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I'm Fed up and I think I want out.

mommy23's picture

When my husband and I moved in and married I had a son who was 11months old(dad died in a car accident when i was 3months prego) and he had 2 daughters 6 and 9 who did not live with him. The BM would always tell the girls bad things about her dad and I and that the reason they where not together was because of me eventhough they had not been together for 6 years. They went to court and he had them every other weekend but then mom decided to move out of the country my husband agreed if he got them on vacations from school. Then we started getting phone calls that they needed money for this and that on a weekly basis she would have his oldest daughter call of course daddy cannot say no. When they came for christmas vacation my husband decided to keep them at this time we had a 1 year old together and my son who was 3 living with us. BM did not like it too much but agreed they have been living with us for 2 year almost and I hate it. We pay for everything I work my butt off we never have money I had a unexpected pregnancy and we now have an 8 month old baby boy. Money is a big issue because they want everything and my husband of course does not say no. He spanks my son and our two chilren but yet when his girls do something he just tells them not to do it again. I understand they are older but the 12 year old is very disrespectful to him she does respect me and I get along with her very well but he needs to put her in her place. My other SD who is 9 I feel bad but I cannot stand I wish so many times that her mom wouldnt send her back when they would go visit her she is a cry baby she never listens and is a little brat and mean to the younger children. She is always lieing she does'nt brush her teeth or wash her hands i always have to be remindin her and she is overweight she eats like crazy i had to stop buying any snack/like foods because she will eat them all even if I tell her not to. My husband never tells her anything and I am tired of having to be repeating myself over and over I have been so patient with her but my patience is gone. My husband and i cannot do anything alone because he wont leave them home we never have alone time. He gets mad at me because I told him I am tired of working my butt off to support your girls and they do not behave. I do understand that maybe it may not be my place to disipline but they live with us and I pay their health insurance and help pay for their clothes, food, and anything they need. Our marriage is a mess I feel i hate my husband sometimes because of this but I am afraid to his reaction if I tell him I dont want his daughter living with us anymore. I want out I can't stand this anymore. Does anyone have any advice please help.

hippiegirl's picture

If he is allowed to spank YOUR son, then it is only fair that you're allowed to spank HIS daughters. Is there any way for you to save $ for an apartment for you & your kids? I know $ is tight, but maybe tell him he is financially responsible for his kids from now on? Would that be at all doable?

stepsomething's picture

Wow. Mommy23, does BM still live in another country? If not, and she is back, I would be all over your husband to seek child support from her. It should be an absolute condition of you staying. Sounds like you are struggling enough as it is without the added expenses of your skids and no outside support.