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wedding planning

marielaz's picture

i dont know if this has been discussed on here yet since im new to the site... but im in the process of planning a wedding to a wonderful man who happens to have a 5 year old son. Ever since we started date his sons mom has tried to brake us up. She has done everything from telling me that he was cheating on me to telling my fiance that he cant see his son with me around... And now that we are planning a wedding she stopped trying to say that the other isnt faithful but now she has tried to turn his son against me but having him say that his dad cant buy him stuff since im around now(he pays his child support and alot extra every month.

my questions are how do i keep her from trying to ruin our wedding plans? and to just be able to handle her better

twopines's picture

>>>how do i keep her from trying to ruin our wedding plans?<<< Don't tell her your plans.

>>>and to just be able to handle her better<<< Ignore her.

marielaz's picture

see i would LOVE to elope but he comes from a strong catholic background and wants to get married in his family's church. So im doing that for him...
But with her having custody of the child we are trying to figure out a way to get him without her knowing what its for..(kinda hard since we live in a small town surrounded by her family) only good thing is she lives like 200 miles away

Ive been trying to kill her with kindness everytime we are around eachother even when she makes it difficult..

herewegoagain's picture

You don't tell her when you are getting married. You don't plan on his kid being there either. You plan your wedding, without her or your skid knowing. If you have him that weekend, great...if you don't, too bad. If he comes, great, if not, too bad. That's how.

sterlingsilver's picture

I am planning a wedding too! My ex and his ex have no idea when and where. My boys haven't said anything and if his boys have we haven't heard from her which leads me to KNOW his boys haven't said anything. We are having a closed and private wedding in a private location with just two witnesses sometime in the next few weeks. YAY!

Good luck with your plans and wedding. If I were you I'd just ignore her. She's not worth your time and energy - but if you are like me it could potentially ruin your day. Sit down and talk to your fiance about this honestly and ask him if he'd be willing to go somewhere private. Or just go with the big wedding in the church of his family, and if she shows up or tries to ruin it, let everyone draw their own conclusions about the B...h.

marielaz's picture

thank you all.. yeah it has its ways of messing with my day.. i try to ignore her i know she is only doing it because she is unhappy with her life.

herewegoagain's picture

PS - although we didn't invite ANYONE that knew crazy witch (BM), DH did tell his parents and brother the day before the wedding...that still gave them enough time to tell the crazies and possibly cause an issue. DH ONLY told them the town we were getting married in and the "attire"...he also told them that if they wanted to attend, he would give them directions and the information THE DAY OF the wedding.

Because we still worried, DH and I discussed at length that we HAD to be prepared. That we both agreed that if anyone showed up that was not supposed to, ie. his crappy sister or ex, etc...that we would call the police and have them escorted out. Believe it or not, knowing that we were BOTH on the same page when it came to that helped us both feel more calm, not more stressed.

LRP75's picture

I think this has been discussed once or twice on here before and the general consensus is that it doesn't get much better.

Welcome to hell.

marielaz's picture

thanks everyone looks like when he gets in from work we have to sit down and really discuss if worrying about her MIGHT ruining the day is worth the BIG party

fingers crossed