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New here, husband is so jealous of my kids...

Volgirl65's picture

Seems that every time I try to spend time with my kids, he finds a way to need me for something....he calls to give me an errand to run if I am out or invites his kids over when mine are home or something. I really like his kids and spend more time with them than my own. I try to give my husband attention on his own so he doesn't feel neglected, but seems that we can spend all day together and as soon as one of my kids walks in a room, he is agitated. It is so bad, my son never comes around and one of my daughters moved out and I only see her now and then. Am I missing something here? This issue is driving a wedge between me and my own kids....and between his and my relationship.

paul_in_utah's picture

Although I think that the husband mentioned here is probably out of line, I do not agree with the comment that "kids come first." In my world (ideally at least), SPOUSES come first, then kids. If my DW had realized this, I don't think that her daughter would have turned out the way she did (pot-smoker, class cutter, dating gangbangers, lousy grades, etc.). By constantly putting her kid first, DW built up a huge entitlement attitude with SD17, who thought that she was better than everyone else, and didn't have to do anything unless she wanted to do it.

janeyc's picture

Its true, I was brought up to respect adults, I knew that I had to fit in to what my parents wanted, not what I wanted, now things are largely different, how many entitled, drop out, disrespectful kids are there out there, its mind boggling.

paul_in_utah's picture

Still disagree with you, at least in principle. The husband-wife relationship is intended to be a permanent situation. Kids are supposed to grow up and move out (eventually). I agree that balance is important, and the parent-child relationship is important, but at the end of the day, you have to choose your spouse as the single most important person in your life. Ideally, both husband and wife work together for the benefit of the child, but we all know that it doesn't work out that way all the time.

If my SD17 laid an ultimatum of "Me or Paul" on my wife, do you honestly think that she should choose SD? What if my SD17 was a good kid, and eventually moved out and started a family of her own? Should she still come first then?

Volgirl65's picture

I believe that kids should get a say so, but the final say is always with the parents or adults in the house. I can't say I have been perfect at this (who is?), but I am fairly consistent with making sure my kids know that he is here to stay, he and his family are to be welcomed in this house as his own, etc. He has a tendency of being disrespectful to me so in turn they don't really respect him. They were all older teens to adults when we got together and he came in to the house, starting changing the way things were done, making up new rules, etc. So it is has been very difficult on them and ME. I get put in the middle....or I guess I allow myself to be in the middle. I am working on that though. The problem yesterday was that he got mad since I didn't want to spend the very little amount of time I get with my own children and share that time with his whom I see every week. Am I wrong or off base?

paul_in_utah's picture

I think you are on base. It sounds like he is being unreasonable, and that you are promoting proper balance in your home. In other words, I don't think that you are shunning him in favor of your kids. My DW used to pick SD over me, and it pissed me off.

DailyGrace123's picture

You're right about spouses putting their relationship at the most important priority in their lives, but doing that includes having respect for the feelings of that spouse! By your response here , it is clear you had a problem with you're x's daughter. There was probably intense tension in that house which believe me your step daughter FELT! She probably felt the resentment in you! Which in turn will make a teen make mistakes and bad behavior! If a child feels secure and safe , they won't be a problem for the most part. We all make mistakes and learn from them, i'm sure you were no angel when you were her age!
If you were doing your part as a step parent she would not have the need to act out and rebel. YOU are the adult and should of stayed out of the relationship between your wife and her daughter. You should of just been there when she needed you, supporting her. You obviously did not do that because you had resentment against her child from another marriage.
Kids need structure and stability in their lives. You and your wife should of had rules laid down before you ever thought about marriage. If she was letting this kid do what ever she wanted with no consequences then that is wrong, but i doubt that is the story.

Sarah_V's picture

I agree with this as well. Everyone knows that children have very special needs, and that if they feel that their parent isn't focused on them, they can get very insecure. Parenting is such a balancing act of being there when you need them and gently pushing them out of the nest; letting them exercise some independence when they seem ready but reining them in if they're not as mature and ready for independent decision-making as they may think! All of this takes up a LOT of psychic energy for the birth parent and no relationship will work if the step doesn't recognize that and respect that time and attention.

That said, you're making a life with someone else. It's also his home. He has a right to feel like he's important to you, that his preferences matter in the home too, and that you're willing to communicate to the KIDS that he's important to you. You two are the adults running the house (this is where I think people get confused about "children first" vs. "spouse first," there's no way to take care of children if the adults aren't taking care of running the house healthily and happily, and that DOES mean caretaking their adult relationship too, not just worrying solely about the children to the point that they grow apart and end up single again! If you're not really partnering with your SO this way...well, then it's not really a partnership and they're just a guest who lives with you and your kids.)

It may seem easy to dismiss this as jealousy but it's apples and oranges. A romantic relationship with another adult is crazy to compare to a parent-child relationship. (If anyone is getting the same companionship from their child as from their SO, they have a real problem in my book!) So I really don't think it's about that.

You gotta ask him about it. It may be that some parenting methods you're using are freaking him out -- justifiably or no -- and he doesn't know how to confront you about where he thinks your kid is headed based on what you're doing. It could be that when you're involved with a child, you let everything else slip and the house gets trashed, or something. Parenting choices can be a toxic topic. How someone deals with their child is their business/choice and something they hold really closely...and can get hella defensive about. There was a period of time when, if I wanted to raise something with my SO, I had to say, "OK, I just want to ask a question here and it's really just a question," because I wanted to understand his approach to SD without him feeling attacked (which he usually did). You can talk to people calmly about just about anything else but do NOT ask why they're raising their kids the way they are! You better be ready for fire to be rained on you JUST for asking what's going on in your own house.

That may not be your issue, of course, but I guess my point is that I didn't get the feeling from your post that you really know what the issue is. I'd just raise it before things get worse. He has his own kids so he understands the parent-child bond...this is something else, I bet. He will probably be really glad you brought it up, since he seems uncomfortable doing anything but sulking! (Doesn't make him a hero...but if you want the relationship to last, just go ahead and break the ice.)

New second wife-step-mom's picture

Do not allow him to keep you from your kids.

If he does not want to be around them fine, than you should see them yourself. Make this very clear to him. If you will not cancel your plans with your kids and be at his beck and call for everything he will probably start changing his mind about spending some time with your children. If he doesn't then go ahead and have fun with your kids!

I repeat: Do NOT allow him to keep you from your children or destroy your relationship with them!

DailyGrace123's picture

I made that mistake. It's a long story and i'm still going through this ten years later! Slowly my 2nd husband is coming around and trying to be who he should of been from the start, but we still fight over my youngest daughter. She has been the real adult all of this time and has had to grow up on her own. He has always had a problem with my close relationship with my son and daughter. He never could accept it. He would treat them like crap when they came over or ignore them and pout in his room. Today we argued about my daughter after she invited me over so she can make dinner for me. She lives with her father. She refused to live with me when i re married and has lived with her father , she was 10 when i remarried. We live about five to six miles away, so i try to see her as much as i can, the same with my son. His son doesn't want much to do with him and it has made it even more difficult. When she asked me to come over tonight, i knew SD would have a problem with it. I forgot that i had told him i would watch the game with him, but thought nothing of it, big deal, it's a game. I asked him if it would be ok if i go over there and he got pissed! We got into a huge argument like always. I spend each and every day with him and still it doesn't matter. He still puts me through hell if i want to spend time with her. For some reason , it has always been a problem with her! And it's because he knows she always needed me! This tears me up inside so badly. I try to make everyone happy and he makes sure to make it so hard for me by tearing at my heart strings. He has tried to do better, but after ten years there should not even be a problem, she is 18yrs old! He acts like a juvenile and he's 63yrs old! He plays games with me every time we get in huge shouting matches too, which makes me feel horrible. I have had deep depression for years because of him. He has made it difficult to leave for good, which is a long story. Because of my health i cannot start over. I have tried counseling and no one has been helpful. I just don't know what to do anymore. all i do is pray for Jesus to take me home.'s picture

I'm guessing there's more to this story. There are two things I've experienced that make it difficult to get all excited when the skids are in the room. One is when you behave differently or treat your SO differently because they are there. The other is, for example, trying to help an SO with ex-SO issues, not being listened to, having to deal with the SO's ex drama, and then the kids coming in and treating the bio-parent badly or being disprespectful/not appreciating the things the SO (bio parent) has done for them. I know that's hard to follow, but sparents don't like it when skids treat their bios poorly, and allow it. There are sooooo many other things that could cause the resentment. So what's the story?

Volgirl65's picture

Here is the latest bit of turmoil in the house. It started yesterday (Mother's Day). A little history, we have been married a little over a yr. I have 2 kids living at home, 2 have moved out. He has 3 kids, 2 have moved out and 1 is over on weekends only. He moved into my house...hate saying that, but trying to establish that it wasn't a place we got together. I have tried to make it his house too and have made sure my kids understand that. I have made his kids welcome anytime. Ok, back to yesterday. We got up, went to church with his mom, went over to her house for a cookout and ate. During that time, my son texted to tell me he was at the house so I graciously left him and his mom to come back home. That was all fine with everyone involved. I had been home about an hr when he called to say he was coming home and his kids were following him so I could see them too. I do love his kids, but I see his kids almost every weekend. I get to see all of mine together every few months. The last time they were all together with me was Christmas morning. All of the kids like each other but they aren't best buddies, they really have nothing in common. I told him that was great that they were coming over but my kids had mentioned that they wanted to take me out to eat I might not be here for long. He got mad and hung up the phone. When he got here, we still hadn't made a decision about dinner and he started fussing to me that I shouldn't go out to eat, there was plenty of food at his moms house and if they wanted me to eat with them, they should have all come over there. So the kids decide to just go get fast food and bring it back because he is mad at me. His kids are here by this time and one of my girls even asks if they want something. My hubby is sitting on the couch stewing this entire time. So I sit with the family while my kids are gone but when they come back with supper, I go to the kitchen to eat with my kids. He gets mad then too. After his kids leave, we ask him if he wants to watch a movie with all of us. He doesn't because it is chick flick and he goes to the bedroom and slams the door. He stomped and pouted the rest of last night. He tells me today that his kids were so hurt that I didn't pay more attention to them while they were here for mothers day. What the heck am I supposed to do? I really don't know. If I am all screwed up and missing something, please let me know....but he can be happy when it is just us at home and he is thrilled when his kids are over. But let one of my kids walk in the house and try to talk to me, and he huffs and puffs, stomps around and goes to the bedroom, slamming the door. What else could it be other than jealousy?

Sarah_V's picture

OK. Well, he has major attitude problems. But it's interesting, he doesn't want you ALONE, he wants you with him and his whole family. I don't know him or the whole situation, but it seems like he wants to integrate the families actually more than you do. You say the kids don't have much in common...there's an argument that they WOULD have more in common if they did more activities together, not less.

That said, I completely do not blame you. (Just playing devil's advocate to try and see where his thinking might come from.) If he gets to see his kids all the time and you don't, he should be able to appreciate that and deal with it with a little more (or as the case may be, a lot more) maturity. For some reason it's making him insecure that you don't want to do all things together, like you're still keeping your "family" separate from him and his family, and this makes him doubt your commitment to building a blended family with him.

I think your problem is just really different expectations for what family life could/should be. He's not fussing because he can't have you all to himself, he wants you to go for a different family dynamic. My only advice would be to remind him how rare and precious your time with all your children is, and to try and make some plans that include everyone, and some that are private for just you and yours. Trouble is...I bet you've already tried that and he's just being thick in the head about the whole thing.

I really wish you luck. This stuff is so hard to work out when people have different expectations.

Disneyfan's picture

You are not doing anything wrong.

You tried to spend quality time everyone. Hell, you even tried to include him and his kids.

I bet anything if someone were to ask him to list the people in his family,he would list him, you and his kids. He's trying to get you to do the same.

He won't be happy until you push your kids away and just focus on him and his.

doll faced sm's picture

Whoa. Sounds like he's trying to create/force something that isn't there. I seriously doubt his kids were butt hurt that you weren't doting on them on Mother's Day since, you know, they *have* a mother. I seriously doubt they said anything of the sort. He seems to be projecting his feelings onto his kids - he ASSumes they want you to behave and feel a certain way, and *he* gets butt hurt when you don't. His kids may well be equally scared/controlled by his manipulative behavior (door slamming, pouting, stewing, etc.), so they don't correct him.

Yes, counseling - together! Perhaps an uninvolved third party can help him see that his children no more view you as their mother than you view them as your children. However, everyone involved gets along and seem to respect one another (except him, currently) and so far as step-situations go, that's really great.

Volgirl65's picture

He does still have a lot of anger built up over his x wife. From the sound of it, she didn't do much as a doting or nurturing mom and I was just the opposite with mine. I think sometimes he sees how I act with my kids and wish his kids had a mom like me. lol...that sounds a little bit conceited and I am NOT meaning it that way. I have a great relationship with his kids, or so I thought, and they worry all the time that I am going to leave him. They brought me cards yesterday....the oldest son who is 24 and a wonderful artist, drew me a beautiful card. I just can't see them acting that way, really.'s picture

There is definitely an issue with the way he is seeing all this. You know, two people see the same EXACT thing completely DIFFERENT. I think you are totally allowed to spend separate time with just your kids. I don't care how together two families become, you still have a special bond with your own...and it's only been a year for you? He's loopy.

The only thing that I see that you should have done differently, you should've had a plan and left at whatever time instead of hemming and hawing about where to go eat. How complicated is it? You all being there that much longer and getting fast food when the skids were there...that is a little weird. It just added fuel to his fire because you had the opportunity to eat, probably some good food, with his family, but went for fast food instead?

Texas_Pete's picture

From what I can tell your kids are grown based on your posts.. Your role should be changing from what they needed as children to what they need as adults.. A husband that feels like hes 3rd or 4th on your priority list is naturally going to have hurt feelings.. Especially if he (assuming here) has made you and your needs first in his.. This is going to get ugly quickly if you cant make him feel like hes not always last on your list..

samdawson's picture

Managing a blended family is really a labor of love. When you and your husband married, the two of you become the center of the family. You and your husband become the center of his former nuclear family and you and your husband become the center of the decisions made around you and your kids. You are the wife and mother of this home and this new family.

SebringLad's picture

I personally fell that husband and wife deserve top priority,then children !!!!!
Does a second marriage change that,hmmm,perhaps ???