Step son problem
Just looking for a bit of advice really as not too sure if I'm overreacting.
I live with my boyfriend and his 15 year old son stays over 3 nights per week.
His bedroom is next door to our living room. As soon as my boyfriend picks him up from school, he is straight on his playstation. His tea gets made for him, he eats it dumps his tray on the living room floor. Then he is straight back into his bedroom on the playstation.
He has it loud so I can hear it in the living room. If I ask for him to turn it down I'm in the wrong. I work full time and I'm 5 months pregnant. So sometimes I want a bit of peace and quiet after work.
Also my boyfriend plays on these games with him until 22.30 even though he has school in the morning.
Last night it came to a head, I had said earlier on in the evening that I wanted an early night, but I didn't get it as the playstation was on until 22.30. I said to my boyfriend this is getting ridiculous. He laughed at me and said I can't have it my way all the time!!!
Surely it isn't healthy for a child to spend 5 hours a night after school to play on the computer. He does no chores. Just eats and plays on his games!!
I'm at the end of my tether with it all now and when I speak to my boyfriend I get told it doesn't concern me.
Any suggestions?!
For the near term, get a loud
For the near term, get a loud fan or loud white noise machine and earplugs to block out the noise.
If nobody sees anything wrong, this is how things are going to go. Sorry.
Isn't this posted on another
Isn't this posted on another forum?
so what if it is?
so what if it is?
And? You seem to post the
And? You seem to post the same answer "I wrote this a long time ago..." to almost everything. I'm sure we can all handle a question on two different forums.
that must be some golden
that must be some golden advice if it's being given to everyone for everything. (eye roll)
Oh it is. Its all
Oh it is. Its all encompassing. Saved my life.
i love you, helena!
Muuhwaaaa bi!
Muuhwaaaa bi!
I cannot STAND noise!! When I
I cannot STAND noise!! When I go to bed, I'm ready for bed and I don't want to hear your crap. I'm lucky because when I bought my house I made sure that my room was away from skids.
I also use a fan for white noise to block what I might here. Then there has been the rare evening when I get up and become a bitch because SO and skids are being loud after I'm in bed. I flash dirty looks to all of them and slam doors. If that doesn't work, then the next morning when they are sleeping late, I'm sure to wake them up with my own noise.
It sucks. Unless you want to move, this is the best I've got. As far as his "always your way comment". I'd just say no its obvious that everything is centered around your child and no one else.