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I am damn close to slapping BM

Redsonya's picture

So BM is totally pissed that we won in court - CS reduced by 60% and the option to reduce SS in November. We are going to Cancun this weekend because I found a great deal, we have plenty of airline miles, and I have a week off before starting my new job. I booked our flights and room after getting out of court so now she has been going on and on for two days about how we are going to Cancun to celebrate the court decision and how DH needs to "talk" to me because its upsetting the kids. Nonsense - we told them before the court date that we found this great deal and even booked an extra room for June to take them all for SD graduation. She even stated that if anyone is entitled to a long weekend getaway, its her. I've had enough! Get an Fing job! DH and I can go on vacations because we both work, have skills, licenses, and/or higher education. Unlike BM! So tired of feeling like she runs our household and she only does through the Skids. They are wonderful though and never get involved really. However, I've had enough and told DH that he needs to let BM know that if she wants to hold stuff over our head and PAS the kids, then she better refinance their jointly owned house in her name or we'll have it split up in court. Anyone have experience with splitting houses, way after divorce?

herewegoagain's picture

No experience on house splitting. But, HAVE A GREAT TIME IN CANCUN! Crazy BMs think all our money should go to them and their kids...sigh

We haven't had a vacation in a few years thanks to the witch...she'll be receiving a postcard from us when CS ends and we go on vacation the day after!!!

herewegoagain's picture

No experience on house splitting. But, HAVE A GREAT TIME IN CANCUN! Crazy BMs think all our money should go to them and their kids...sigh

We haven't had a vacation in a few years thanks to the witch...she'll be receiving a postcard from us when CS ends and we go on vacation the day after!!!

herewegoagain's picture

No experience on house splitting. But, HAVE A GREAT TIME IN CANCUN! Crazy BMs think all our money should go to them and their kids...sigh

We haven't had a vacation in a few years thanks to the witch...she'll be receiving a postcard from us when CS ends and we go on vacation the day after!!!

NCMilGal's picture

The problem with splitting joint debts of any kind is this: Sure, you can have a judgment saying she needs to refinance the house or needs to pay her half of the credit card debts. The banks and finance companies don't care about court judgments. If she refuses to pay, it trashes her credit, but it also puts the burden of paying (to avoid trashing his credit) on your DH. That's what joint means - when he signed it, EITHER person is liable for repayment. The most he can hope for is to pay it off himself, and sue her in civil court. And once he wins, what forces her to pay THAT judgment? Nothing really. I don't think I've ever heard of a BM or ex of any stripe going to jail or losing any money or sleep over joint debt that they refuse to pay.

liks's picture

Damn Bitch.

You guys should do what my ex did to me....tell her that you cannot afford the house mortgage and make no further payments...I was stuck with the was horrible.

I would have expected the sale of the house would have been part of the divorce settlement....? advice should be sought in your havnt been put on the earth to pay for her living day you will be without the good fortune that you have now and you will be kicking yourself stupid you didnt kick her out earlier.

stuff her life - go have a great time in cancun and deserve it....

Then wen you get back say to her how you were really upset that neither of you enjoyed yourselves as she had said things that made you both feel so your thinking of leaving him as the whole situation has become too difficult....(thats the stuff she indirectly wants to throw it in her fact and then see how she feels wen she actually thinks its happening)

Redsonya's picture

Thanks all - BM pays the mortgage on the house they jointly own (when she feels like it) and lives there. She takes all the deductions on the house so there isn't really any reason for DH to stay on the loan, except to wait until she walks away from it and dumps it on us. She hates the house, but she won't find anything to rent as nice or as big for less than she pays on the mortgage. Of course, she just assumes renting will be temporary because she'll be getting married someday to someone with a house (lol). I don't have a problem refinancing it in our names - its a nice house that just needs cleaning and paint to be totally rentable. However, if she wants to be a witch, then she can either refinance it in her name (she can't) or turn it over to us. There is no equity in the house, its underwater a bit (but not badly) so there would be no buy out. The existing court orders state that division of the property is reserved for future date so we can definately go back to finish it.

DH told her this last night - that if she went after us for anything that she had better be prepared to refinance or move because we'll be finishing everything, including the house. She says she doesn't care. Great, guess thats what we'll be doing then. She is so bitter about the trips we take together, lol. We've done the Caribbean, Ireland, Costa Rica, and now Cancun. I don't know what to tell her - we both make good money, have tons of airline miles, and find great deals.