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Anyone else get along with BM but still hate skid?

newmommy05's picture

Does anyone else get along with BM but still don't like skids? In my case I really don't mind BM. Not that we are friends or Anything like that but we can discuss things even talk about stuff that doesn't pertain to skids. We basically say what needs to be said but don't overstep boundaries. She actually said she values my opinion and want to know what I think about
SS coming to spend the summer with us. Of course I couldn't tell her the truth. But anyway I thought getting along with BM would help me like skid more but I don't.

Orange County Ca's picture

Well. I'm married to the B.M so yeah I get along with her. I better or else I don't eat.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I get along fine with BM3 but can't stand her kid. I like my other two skies but hate their idiot BMs.

bi's picture

yes. i don't really know bm. i have only spoken to her a few times. she's never given me any problems. my issues with stephell have never had anything to do with her. it's always been sd19 causing the problems. i really don't know what i would do if i had that bitch to deal with and a crazy bm on top of it. i don't even want to think about it.