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should i be upset about this?

dalhia's picture

today is father's day. this morning i reminded SD13 taht it was fathers day, and she said "I KNOOOOW"...typical.
she was a poop face the rest of the day. my DH and I went ot the gym and whe nwe got back there were posters all over the house saying "i love you daddy" "you are the best" etc..which is very nice...
here is hte part that makes me mad,the posters were half assed done, kind of "grab a sharpy and write stuff fast on big pieces of paper and mail labels", which she sticks to the walls with heavy tape in a randon, whatever way, and put mail labels t the walls, the doors , the counter, etc saying "i love you" all rushed and ...if you ask me, it looked more like she wanted to piss us off than to tell her daddy she loved him.
i found posters on my bed and his closet.
markers on the counter, roll of tape on my bed.
you get the wasnt really a love time and effort at all put in it...and she was in my room which she is not allowed to be becasue she has taken things from there in hte past.
all i said was "tell her that she went a little overboard". of course nothing was said. and im fuming. should i say something!!?!!?
please give me advice

sammmx's picture

He probably just sees it as his daughter loving on him and any effort is better than none. Pick your battles. I'd probably just let it go. Not worth it.

knucklehead's picture

I wouldn't say something.
It's nice that SD did something to make her dad feel special. That seems to be a rarity these days. Sad

cant win for losin's picture

let it go.

Totallyfedup84's picture

Say something! If not that her efforts were totally lame! More less that she shouldn't be in your room period!! And that she can go around and clean up he mess she made leaving things all over the place! Wow I would never have let her get away with that one! She needs to know there are boundaries and for over stepping them and going in your room she did something knowingly that she was allowed to do whih in my eyes means a punishment is soon to follow...

dalhia's picture

thank you, i didnt fight, i didnt open my mouth and i agree on the picking your battles thing. and i will not mention it.
BUT, there is something off here, it is not me. this was not an act of love. you can tell. it was done with anger, hard to explain...
it was invasive and disrespectful, we even found notes INSIDE our bed, INSIDE our covers..doesnt that seems a bit intrusive and out of line to any of you?
i think DH realized it too, he didnt say anthing either but i could tell in his face ...because that is how things work around here...LOTS of silences around what SD does.
i find it so unnatural that we all walk on egg shells on situations like this, where what was called for was a "what do you think you are doing girl?", thanks for telling me you love me, but you are not to put posters all over the house and you are not to set foot in our room and please do not put anything in our bed ever again.
but not, we all have to "let it go" pisses me off that she tests how much she can get away with and the answer is always "a lot honey"

Totallyfedup84's picture

Oops! That should have said she did something knowingly that she WASINT suppost to do! With some sort of punishment to follow, if u or them get away with that kinda stuff they will keep doing it and they won't respect your boundaries period.

Totallyfedup84's picture

O and of course dear, she did those things to purposely piss u guys off mostly you though I'm sure.. Girls that age don't give a rats a$$ about much!

dalhia's picture

i agree with you totallyfedup84, she did it to me, not for dad. it is sad, and expected and no my problem UNTIL she gets in my room and puts things in my bed. i need a lock in my room, im tired of stuff missing, and all his shit!

Totallyfedup84's picture

I don't blame you girl! A lock sounds about right! Definatly look into it, and yes it is sad that she did that out of spite for you and not love for her dad.. But rest assured when she's older and grows up she will remember doing that n she will feel guilty and stupid about it, because it was a very childish stupid thing to do and in my opinion it isint right that your hubby jus lets it go and sweeps the problems under the rug, that isint in any way fair to you girl, I believe that he should have a word with her while u are there too, she needs to know that your hubby will stick up for you and that she isint the queen of the house, YOU ARE!! Smile

Orange County Ca's picture

She's lucky you reminded her as she was obviously caught empty brained and handed. There are worse things as you already know.

Smomof3's picture

At least she said SD14 and SS13 didn't even say happy father's day.

hippiegirl's picture

Well, of course nothing was said. That's his precious wittle baby. Puke! Sounds like my DH with his grown-ass son! Nothing ever gets said. Skid could burn the house down, and nothing would get said. Now, with our kids we had together, it's a whole different ballgame. "Poor wittle skid, his mommy and daddy got divorced. Don't hurt his wittle feelings." Sorry, but I hate that crap. Major peeve of mine.