O/T what do you think of this?
I think it is a great idea. I have an austic child and I never let him scream in a restaurant.
I think it is a great idea. I have an austic child and I never let him scream in a restaurant.
I think part of your link got
I think part of your link got cut off but I found it by searching that site for "restaurant scream".
I would definitely go to that restaurant. Good for them for eliminating the few that ruin a dining out experience for the rest of us.
And, I think if more businesses stepped up and said, "Sorry, but you're going to have to take your brat outta here." Parents might think twice about being best friends with their children instead of parenting.
Ok try this I hope it works let me know if it didn;t
I think it's great. Nobody
I think it's great. Nobody is saying kids should never get upset - but the appropriate thing to do is take action to ensure that your personal situation doesn't infringe on the enjoyment of others who are there to have a nice dinner. I read some of the comments. Most are in agreement. To the guy who said "next it will be land the plane if a kid is upset" I'd like to point out that a parent temporarily taking a child to the restroom or outside does not disrupt the normal operations of the restaurant. The situation is hardly analogous. And to the mother who says she'll leave and not pay since it's normal for kids to scream I'd like to point out that she's their parent and she can deal with their perfectly normal behavior in an appropriate setting and an appropriate way. If her kids aren't at the stage where it's reasonable to expect them to be able to behave appropriately, she should choose another option for dinner. That's not inhumane, it's appropriate parenting.
Just my two cents.
100% agree!!
I only had to do this once.
I only had to do this once. DD18 was 9 months old and threw a bloody fit. I sat in the car until her dad was finished eating and had paid- and brought my goody bag.
After that time- I had enough "snacks", toys, and entertainment to keep most kids busy in the entire restaurant.