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Summer visitation starts next week....PUKE

paul_in_utah's picture

Under the new custody arrangement, SD17 will be staying with DW for the summer. Due to the mild winter, summer visitation is starting earlier than ever this year, so we will have the privelege of SD17's company for THREE FREAKING MONTHS. Now granted, I should be on the road for work most of that time, but it is still aggravating that summer vacation is so long due to a fluke warm winter. I guess it's time to start stocking the bedroom, since I'll be camped out there until I get called out for work....

witsend71's picture

We'll be here to listen when SS is rude, messy, comes in late, wrecks yr stuff, ignores you, acts entitled, wants money, breaks know, the usual.

Kes's picture

I used to be really envious of you, Paul, thinking that you had managed to get rid of SD17! But to be honest, I would rather have my SD17 and SD15 EOW than have to put up with them for 3 solid months! I would truly lose the will to live.
Lets hope you can be away for most of the time. We have managed to whittle down the one week at Easter, and 2 weeks in the summer, to 2 days at Easter and one week in summer. And for the one week, DH is taking them on holiday. I am not, of course, going. Hurray. }:)

paul_in_utah's picture

Overall, my situation is still much improved, but I have to admit, the summer kind of snuck up on me. It's a perfect storm of unusual circumstances: no snow days (so longer summer vacation) and unusually slow at work. Hopefully work will pick up soon. Regardless, next summer is the last summer we'll have to deal with this, as SD should finally graduate in spring of 2014 Smile

janeyc's picture

Sd will be staying for one week and Im dreading that, mind you, thats if Im still here, my relationship is very rocky at the moment, to be honest if Im still here I think I'll go away for the week, the thought of her being here for a whole week makes me feel ill. Its not Sd's fault its her parents, who think that even asking her to pick up her soiled tissues is an enfrindgement of her human rights.

Thiskidwilldrivemecrazy's picture

I have to deal we SS12 YEAR ROUND except when he's with BM EOW. Luckily, the judge awarded her 1 extra week in the summer so he will be with BM for 4 weeks this summer! So other than an occasional weekend here and there, he will only be with us for 2 weeks + 1 week on vacation since we are also sending him to a couple of summer camps. Although that's 3 weeks I'd rather not have to deal with him at all, it sure beats the whole thing! I am SO looking forward to summer!

Orange County Ca's picture

I'm surprised at 17 even wants to visit. They usually have local to bio-mothers home friends they want to summer with. Have you disengaged?

Well its the last year of visitation but still a lifetime to go.