"Mental cruelty" the reason for divorce??
Just googled a guy that asked me out. He is divorced, no kids!
He seems like a really nice guy and everyone from our company seems to really like him. But when I googled his name, his divorce record is listed under our county. And his divorce was granted under the cause of: "mental cruelty on part of the defendant, without cause or provocation from the plaintiff." He was the defendant!
I haven't been on a date with him yet, but I did ask him about his relationship with his exW. He said that their divorce was 4 years ago, and up until a year ago, they never spoke. But then, she added him in FB. I then checked out his FB page and sure enough, she is "liking" all of his posts and making little comments on everything. He said she added him a year ago after sending him a FB message apologizing to him for the grief she caused him during their short marriage. He said he has nothing to do with her and he pays no attention to her FB page or anything she writes on his page. That they don't exchange texts, no calls, no emails, etc.
OK, can someone can claim "mental cruelty" and get the divorce granted under that, without it really happeneing? And if he was really metally abusive to her, why is she all over his FB page posting things like nothing has ever happened? And why did she apologize to him? I am reluctant to get involved with him based on the reason for divorce. I will not question him, because he can tell me anything he wants. I just want to know, if any of you know, how can u prove mental cruelty to the courts??
Is your state NOT a no-fault
Is your state NOT a no-fault state?
No idea. I have never been
No idea. I have never been married. It's Illinois if that means anything to you.
If you live in a "fault"
If you live in a "fault" state, you have to claim a reason for divorce. Unless the defendant challenges the reason, the plaintiff is not obligated to provide any proof. In other words, the plaintiff filing the divorce can list any reason they like.
gotcha!! thank u!! I don't
gotcha!! thank u!!
I don't think I should get involved with him after all. If one woman claimed he was mentally cruel to her during their marriage, I think I'll err on the side of caution here and say No Thanks! She could be the one who was nuts and made a faulty claim, but maybe not! I would be OK if it was something like... irreconcilable differences. But not this....
God Mental Cruelty could me
God Mental Cruelty could me that he left his
damn socks on the floor for all you know.
People are just damn mean when it comes to divorce
and always want to make the other look worse than themselves.
Got this from a website...
Got this from a website... maybe it was more than "socks"
Isn't a mental cruelty divorce as easy as falling off a log?
Yes, but only if the grounds are uncontested. My experience is that the majority of contested mental cruelty cases are lost. The difficulty in contested mental cruelty cases is that the plaintiff (party applying for divorce) must prove that the defendant acted intentionally, that is, his conduct was calculated, or obviously of a nature to cause the plaintiff mental suffering. The plaintiff must also prove that the acts of mental cruelty had an adverse effect on her/him.
Could be mental cruelty in
Could be mental cruelty in the sense that the husband wouldnt let the wife out to bang boys in nightclubs!!!
go for it...its just a date....but if you dont feel much towards him...dump him and find someone better WITH LOTS OF MONEY!
of course...how could I have
of course...how could I have been so stupid....lots of money, no kids, nice car with NO BACKSEATS...!!! AND WILLING TO TRAVEL....So he can take you along for company

he does have a Nissan 350Z!!
he does have a Nissan 350Z!!
yeah well make sure there are
yeah well make sure there are no kids car seats in the back....
With luck he wont even let
With luck he wont even let them kids TOUCH that car.....hehe
.... nothing worse than sliding into a car where kids greezy fingers have been....
pssht... he needs to upgrade
pssht... he needs to upgrade tell him to go for the GTR MUCHHH nicer i see 370Z's all day 350z's occasionally they are older but i have only seen 1 GTR in the dealership
I think you should give him a
I think you should give him a chance. There are a lot of bitter women out there who will say anything to get their way - saying??!!