I feel like screaming!!!
Once again SD/19 has ruined my day! My DH is going out of town on Sunday and he won't be here for our 8 year anniversary so he planned something for Saturday for just the two of us. Well SD/19 calls this morning and asks daddy to meet her at lowes tomorrow at noon to help pick up her Easter gift that she bought her new hubby and expects daddy to put it together!!! When has Easter ever been about materialistic gifts? I know it's because she wants something from the hubby. Materialistic brat! That is me saying it the nice way! My DH tells me he is going to meet her around noon and that we will still have time for us. Well I'm pissed at him for saying yes!!! Why can't once he just tell her NO! I have plans. Of course I told him how I feel about this and asked why she couldn't ask someone else to do it or ask her new father in law. Well it just blew up in my face and now we are doing nothing!!!! I've so tired of everything revolving around her! I wish she would grow up and go away! I know it will never happen. At least one good thing he will be gone for a week and she won't be calling here and I'll have some peace.
I agree with you. I'm just
I agree with you. I'm just really frustrated and tired of the dependent SD.
sd19 did as well, seems that
sd19 did as well, seems that brat cant let go of daddy
Stepmom 36, I know EXACTLY
Stepmom 36,
I know EXACTLY what you are going through and I feel for you. The same thing happened to me everytime I made plans, so, you know what? I quit making plans and quit caring about anniversaries, or any special events. That way, I would not be hurt if SD made plans for my husband to something for her on my birthday or Christmas, etc. It's kind of a "numbing" way to live, but, it has made my days liveable, since I know that SD will NEVER BE GOING AWAY.
I hate to say this, but, wait till your SD gives your hubby some grandkids. The situation will worsen by the millionth degree. I know this because my husband now has 3 grandchildren and it is a triple whammy when they and SD are around!
You know I think I realize
You know I think I realize now that things will never change and will only get worse as time goes by....especially when she gives him grandchildren. I think I'm ready to let go and move on with my life without them in it.
SD sounds very manipulative,
SD sounds very manipulative, to bad DH can't see through it!
She is very manipulative! DH
She is very manipulative! DH has says it is not manipulation when you are a willing participant!
That is a great idea! I'll
That is a great idea! I'll just spend it with my Bio sons.
OMG!! If you ever seen how
OMG!! If you ever seen how she lives you would never ever want to go to her house!! I just hope her new husband loves to clean because she is nasty!
Even better: a bottle of
Even better: a bottle of wine! We did this by accident once- never did get the smell out of my old refridgerator!
If I did something like that
If I did something like that she would just whine to daddy and daddy would run out and buy a new one, deliver it and put it together. It's just like when she was a kid....she would misplace ipod, gameboy etc and whine and daddy would be it's ok I'll buy you a new one but before this would happen the misplaced item would be found someplace she left it...car, room etc. She is a spoiled brat that has grown into a spoiled selfish adult!
Daddy created a monster and
Daddy created a monster and he doesn't even see it. I'm reading the book Stepmonster.... and I know that stepmonster is what some people call SM's, but I think in many cases, it's the kids who act like monsters.