Your Most Memorable PAS Moment
Misery loves company. Tell me your worst/most memorable thing that BM did to alienate her kids from your DH. I've GOT to know there are worse things out there than what we are dealing with. Be funny. I'd like to laugh some, too. Okay, GO!
The worst was when bm called
The worst was when bm called and told dh listen to this: ss16 (then 7) Dh is NOT your real dad he adopted you so he left and now he doesn't love you.
It crushed ss16 (then 7) he cried and cried and it hurt dh really bad too and she knew it would.
But the saving grace is/was that ss16 can't stand bm and her tricks she tries to pull. In turn the other 2 boys follow his lead as he is the oldest so all her PAS crap she tried to feed them backfired. Bm uses the single mom card a lot and ss16 has gotten to the point he calls her on it now. lol Love that boy }:)
She described my DH as a perv
She described my DH as a perv and a paedophile, she stood on our doorstep screaming that he didn't love his daughters.
One of the funny ones was not actually her, it was the SDs making up lies and telling her about things we said. We were visiting DH's mum, and MIL got out a pic of DH and BM on their wedding day. I was very careful to say nice things - later it got reported back to BM that I'd said she looked horrible and I'd laughed at her.
This one is from DH: When SS
This one is from DH: When SS was about 3 and came over for weekend visitation, SS told DH that grandpa (BM's dad) told him that he didn't need to come see his dad anymore. As he said this, he was dressed in a fireman hat (BM's BF-of-the-week was a firefighter) and told DH that BM has a new daddy for him. The next week, he came dressed as a policeman.
My favorite: When SS was about 13 he was headed in a downward spiral due to BM's free-range parenting. DH was trying to convince BM to let SS live with us for a year to straighten him out. Thanksgiving was DH's scheduled holiday and weekend and we were planning to have SS make the transition to our home during the Christmas break. When DH called to confirm pickup time, BM informed him that she took SS out of state and left him at a juvenile bootcamp. BM refused to tell DH where SS was. BM and her now-exH told SS that DH didn't want him anymore (DH and I just had our first baby together) and they told DH that SS would rather kill himself than come live with us. We had SS home by Christmas, but we spent the next 3 years in and out of court fighting for him.
I have reverse PAS...SD11
I have reverse PAS...SD11 lives with DH full time and goes to visit her mother when she get the itch to go. DH is the one who PAS's SD11. The other day, she had to go to her mothers after 6:30 she was calling DH every five seconds to come get her... she comes home and tells him she's hungry and he asks "didn't your mother feed you?" She replies, "No, she got me a snow cone." He replies, "now that's real nutritious! Your mother doesn't feed you very well does she?" Now that in itself is no big deal at all but you know what he let he eat for dinner????????????
An ice cream bar and a box of candy with a Coke(which is a very typical dinner for her at our home)She refuses to eat at mealtime and is allowed to eat anything she pleases. WTF people...
My skids were told something,
My skids were told something, I don't know what, but they all of a sudden started to NOT talk about their lives much with us, even when we asked questions. We never grilled them about being with PB but we know that SHE would interrogate THEM when they came back from visitation.
But all of a sudden, I realized that these (very smart) skids, all of a sudden had reverted to one answer for almost all questions: "I don't know."
Otherwise, she would come out on her lawn SCREAMING when DH, me and my son would go to pick up the skids for visitation. We ended that by having the CO list a neutral-party exchange place for parents who cannot get along.
She also made fun of the present DH bought for SD when she called (during Xmas break one year) and asked SD what her dad got for her (a very beautiful necklace with her birthstone). SD did try to argue with her mother about whether or not it was nice. Finally, I don't know what was said but after that Xmas visit, she put that necklace in the jewelry box *I* had gotten her for the same Xmas...and never wore it again.
Very sad considering how excited she was about that necklace BEFORE PB had to go and ruin things....again!
Wow there are so many I
Wow there are so many I wouldn't even know which one to pick.
BM to Skids "Your Dad left us and that's why we are struggling because he uses all his money for his new family." To which I then printed out 8 years worth of CS payments and handed them to SS. Jaw hit floor when he saw over 100k in payments that she used on everything but them.
BM to Skids "Your Dad doesn't love you, look how he takes his DW's son to football & doesn't take you to play any sports" This after my DH signed up SS to football, basketball & baseball, bought him all sports equipment but BM couldn't get her fat ass to take him to practice. Signed up & paid for SD to gymnastics & Karate. Same thing.
BM to SS "If your SM goes to your HS graduation I am not going. Why is she more important than me?" Hmmm, maybe because he lives with me, you stupid zoo monkey & I played a huge role in him graduating?
BM to DH "SD hated that birthday party you gave her because none of her friends or family were there." This after she saw the photos of the prettiest pink Tea Party her daughter had ever seen the likes of. Dripping in crystals & sequins, tiara's & pink boa's. Lace gloves & pearls. HATER!!!
not really PAS, but sd19 told
not really PAS, but sd19 told me a couple months ago that bm tries to take all the credit for anything good sd does. bm says "i couldn't have done a better job raising you!" instead of giving sd credit for anything, bm gives it all to herself. sd called her out on it, and told bm that she didn't "raise" her, sd pretty much raised herself. bm said "well your DAD wasnt' ever around!" bullshit. fdh wasn't custodial, that doesn't mean he wasnt' around. he got her during his time. she lived here for a year because bm ran off to another state for a loser guy and left sd behind. but yeah, fdh never did anything for sd, it's all bm's stellar parenting.