I'm new, saying hi and an intro
Hi I'm 27. I signed up here because I'm not yet a SM, but the possibility looms on the horizon. I'm employed with a pretty good job, live alone and I'm independent. I have an idyllic relationship with my significant other...but another thing altogether when his kids are in the picture. I do not have kids, nor did I ever want any. But I've fallen in love with my SO and I know I must accept them too if we're to be together.. 6 months into our relationship, we finally got time alone. Yea, since we met, he's always had his kids and we'd never been alone like that. He feels some sort of crazy responsibility for them even though the oldest is not his. His ex wife cheated while he was deployed some years ago. They tried to work it out, the second is his (I still question it silently) and even after that, they couldn't.
He is out of the army now, but his ex is still in. This is where trouble comes in. She is in her mid 20's and spoiled, irresponsible, mean, and selfish. Since her schedule was "hectic" as she claimed, the two were living together when he and I met. A stretch, but ok. This chick claims to be all holy and God-fearing one minute (fooling her fam) but truthfully she's the exact opposite. The kids (2 & 5) lived with her, but thats it. My SO took care of them-getting them to school and daycare and whatnot. I've been there to see that she gets off work, heads to her BR and closes the door behind her-not to be heard from unless she wants dinner or through the door talking on the phone with her BF, skyping, or playing video games.
She'll let her lights get turned off because she wants to go eat out or some new Ugg boots. But she knows how to manipulate-she isn't stupid, but she knows if she is a bad parent, someone will step in (him or her parents) to take the kids away so she can be free. She was out in the field for a month in September and instead of doing something with them before she left, she went out with her friends. And the whole time he was working and taking them to school, doing homework, cooking dinner, laundry-the whole 9. He was waking up early, and going to bed late, and always exhausted. That almost ruined us that month...he had no time for me. We would talk for 5 minutes, he'd ask me what was wrong, I'd begin telling him and all of a sudden he'd have to get off the phone. So I stopped talking cause there wasn't a purpose. I could always tell that he was elsewhere thinking about what he needed to be doing... And being that our relationship is long distance, we need to keep communicating...
He recently offered to move in with me, the catch was that the boys would also be moving in as well. I have a slight problem with that as I think she needs to do what needs to be done as a parent, accept responsibility and they need to stay with her because he will contribute to them and make an effort to see them. Whereas she wont. Someone else has her kids and she conveniently forgets she has any. If we have them, then we'll have them-she will contribute NO money to babysitters, school lunches, day care, nothing. But when its convenient-come tax time, she'll file them and my SO will let her. I'm like, if I'm paying for these kids to live, then no, she won't. He's too stubborn/proud to ask her for it and she knows he won't. I told him if it was like that, then try to take her to court to give up her parental rights, but nor will he do that.
Right now we're on a break because of him wanting to move them here-which is, by the way 5 hours from where she lives. I would like for him to leave them where they're at instead of moving them around like that, plus she sees them everyday now and what if she gets deployed and killed-they'll not have spent time with their mother. He says they'd be with us for only a year or so, but I honestly don't see it ending that soon. I know how those kinda promises go. A year of her with no kids, partying and doing as she pleases and she's suddenly going to want to stop, and become a parent then? She knows he'll step in, so that's why she complains more than not-if she knew he wouldn't and they're her kids and he wouldn't take them, she'd get her crap together. All the while I know its the kids that are losing out. I feel bad for them because she's basically saying she doesn't want them.
Recently, he visited for 2 weeks and the whole time he was here, she called and texted wanting him to "come get" them. And apparently he talked to her about moving up here so her texts revolved around "can you have the boys moved out by Thanksgiving?" "When are you coming to get them?" They're getting on her nerves, etc. She wants to rent out her 2nd bedroom which is her sons room in her apt... She has no money-blah blah. But he gets back down and she has bought new furniture and a play station for her bedroom. Not sure why she needs to rent out a bedroom when her parents pay her rent cause she's the stupid adult she is because they gave her a sense of entitlement and no responsibility. Has never held a job besides this being in the army, my ex was the sole person when they were married, etc. She's a poor excuse...and it makes me mad because we should ALL be working together cause these kids are in the picture. They need structure and stability and their behavior is evident that they have neither...not the best kids. He LETS her manipulate him and I get mad about it and he's still none the wiser. But we have a hell of a relationship. Now hes gone and asking me to reconsider him and the 2 boys moving in like ASAP, but if they do, I think we'd have to be roomates instead. I'm at wits end and I don't know what to do. I want to be with him but these kids and this situation is a problem. I see them pushing us apart. I don't know if I should agree to this or just let this relationship go.
I know he had them when we got together and if it was normal every other week type sharing kids, it would be fine, I like the kids, and do okay around them. I've even babysat and helped the 5 year old with homework cause I know she would not. This is a royal mess and when we met he was not the full time dad he is now...I don't know what to do.
Ohhh dear! I believe that
Ohhh dear! I believe that the right thing to do is to remove the kids from that environment and take care of them with him. My mind goes immediately to the recent 'casey anthony' thing whereby she loved to party and that darling child (and many others just like her) met a horrible end. I am not trying to guilt you at all, I am just saying what springs to my mind with all the media attention that case got.
My concern is that BM will still try to manipulate your SO and cause problems.
BM here abandoned her kids to us, we did not exclude her from their lives but it caused endless problems and I sometimes wish that she was completely out of their lives but that's not my perogative so I forgot about that ever happening.
She has never paid a cent in child support, EVER! Not that we would not file for it if we had to, just that having the kids with us meant more to us.
You do have an advantage if you take the kids now, in that they are much younger and you can teach them more in their formative years than they would learn from their mother.
I can warn you that it's NOT easy, we've been to hell and back again with the kids and their mother, we got them when they were nearly 11 years of age, fraternal twins, boy and girl and their older half brother who came to us, his mother could not handle him, at age 16. Both BMs are cuckoo birds, in more than one sense of the name cuckoo, but I get along with elder boy's mother pretty well. Thank you're lucky stars there are only TWO kids...LOL and only one BM!
I wish you luck whatever you choose to do. I have to say I would do it all again because I love them ALL!
Another positive thought if
Another positive thought if you and SO choose to raise the kids, there would be some structure in all of your lives and once the kids go to bed there's time for you and SO to be together. You can get a sitter to have a date night? I believe, even though SKids are hell on wheels at times here, that they are a blessing and a bonding in a relationship. DH and I are now, we were not for a while, on the same page and stronger than ever as a team.
I agree with the above, I
I agree with the above, I understand you except the fact he has kids but living with him and the kids makes you a full time mommy
It is a huge reasponsability, I faced that in the begining of my relationship with BF of 5 kids compared to my one, I was thinking " Oh my lord, do I really want to deal with all this", I felt like if I wanted all that reasponsability I would of had more. I was enjoying my life because my son was older( plus I was a mom at 17 so I gave up years of my youth as a young mother and stayed tied down) and now I was at that point in my life where I could come and go as I pleased and only had him to deal with, BUT...I made the choice to do it because I loved the man and he was the FIRST guy EVER that I dated with kids, and I was single for like 3 years dateing guys with no kids or who just had 1 because I did not...did not..want to deal with all that havoc and the whole crazy x wife thing, but he wouldnt give up
he stayed persistant for a whole year and I finally gave in. On the positive side of your situation is they are still little :)and they can grow with you and it sounds like they need a mommy
The question you need to ask yourself is how much of yourself are you prepared to give? I know your use to your alone time and being able to come and go as you please, not worried about day care exspences and kid cloths and preparing meals for a entire family and yada yada and taking on this role that is a 24-7 job. I know you may be scared..I was too..I was all about me and my life and my freedom of not really being tied down, altho my situation the SK were way older( begining of their teen years) when me and their father got involved made it harder and it still is to this day even after 6 years, but ya know...I am glad he didnt give up on me because I would of lost out irregaurdless of what his BK are like and BM is like. My point is I guess is this: what is it you can handle? its a life changeing event for sure, but you may just surprise yourself by seeing exactly what you thought you never could handle :)or what you didnt know you could give of yourself completely :)If your ready for change and your a positive person tand really love your BF then here you go...but if your not ready for change and you kinda just want to stay in the "Us" life then maybe like me at one point in my life you need to deal with men that have no kids or atleast one that does not have this situation with BM. Either way when you deal with a man with kids their will ALWAYS be some type of baggage, and the older you get the more you realize its hard to find a guy that does not have all this luggage. hope my advice helped
Good luck !
Thank you. I was a single
Thank you. I was a single parent for over 20 years and my kids were grown and I did whatever the hell I wanted to! I travelled, I had activities in the community and I took care of my elderly parents until they could take care of themselves. I had my car, my passport, my freedom, the whole nine yards!
I had a sleeping bag and pillow in my car so if I decided to stop on a journey I could. Life was great! I am fortunate to be 'presentable' looking so I was not short on date invitations.
I loved my single life.
Then I met DH, Quite by accident too! I love him as much as I love my own self and his kids are part of him that I accepted. It's hell on wheels at times but the love is always there and it really does conquer all the bullshit.
Hi, Halfheart. I'm 28, I
Hi, Halfheart. I'm 28, I have a 5 year old SD, and I, too, never wanted kids. If you never wanted kids, and your SO is going to become a 24/7 parent, then you, too, are going to become a full-time parent to children that you did not bear. You need to evaluate what is more important to you: your life, or being with your SO. Because once you're a full-time parent, your life as you know it is completely over. Some women want this, and want to be mothers more than anything in the world. If this is not you, then your options are to get out, or to disengage. If he has them full time, though, and BM is this horrible, it will be more damaging to them for one more person to abandon them... I'm not going to tell you to leave, but if you don't, prepare for your life to end and the life of Halfheart the Perpetual Mother Figure to begin.
Yea, I have A LOT to think
Yea, I have A LOT to think about over the Thanksgiving holiday. But I want to thank each one of you for answering and I really appreciate the advice and your own experiences. More than you guys know. Its helped more than any advice I've sought from others.