Not sure how i feel about this...
DH went to pick up the kids at daycare yesterday, and the owner of the daycare asked to speak to him. She either wants to have them picked up by 430 everyday, have them not come at all one day, pay more money. While she didn't come out and say it directly, I suspect its because the skids are so dificult to deal with. She said that she doesn't mind BS coming everyday, which OS what makes me think that its because of the skids. But BS goes to school there, and the skids its just afterschool care, so she may have just ment that she didn't want BS missing a day of school.
But bottomline, the kids will no longer be going on Fridays (i don't work Fridays). So I am really happy that I get Fridays with me and BS alone, without the other kids stressing me out, or having to hear it from Dh as to why I am keeping BS to do fun thing and not waiting for the other kids. BUT it also means that I have to do get the skids right from school at 2pm, instead of Dh bringing them home from daycare at 5.
Sock am really happy about the extra time with BS, not so happy that my day of piece from the skids has been cut in half. Esp since Friday is the day their behavior reports come home, so now I anthem one dealing with it again (of true past 4 months, each of them has only has 2 or 3 good weeks)
Sorry for the autocorrect
Sorry for the autocorrect mistakes.....I swear that I am not that illiterate, lol. Typing this on my phone
They are 9 and 10. And we've
They are 9 and 10. And we've been doing that for years. Theyve done math sheets, they've copied books, they've written sentences, written apology notes..... Nothing changes. And it requires all of my focus and attention to keep them on task, and do quality control that I am so stressed out. So now they just get sent to their rooms to sit on their beds for the rest of the day.
The sitting on their beds doesn't seem to be getting any behavior result either, but atleslast I am not getting physically sick over it any more. Even the therapist is out of realistic suggestion on how to get them to act right. Last apt he said the only other thing he can think to try is a sticker chart. Yeah, everything else has had no effect (including spankings) but a sticker chart will do it?!? Seriously?!?
Don't think that would have
Don't think that would have any different effect than all the other writing punishments that we've tried.
It's like, no matter what the consiquence or punishment, five minutes after its over they've completely forgotten about it and are right back to where we started. Even when Dh would yell at them, and have them crying....... Five minutes later they are bopping around the house acting like nothing. When I was a kid and got in trouble, I'd be on my best behavior and avoid my mom so as to not make her more mad. Is be on my toes for days. These kids, as soon as you aren't actively punishing them, its like it never happened. I just don't get it.
Just the tv, and they lose
Just the tv, and they lose that every weekend that they misbehave in school. They sit on their beds Friday, and for the rest of the weekend they have to stay in their rooms, no tv, no talking to each other, but can read or draw.
And I really don't think the issue is not being severe enough in our.punishments. At one point I really think we were pushing that line between punishment and abuse, and it had no effect. They just don't act like normal kids, its hard to describe it.
Being around these kids is like being a prison warden. There is no enjoying them because you have to constantly be on your guard to keep the slightest iota of control. I've pretty much given up hope that these kids can be fixed, now its more mitigating the damage.
Ultimately its only an extra 3 hours I have to deal with them on Friday, so not too much worse.
I refuse to do any form of
I refuse to do any form of physical punishment with these kids.
SD has already lied to cps about being beaten with a belt in our home, when her actual punishment was no happy meal that week. So I refuse to put myself in any kind of situation where there's any doubt. A girl in our area was recently punished by having to run and she ended up dying from dehydration. I can see digging fence post holes being seen in the same light.
If I make it fun, then how
If I make it fun, then how does that help their behavior in school?
They would probably be
They would probably be excited to do it at first, but then I would have to sit there and referee their fighting, and there would be constant whining that it was hot, too hard, boring....dirt would be thrown, tools taken from each other, name calling... And within 5 minutes its hell for me.
I used to have a garden. Everytime I went to go tend it the skids would want to come and help..... And within ten minutes id be bringing them back inside to punish them for one thing or another. So I gave it up.
Hmm, but this has gotten me
Hmm, but this has gotten me thinking. I might start the garden back up with BS on Fridays. I think he'd really like it.
Sad that at 2 he has more focus and motivation than the skids at 9 and 10
How did I know it. Picked the
How did I know it. Picked the skids up from school today..... Both kids misbehaved this week, yet again.
And SD even had the gaul to lie to my face. Told me she didn't get a behavior report this week when I asked her at the school. When we get home I ask for their books to sign and SD was real hesitant. So when I finally get hers, Lo and behold, what do I find? Not just marks for bad behavior, but a hand written note from her teacher about how difficult she's been this week. Her response? Oh, I didn't know, I didn't even look if I got a mark or not. FML