
uniccco's picture

Yeah just went from 4 days a month to 155 days a year how will my child support be adjusted can they count overtime if I work a 12 hour rotating schedule and i will be off with my son the overtime days I use to have do they have to see a decrease in income or will they just go off my base salary or what i use to have !

iqrt's picture

I think it is your actual/projected income or full time minimum wage, whichever is greater. At least in my state. You'll probably have to check your state regulations and do a child support worksheet.

uniccco's picture

I will be reducing OT to spend time with my son , THERE IS A COURT ORDER for child support already established based on an agreement while seperating I do have an attorney but more than likely handle this myself how do i get a break from the visits if they count all my overtime ?

stepmama2one's picture

When my husband was going through this BM and my husband both had jobs. They really just went on a 40 hour basis because overtime for both of their jobs was not permanent all the time...You can go for a modification of support. You will get credit for extra days as long as they are overnights. Might not be that much but who knows..Worth a try..