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Complicated and New at This - Need Advice

young-sm-to-be's picture

This might be a little long, I'll try and sum it up with the highlights...
My situation: Young (mid-twenties) acting step-mom in Ohio (we're not married yet) with a 4 year old ss. DH to-be wants full custody, or at least 75% so ss can come to school where we live. BM is married and lives roughly an hour away. DH and BM were never married, and while they don't talk much, they've always had 50/50 shared parenting of ss. SS is going to be old enough to start kindergarten this year, though DH and I would rather have him start next year at age 6. We have been talking about suing for at least 75% custody for awhile, just between us and our families, for multiple reasons (BM didn't originally want ss when she was pregnant, changed her mind and kept him but has been a lackadaisical parent ever since. SS has come home to us with bumps and bruises that he either can't or won't tell where they're from, he is always sick, if we take him to the Dr. BM gets mad because "he's only supposed to go to her doctors" even tho DH pays for his health insurance. Last Dr visit was the result of a 1 month long cough and upper respiratory deal, which was apparently made worse by BM smoking around ss - ss told the Dr that BM always smoked around him, etc) Now BM is saying she wants to "talk" about school for ss and we're concerned over what is going to happen. As BM is married and has a more financially stable home than ours at the moment (I'm a student, DH works FT) we're concerned the courts will favor her. We're too far away geographically to split custody and keep ss in the same school system, and while ss is noticably happier, calmer and healthier when he is with us, we're unsure how to prove this in the courts.
Does anyone have advice? Has anyone dealt with something similar before? Please offer up advice, constructive criticism, thoughts, anything.
Thank you!
Young SM

asheeha's picture

I don't know how active this forum is. You might get more bites if you post it to the blogs or in the general forum area.

But my best advice to you is to see a good lawyer in the county you will go to court. Laws in each state differ dramatically, and each judge views things differently. It is best to see a lawyer in the county that the court order was drawn up because they will know the judges and will give you a better idea of how the judge will rule and the kinds of things they are looking for.

Lots of the SM/SDs on this site have a lot of experience with court and are very helpful with their advice. However, only a lawyer who knows the laws of your state and the general rulings of the judges you will see will be able to tell you if you have a strong enough case.

It's worth it to spend the extra money on a great lawyer who gets results.

young-sm-to-be's picture

Thank you! I'll post in a more general area and see if there are any more bites. We had a lawyer from before but he wasn't as effective as he could have been, so I think we need to find a new one. SS would be much better off with us even if BM looks better on paper. (my parents work in the social work field, we're asking them for some tips too, they agree SS is better w/us)

Tonlife's picture

We had 2 different attorneys and sadly it does depend a lot on the magistrate/judge. It sounds like you will have a tough case to plead. We did too. It is hard to prove some things plus our BM is a patholigical liar that the judge just fell for it all. Neither attorney was very successful in proving just how toxic she is to SD15. Just brace yourself for serious backlash from BM. I hope she is not as nuts as mine, Best of luck. Also, it is very expensive!!!!