My sd8 got on of these bookbags from BM's mom...100bucks! OMG!! My DH bought her a little knock off purse (yard sale 2 bucks...can not tell the difference) and she snubbed her nose up at it!! What is this world coming to???
Spoiled, disrespectful, mouthy, argumentative, down right selfish kids!!!
I fell in love with my DH...NOT the children!
If Granny wants to spend the
If Granny wants to spend the money, no problem there. BUT when she turns her nose up at less expensive gifts from Dad, then she's being an elitist brat and no one likes a brat. Someone has taught her to be a snob which is no good for anyone but certainly not for a child.
They are going to set her up to be a Princess and when she's older, she won't be fit for any one to deal with. They'll be in the poor house when nothing is ever enough for her...
My sd13 got a Vera Bradley
My sd13 got a Vera Bradley bag too, 110 bucks!! She doesn't even know who it is, it's currently on the floor of the closet, and the dog was chewing on it earlier. She used it for a day. I then confiscated a purse she has ad since Christmas and never used, and of course she had to have it then (from target). Unbelievable!! And ungrateful, kid didn't even thank gma for the bag.
Honestly, a garage sale gift
Honestly, a garage sale gift is kinda... well, maybe I'm snobby, but unless you're flat broke, I wouldn't do that.
$100 bookbag is nothing special, IMO. Hell, my kids' school backpacks are between $50-85, and they're just backpacks.
Of course, my DD12 just got a Coach purse for her 12th birthday last week. (I didn't give it to her.)
Take a chill pill. Garage
Take a chill pill.
Garage sale stuff is pretty crappy, especially if the kid already had one. Time after time ON HERE posters whine about how they won't buy second half stuff for their kids because IT'S JUST NOT FAIR. No one accuses them of being elitist.
And, yeah, I'm aware the economy sucks. That's why my XH is $75K behind in support. I've been affected.
::rolls eyes:: Please. I said
::rolls eyes::
Please. I said "IMO" $100 on a backpack is no biggie, because just a freakin' Jansport or Vans cost nearly that. NOT because I'm an elitist. The OP was making a big deal out of someone else (NOT HER) spending $100 on it. It's not like grandma had to search high and low for a super expensive backpack. The OP's post was all about being judgmental of grandma's choice and purchase. I guess you support HER being judgmental.
Clearly, the OP and her DH don't need to supply this stuff. BM is handling it. End of story.
PS: Vera Bradley bags are expensive, IMO. Guess that makes me a snob, too.
You're an attorney,
You're an attorney, too???
Oh, the irony.
No, the irony is that we have
No, the irony is that we have something in common. Except I'm not licensed in two states, just one big one.
I just found it slightly amusing, is all.
OOPS, I meant to say they're
OOPS, I meant to say they're UGLY, not expensive.
Reminds me of Betsey Johnson stuff. People with money have funny taste.
I think this is just more
I think this is just more proof that kids these days are being bought instead of parented. Maybe that's what the OP was driving at?? Geez, the kid is all of 8 for pete's sake, lol. :O
I wouldn't even know where to
I wouldn't even know where to buy Vera Bradley, so I must be the epitome of low brow. Lol.
I'm surprised how much kids' backpacks cost this year, though. My boys (13, almost 14, and the other just turned 13, both 8th grade) specifically asked for backpacks from Target. Well, the bags were $65 each. I wonder if they know they could have had Burton or Dakine bags for that price.
Do you know for sure that the grandma bought the bag new? I'm only mentioning it because my aunt and grandmother often make disparaging remarks about the fact that my purse-toting daughters (10,9, and 5) have designer backpacks and name brand gym bags. The thing is, I shop mostly consignment stores. My 9 year old carries a really nice Guess bag with a matching wallet and sun glass case. The bag retails for $119. I paid $11. I couldn't have bought her a kiddie purse at Wal Mart for that. She always has Gap and Gymboree, Lands End... Clothes that hold up. Danskos and Keens. I buy everything consignment or off EBay or Amazon. You'd be shocked what you can find if you have the time and learn the tricks.
I think what the poster was
I think what the poster was getting at was that Grandma bought an expensive VB backpack for the SD... and then the SD turned her nose up at the purse her BD bought her.
Just an FYI - I have VB stuff... NOT the floral print crap, because I'm just not a floral person. But the solid microfiber is kinda cool (black, blue, brown, neon colors), and I have to admit my briefcase and backpack have held up for years and years.
When my DD14 went to a school carnival once when she was about 8 or so... she played a game and won a prize, it was a little VB purse! And a real one! But we live in the midwest and that's where VB is located. Every year they have a huge sale where everything goes really cheap. People from all over the US come for a week to shop the sale so there's lots of stuff out there that people are selling for less than retail.
yes, it may have been a little bit about how much the backpack costs. But the bigger issue is then what her dad bought her didn't "measure up" and the SD was more than willing to let him know that.
All the girls aged 5-18 carry
All the girls aged 5-18 carry Vera Bradley here lunch boxes, and backpacks and everything else. Some get them with Groupons, some get them at the outlets, and some pay full price. Who knows how they got them and who really cares? Trends often make little sense...
Be happy you didn't have to pay $100 for a quilt back pack.
Would I spend that kind of
Would I spend that kind of money on a child's bag, no. But I couldn't care less what others do. People spend more on a gift than they do for just everyday spending. I see nothing wrong with Grandma spending her money on a gift for her granddaughter how ever she likes. I spend more for good name brand clothing as gifts for my nieces than I do for everyday clothes for my kids.... That's just because its ment to be a nice gift.
The issue I have is her ungreatful reaction to the gift from her father. By 8 years old she should have been taught better manners and to graciously accept gifts whether she likes them or not. Being rude and acting like a spoiled brat is unacceptable. But I don't really understand why dad went and got her another bag when she already had one that she liked?
I had to go look up what one of these bags even was.....shows how out of touch I am, lol.
I agree with what you say,
I agree with what you say, but I am curious how an 8 year old "snubs her nose" at a purse. Was her reaction not what you were hoping for? How would she know it was from a yard sale? Most 8 year olds do not know a thing about what is name brand and what is yard sale.
I am not the OP, so I am not
I am not the OP, so I am not sure how the 8 yr old snubbed her nose at it, or how she knew it was from a yard sale. I was just going off what the OP wrote.
I would imagine that the kid knew because someone told her. I never cared about name brands and bag as a kid (or now for that matter) but if it is the 'it' item in school, then all the kids know about it.
I haven't read all these
I haven't read all these comments yet, but I can relate. SD12 has a smartphone, ipad (which is already broken), gets her hair dyed every month. There's more but I can't remember everything she has at the moment. I can't even afford all of this for myself and I have a good job. Not that I would want everything in the world. It's ridiculous.
Wow...I didn't expect so much
Wow...I didn't expect so much feedback, but as I read all the posts, there all types of reactions!
The point I was making is sd8 would of been happy with a Justin Beiber backpack...she does, or did not, know what Vera Bradley that she does, and my DH gave her a Vera Bradley small purse "knock off", she actually asked DH, "is it real???" (BTW stickafork we bought her new things too).
Kids at this age do not need to know what the designer tag is all about unless you REALLY have to the money....Grandma wants to indulge, by all means, but she is not going to be around forever to pamper her...
As for yard sale or second hand items, its people like you who buy these unnecessary items and they are only used a few times and discarded at the bottom of a closet never to be used the poor folk who works hard to pay the mortgage, cars and bills and put food on the table, such as ourselves, can buy them for 2 bucks!!