SS17 on my last nerve, only talks to dad when he wants something...
This kid only talks to his dad when he wants something...Why would my husband want and accept this kind of relationship? Is it really better than no relationship at all?? He always gets his way, still pulling water works a month from 18 years old, guilts his dad and refuses to go to counseling. I don't except bad behavior from my daughter and she's never acted like this kid either. Grrrr, I called him out and counselor says he knows someone is on to him. So upset that my husband allows his son to treat him so badly.
My BF went through the
My BF went through the samething with his BK, and they still treat him badly no matter HOW much he gave, or how kind and loving he was it never changed anything.
Until that day!
You have to let him figure it out on his own, I know its hard and it makes you mad because you love your partner but he has to see his S behavior towards him.
All you can do is support him in it and continue to have his back
My ss2 is still at that stuff
My ss2 is still at that stuff at age 38. I feel sorry for my dh, yet if he isn't man enough to put a stop to it, in spite of admitting that I'm probably right...NOT. MY. Problem.
This "kid" actually had a temper tantrum in our driveway, threatening to never speak to dh again or let him see the grandbrats if we didn't BUY HIM A HOUSE!!!
Since then, I have moved OUT on my own -- and of course dh BOUGHT THE BRAT A HOUSE...and a car...and appliances...and furniture...
but dh has no money to retire -- he will be driving his semi truck until he is 70 years old - if it doesn't kill him first.