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What is ROFR

uniccco's picture

Someone please explain ROFR i am new to this term !

WifeVersion2.0's picture

ROFR = Right of First Refusal. It typically means that if the parent that has the child is unable to care for them for a few hours or overnight or while they work, they have to offer that time to the other parent before it's offered to another family member or sitter.

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

My DH and the BM have this in their divorce agreement...ROFR for anything over six hours. Unfortunately, she's trying to say that I'm "daycare". Ummmm, NO. Thankfully, DH works at home most of the time so it's not an issue a lot.

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

It depends how the agreement is written. We have a parenting time coordinator in place who says that I, as the step-mom, am not daycare and SS can stay with me. Our BM is objecting to that..too bad. I would suggest you have it written specifically that you are not "daycare" if you want to keep skid with you. I hope I made it more clear. Let me know of you have anymore questions.