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Best $3000 I will ever spend

paul_in_utah's picture

G'day fellow STalkers!

Things are going quite nicely here in the Skid-Free Zone. SD17 has been gone for almost 2 months, and things are getting back to what should be considered "normal." It is a real joy not to see a 200 pound teenage girl lougning on the couch for hours on end, eating everything in sight, not helping with any of the chores, etc. Also, I recently found out that I received a promotion, which will alter our family dynamic even further when DW starts travelling on the road with me. Although we are looking forward to having more time together, DW realized that there was an 800-pound pink elephant in the room: child support.

Technically speaking, DW's child support should be reduced when she quits her job, since CS is largely based on what her income is. However, the courts also have discretion to look at DW's "lifestyle" in setting support. I am sure that seeing her give up her regular job to travel with me would be viewed in a negative light, and she might still have to pay the same in support. Heck, they might even raise it. In the end, we decided not to even tell DW's exHusband (SD17's bio-daddy) that she won't be working, and I will just pay the support for her. It will come out to about 3K per year, which is probably less than what one round of court would cost if bio-daddy tried to contest the amout owed. DW actually made a good point: "It is so worth 3K to not have to deal with her full time." It was nice to hear her say that, since she has a "split personality" of sorts, alternating between child worship and acknowledgement of reality. She's not there quite yet, but she is making good headway in breaking her "addiction" to SD17.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Generally if income is reduced because of a layoff or involuntary job change, the support can be reduced. If a person quits their job voluntarily, the support obligation remains the same. In fact, if your wife has a degree or has had a career for some time in which she is established, her EX can request that the judge impute her income at what she COULD be making if she chose to work in that field, and calculate her support based on that.

I'm with you, Paul. If my SD5 would go live in her mother's house full time and stop coming here every other week, I would GLADLY pay whatever support a judge saw fit just not to have to deal with the little toad.

paul_in_utah's picture

It will be so worth it. DW is covering the CS until she quits, and I will pick it up after summer visitation (DW gets an abatement during the summer since she will have SD17 all but 3 weeks of summer break).

The best part is that DW has agreed to not tell SD17 that DW will be home all summer with SD17 (DW will start travelling with me in the fall). For those that have not read my earlier posts, SD17 was sent to live with her bio-daddy when we found out about SD17's "double life." She was smoking pot, skipping classes, dating secret boyfriends, etc. I think that she expects that she will get to re-start this behavior over the summer, b/c she thinks that DW will be at work all day. When SD17 wakes up that first day at noon, she will be surprised to see that DW is still there!!!!

paul_in_utah's picture

Let's not get crazy! DW has a strict "No Chores" policy for SD, so I know that won't happen. I'm just glad that DW is on board with SD moving to her dad's.

I do agree that summer visitation will not be what SD17 expects. Even though DW will probably coddle her severely, SD17 will be limited in the damage that she can do, since she will be superised 24/7.

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

i second that. i offered to put school on hold and get a job to pay child support so sd13 can go live with her mother, the cum-dumpster. bf told me no.

PeanutandSons's picture

Fil and smil took the skids this weekend and Dh made a joke that one more day and they'd be asking for child support (they are very money hungry people). I joked back that it might not he a bad deal. He got really bent out of shape at first, then got this look like he was really thinking about what it would be like to just pay a bit of money and not have to deal with them.... And he goes, yeah, you might be right.

Goincrazy40's picture

My FDH pays Psycho $1300 a month + 75% of all activities for two kids. It sucks... But I don't have to deal with them most of the week.