schedule than he already was, I didn't say anything else and just prepared to deal with SS6's outragious behavior when he got back Sunday. (He was already misbehaving and acting like a baby after not being picked up be BM on her weekend. He does NOT handle changes in his schedule well at all)
Sunday rolls around and all Hades breaks loose. Apparently, without discussing it with me, DH had told BM that I should be home by 4pm, but not before then, for her to drop SS6 off after that. (BS8 had a soccer tournament, so I was out of the house all weekend, and DH was at work) Well, BS8's soccer tournament didn't go so well, the team didn't make it to finals, so I got home early on Sunday and sat around waiting to for BM to call or text and tell me she was on her way with SS6. 4:00pm got there and I hadn't heard from her, nor had she arrived at the house. Well, I had grocery shopping I needed to do (no toilet paper in the house, so it was pretty urgent) and I had been waiting all day for BM and SS6, I figured she had decided to wait until DH was home to drop SS6 off because she didn't want to deal with me, which is how I prefer it, so I texted DH to see what was going on and left for the store. I didn't hear back from DH right away, but in his job that isn't unusual because he often can't have his phone with him.
I had just finished my shopping when he called me kind of frantic wanting to know where I was. I told him and he said that BM had been at the house for an hour and was threatening to leave SS6 at the police station and go back to her house. She had not once sent me a text or anything to let me know she was on her way or that she had gotten to the house. DH's custody order states that she is to drop SS6 by 6pm, but if neither he nor I know she is going to be there before 6, how ae we supposed to know to be home? I don't mind being at the house for her to drop SS6 off if DH is working, but I have to know that I need to be home. She told DH it isn't her responsibility to tell me she is on her way or that she is at the house, it is my responsibility to be there waiting in her. (Um, can we so I don't think so, it is actually DH's responsibility to be there, I just do it as a courtesy to my husband)
DH and I got to the house at about the same time (about 5:20, 40 minutes before the required 6pm) and she immediately starts in on him in my drive way about how he needs to do soemthing about SS6's behavior because he won't listen to her when she has him, and he acts like a baby just grunting and pointing at things instead of telling her what he wants. Here she stood, hollering at my husband in my yard and I lost it. Just snapped. Cussed her like I was on Jerry Springer. I went on to tell her that when she had SS6 she is responsibile for his behavior and that if she behaved like a flipping mother and provided stability and actually parented her child she might not have these issues. She just got in her car and left.
It was wrong. It is none of my business, I shouldn't have gotten involved. I try to stay out of all of it, I keep contact with BM to the barest of minimums. But this time I just couldn't stand it. I swear, that entitled, selfish cow just frayed the last good nerve I had. I can't believe I behaved like that, let alone that I felt better after. I don't always like my SS6, but, he is a child. He deserves a mother who wil be a mother. He doesn't deserve to be treated like he is optional, or disposable. It infuriates me to see any kid go through this.
Good for you, girl! These
Good for you, girl!
These women think they are entitled to everything just because they popped out a child and now they expected everybody to bow in front of them.
Next time, if she doesn't have the decency to let you know when she drops the kid off stick with your schedule. Don't wait.
You just put things in place
You just put things in place to shut the bitch up, I bet she won't carry on like that again when you are around. She just thinks she is the holy one because she pushed a child out of her h.... and she forever thinks she can hang shit on her ex- good for you, should be more of it. I give you 100% for effort.
Thanks y'all. I swear, I
Thanks y'all. I swear, I just could not, would not listen to her crap one more second. The audacity of her to come to my house and act a fool. I am so sick of her idiotic BS. She does think she is the holy one, that DH should just fall at her feet because she provided him with a child. Never mind the fact that she was too crazy and neglectful to maintain custody of that child. I am hoping that she will at least act grown when she comes to the house now, though more than likely we will have to have a few more scenes before this gets straightened out.
I am tempted to buy her a one
I am tempted to buy her a one way ticket to somewhere that worships cows. Then the heifer could be the holy one...