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Are any of you friends with BM on Facebook?? If so, how did that turn out??

shayj's picture

My FB is completely private. Out of the blue I get a request from BM. I think about it for a few days then decide, what the heck. I'm not one of those people who posts their lives on FB so what harm can it do?? WELLLL, one day BM is going off on DH saying he's a bastard and all sorts of lies. I became upset about this because we all went to the same highschool and we have many of the same friends and I just didn't like the fact that DH was being portrayed to be something he's not. I don't comment but I did tell DH (who thinks FB will be the cause of the end of the world). He laughs and says let her say what she want. As long as my kids know that is not true, who cares. SOOO, I post a daily post just encouraging others abut not blaming others for the situations that they are in(nothing to do with BM). She decides to post a comment about what I posted saying that I need to stay out of their business and them raising their children etc etc. Needless to say, this did not end nicely and now we are no longer FB Friends nor on speaking terms. As you can see, the FB thing did not work out for us. Now my SS has a FB page(which he seldom visits) and he requested to be my friend. I accepted then thought twice about it and took him off. A few days later, he requests again. ( I really don't think it's him. I think BM is using his account). What's your FB story???

cmwolfe1264's picture

Stay far, far away from BM AND skids on FB, it will only end badly! Seriously, if you aren't on their much there really is no need to be friends with them. I have limited my FB to only my family, DH family and school friends. I stay away from the skids on FB. It was used to hurt me and I won't give them the opportunity to do it again.

briarmommy's picture

I don't have BM as a friend on facebook never well I think it is a bad idea. I do have a fake facebook page under a different name and am friends with BM so that I can keep an eye on what she is up to, I can not tell you how many times having that page has let me be prepared for a storm.

briarmommy's picture

You make yourself a person who went to her highschool, a year or two ahead or below her. You know enough things about her to make it work, our BM until recently wanted a man so badly so I made a page of a man who was a couple yrs ahead of her at her highschool.
1. Make a fake hotmail account using the name of fictious person
2. Use fake hotmail to make fake facebook
3. Go to myspace find a random person the age of the fake person who has an open profile(make sure they are far away) and copy, paste a couple of there pics to add to your facebook
4. Friend request a bunch of people from her highschool first and then when you have a decent amount of friends friend request her.

Having this resourse has helped a lot because it lets us have an early warning system to crazy. I even made another one so that I could scoop out her new fiance because we had never met him and I wanted to see what kind of man she was having around SS.

skylarksms's picture

After 12 years of dealing with PB (psycho bitch...nothing more fitting than this for her nickname), she FINALLY got pregnant again and got THIS guy to marry her. She CLAIMED to be all happy, rainbows and fairy I thought maybe that would be the chance to turn over a new leaf in our relationship.

I extended the olive branch by requesting friends on FB. She denied. I sent another request, this time with a note congratulating her on her wedding/pregnancy. She blocked me from her profile. OK, fine. I don't need to be a part of that bitch's life, I just was attempting...once deal with her like a couple of reasonable adults.

I sent a friend request to SS and SD. So did my hubby. SS confirmed both of us and even listed me as Mother ( :jawdrop: I bet PB was/is PISSED about that!!) SD first denied, I sent again, now she just has me sitting in limbo. Not friends with her but not denied either.

skylarksms's picture

Yeah, I've seen your sig Smile And it's not the first time. I keep forgetting, "THIS IS NOT A SANE WOMAN. SHE DOES NOT REACT LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE WOULD."

I was a single mother and thought that it would be GREAT to "blend" families. I figured that PB would be HAPPY to have someone else who cared about her kids and wanted to help out. I guess I made her insecurity flare up. I, personally, was proud of how many people showed so much love and support for MY son.

I naively thought she'd be the same way...I didn't necessarily think we'd be BFFs but I didn't realize how much vile vindictiveness could be in ONE person.

People who know me have called me: "easy going" "nicest person ever" "loyal to a fault" "hard to rattle" and "level headed" PB only refers to me as: "bitch" "slut" "whore" "homewrecker" ...she has never really met me and they were broken up before I ever came in the picture. She's pissed because I didn't have to get knocked up in a pathetic attempt to get DH to marry ME. He did it of his own free will. Smile

shayj's picture

I do have a fake facebook page under a different name and am friends with BM so that I can keep an eye on what she is up to,-

This is such a good idea. I may have to do this. I am one who goes on FB however, I rarely ever post anything so when I did have her has FB friend, I guess she got comfortable and assumed I wasn't checking my acct and I was able to find out many interesting things. Like her fiance (who is still married to someone else) was cheating on her and other interesting things.

z3girl's picture

I will NEVER be FB friends with BM!! Thank heavens she has never asked, but I think she would know better. Wink

melissity's picture

I won't even friend SD9on fb cuz I don't want godzilla using her account to spy on me. And she's just crazy enough to use her daughters account to send me nasty messages claiming she wrote them. She's more crazy than a soap opera villain

WifeVersion2.0's picture

I discovered today that I can add StepKids to the 'Restricted' Friends list and that limits what they can see on my profile but I can still see all of their information. Smile

So now BM and her crazy nutty sisters who have just recently discovered the world of facebook can be friends with StepKids and can even use StepKids log in and they still can't see much of my profile other than my CURRENT picture. BM's profile pic has to be at least 5 years old and I guarantee any dude who meets her after seeing her Facebook photo is going to be VERY Disappointed!

AliceP's picture

I am friends with BM on facebook, I'd say we all get along pretty well, She's nothing like a lot of the nightmare BM's I've read about on here. She lies and hides a lot of stuff from us because I think she's embarrased or prideful. BM, my DH, me and her sister had one public fight on facebook that got deleted, but I took a screen shot of it before it got deleted. She backs us up on discipline and expects her girls to be good big sisters to their half sisters and atleast feigns interest in my kids. Mostly I want her to pull her head out of her ass and take care of her kids needs and not put me in a position where we'll end up with full custody so I try and be supportive of her and friendly..... She maes it hard because her family meddles and and screws everything up and the kids have been aliented from their dad, she clais it doesn't come from her. *shrugs*

shayj's picture

I actually thought that BM would be happy that SK's had someone who was nice to them and treated them like their own.(I was heping DH take care of SK's when I didn't even have kids of own) But NOOO. We were actually ok until DH and I started having kids together then the craziness started as she didn't her kids to be forgotten. DH has 2 boys with her and we have 2 girls together. She knew DH always wanted a girl so she went CRAZY when I gave him not one but two. Oh Well!

the_stepmonster's picture

I have access to SD9's and SD11's FB page. I don't think a 9 and 11 year old should even have a FB page, but their negligent mother says its allowed so whatever. Anyway, I will occasionally log on to their account to see that they are not getting into any trouble, but mostly to see that their mother has dumped them on someone else during her weekend. I am keeping a log to prove her neglect of the children and have so far discovered she hasn't spent a weekend with them in over 2 months. I would never be friends with that woman as I don't want her to have access to my pictures, my friends, my family, my life, etc.

shayj's picture

ripley- I have to say I agree with you.I just don't want to be consumed by BM and would want to be nosey and be on her page. LOL. I think I will stay away from the fake FB page.

"out of sight, out of mind"

smileygirl's picture

I would never be "friends" with BM in any context. I did once accept a request from her niece because she sent me a long message about how much she missed her "uncle" and I had met her previously - she was nice enough. Further, I don't ever mention SS's on facebook or anything very personal, just cute update about my young son for family so I figured what's the harm.

Well within months I had DH raging at me because BM had gotten access to my page and was going off about everything I do with my son and don't include her kids in. (DH also feels social networking is causing the downfall of civilization) He did advise her that it was none of her business and that in many cases her children were there but he was still angery with me for "my poor choices". I just posted a nice public message simply telling everyone that they should worry more about their own children and parenting and less about me and mine. I was seconded by many people and of course she called wailing about that too but in my humble opion if you know when I call someone a bad mom that I'm talking about you, then you deserve to be upset. }:)

smileygirl's picture

Ripley, I agree and that was my argument exactly. Trust me he backed off of this one quickly with his tail tucked between his legs. It was the typical situation for a lot of us...BM is crazy and yells more so he forgets who he really needs to be loyal to...until I step up out of those shadows and remind him that while I'm not crazy like her I'm also not willing to put up with her crap falling on my head.

KateC's picture

no, no, no, no!!! I would never be facebook "friends" with my husband's ew-wife. It's hard enough being friends with members of my husband's family and reading the things she posts on their walls just to get my goat.

StepOnMe101's picture

Certainly not. BM is blocked from viewing mine and DH's facebooks. If she weren't, she'd be keeping tabs and constantly know our business. Big negative.

Sweetnothings's picture

Noooooo !!! Never ever would !!! I'm disengaged, and I don't call it Fakebook or Boastbook for nothing.

Though I do really,really, wish that I could tell sd21 I am now calling it Fatbook, as she cannot stop posting awful pics of herself, doing herself no favours with this huge weight gain and the awful too small clothes she continues to wear...... And for people who use Fake/ Fat/ Boast Book please stop contacting me and letting me know about the pics !!!!