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Here We Go AGAIN BM... "Meet The Teacher" ?!

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture


THIS is never going to stop, is it? I am not against anything with SS8 BUT DAMN BM, Meet The Teacher ? BM emailed MY husband asking HIM to go with HER, to the school that OUR son will be going to, to sit in school with her, in the public "eye", of course. Jeez, do you think this kind of crap messes with the kid's head much? SS8 ALREADY has a new stepdad, fulltime, and BM has full custody and C/S. That's NOT enough though?

Am I wrong here or maybe shouldn't she be bringing the kid's STEPDAD who is with him, every single day instead of my husband who he ONLY maybe visits, TWO DAYS A MONTH?

WHY BM, WHY can't you f-ing stop?

How should I handle this latest "trick"?


Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

... See? EVERYTHING is fine until this fucked up twat cow bitch starts her f-ing crap. damn i am pissed.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

What about this poor sucker of a stepdad too? That makes him look like a true fool. OMG have some freaking respect.

PeanutandSons's picture

If SS only visit 2 days a month, then I'm not sure why you were so upset about getting a day without SS?

Why don't you and Dh go to meet the teacher, and bm can go with her husband? He is the boys father, so it should be him that goes and not sf. Not go WITH bm, but he should go.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Umm, thx for the comment but we work. The only one NOT working is BM. BM did not invite me nor her husband anyway.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

IMHO, that is a shitty thing to do to his stepdad too. The man is with both of them, every single day. I should now, my eldest son was adopted by his "late" stepdad. I would have never left the man out and treated him like that?

PeanutandSons's picture

Sorry, assumed that Meet the Teacher was in the evening, it is around here.

But why does bm need to invite you? Dh has just as much right to be there and bring whomever he wants. Bm doesn't own the school, she's not in charge. If you want to show up as a family to support SS, then go for it. You don't need bms blessing. You are giving her more power than she really has.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Like I said before, what about the stepdad? :? We both have to work during the day, BM does not, nor ever will.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Yes, BM is remarried and SS8's stepdad is with SS8, everyday. It is just more of her tricks. I'm not stupid. The woman is either stupid or a total bitch when it comes to manners and decency.

YES, it SHOULD be the stepdad that goes with him if he is the one who will be with SS8 every night. If I were him, I would feel slighted and disrespected. I feel an email update on his schooling would have been just fine. I've been on all sides of the fence here.

The thing is, DH does NOT like to be seen with BM in public. He'll use our working as an appropiate excuse like last year.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

He has not read the email yet. BM always copies me on emails lately. I just emailed her back and told her that work was unavoidable on this end tommorow (last minute again) and asked her if her husband was going with them. Yes, I did ask that. Wink

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Hell, why don't I just "invite" BM and her new man to SS8's brother's doctor appointment as well and we can ALL move in together and make a huge Harem together? :jawdrop:

Imthefool's picture

you and biodad should go as a COUPLE ON YOUR OWN to meet the new teacher, if Biomom wants to go she should take her sig-other ON THEIR OWN TIME.

prozac_nation's picture


If you can't miss work then HE should go on HIS own time. Your DH really should go, just not accompanied by BM.

supermom123's picture

a. DH should go, it's his son. If he really can't get off work, then that's understandable.
b. DH should never wait for an invitation to anything from school, he should have his own relationship with his son's school. He needs to be on the teacher's email list or whatever method the school uses to communicate. He should ask to be copied on everything the school sends to the BM if he's interested in his son's schooling.
c. DH should never ever sit with the BM since they don't get along. Especially in a sticky situation like both boys being at the same school.
d. I wouldn't worry one second about Stepdad being disrespected, that's his own issue with his wife. Let HIM figure that one out!
e. Our Meet the Teachers are always at night, too, like another person said. If they are during work hours, then DH should do his best. Lots of people do take off work to attend school functions if at all possible.
f. I would be careful about saying over & over that the BM doesn't work & never will. I think stay-at-home Moms need respect, just like working moms. I'm not saying SHE deserves any respect, believe me ... but I don't like it when people generalize about a Mom "not working and never will" -- touchy subject with me.
g. I know you're angry. I've been there. BM in my situation used to actually pay for after-school-care even though she didn't work outside the home during a few years there! I used to get mad about that. Now I really try hard to find the crazy humor in it. I mean, who does that? My DH used to say, "Well, my girls are probably better off at after-school care rather than being with their mother every afternoon, so I'm actually glad she's doing that!" He was right!

True, you're right that she probably IS up to no good by inviting DH to sit by her. But it's up to him to control that situation -- not you, not her. He can say "no" all by himself, and if he's able, he can still go sit somewhere by himself & introduce himself to the teacher separately & he can make it clear to the teacher that he's not married to his son's BM.

luchay's picture

Agree with all of this.

DH should be there. He should have his own relationship with the school/teacher.

No need for ANY step parents to be there.

BM and DH shouldn't sit together but both should be there.

Cut it out with knocking stay at home mums. I work from home, I also do EVERYTHING inside my home - all the parenting of my bio kids, all the cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, everything. I also run 2 businesses from home. BUT I do beleive that ALL mums should be respecting the choices of others, whether to go back to working outside the home, to work from home or to be a SAHM, we need to stop knocking each other on THAT basis (knock BM on any other level you want Wink just not the SAHM thing)

guiltystepmom's picture

she shouldnt email u for these things...ive been through this and BM included me in some of the stuff for Sd but only to find out she was taking advantage of me and stirring shit between me and my husband.

Then i call her to invite SD to her dads surprise 40th bday party which was suppose to take place on the weekend we had her but it had to be changed cause he was getting operated for a tumor in his colon...and BM told me that she wasnt sending her daughter and that i was not her mother so i was not to decide for her...WTF???????