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Employer Proivded Health Insurance for Step-child

fergysand's picture

My step-daughter just turned 18 and I currently have her on my employer health insurance. My question is, since she is not MY dependent (I don't and never have claimed her on my taxes) and she does not live with us or go to school, do I still have to cover her on my insurance? One place says I do and another says I don' the same response from HR. BTW, I live in Florida.

buttercookie's picture

I would think that you can drop her if she's graduated and you do not have a court order.

aggravated1's picture

Dependency in Florida stops at 18,unless your DH signed a court order stating it would go longer.

Anywho78's picture

You need to read the CO...that's the only place you'll find the answer Smile

One Life Once Chance's picture

If she is an adult at 18 in Florida, then yes you can drop her. We just went through this in Michigan (SS turned 18 in July).

We referenced the CO which stated "to the age of emancipation, 18 in the state of Michigan". With the new healthcare laws and ability to carry until 26 - we were curious as well.

The new law says you have the "OPTION", but you are not required to cover them after legal age.

buttercookie's picture

In IL you can drop them the minute they turn 18 or the date they would have graduated high school. I'm assuming Florida would be the same but check your court papers.

Totalybogus's picture

In Florida, if your husband was ordered to maintain insurance on your step, then he has to maintain it until she is 18 and has graduated high school. If she turns 18 during her senior year of high school, he has to continue to pay until she graduates. If she is left back, he has to pay until she is 19.

Mindygirl1's picture

If your husband is required to pay it...I am assuming he does not have group coverage and therefore you are providing it for the family. The answer to this is in your husbands Divorce Decree....

fergysand's picture

He and the step-daughter's mother were never married and I do cover my husband on my insurance. But with the new health care laws, I wasn't sure if I have to cover her or not. I really wouldn't mind keeping her on it but she has a tendacy (coaxed by her mother) to go to the ER when it is clearly not an emergency...I don't call pink eye or ear infection an emergency. Let's jsut say, the insurance has been abused and I did warn the step-daughter...

oneoffour's picture

You can drop her. Or warn her that you are dropping her from the coverage in 7 days. Dropping her without warning is a little mean. OK, give her 6 hrs warning ....

The new law as I understand it means you CAN carry them if you wish until they are 26. YOur insurance company cannot force you to drop them. However you can CHOOSE to drop them at any time you wish.