O/T: pregnancy signs?
Ok. I know this is off topic but was wondering if any of you have had this same/similar experience. DH and I have been going to the fertility clinic for over a year now with no luck getting pregnant. The meds seem to be working well, I just haven't gotten pregnant. Well, we took about 3 months off before returning to the dr. To see what to try next. Turns out the dr wants to do surgery to see if there is any scar tissue or anything blocking my tubes so that is scheduled for 3 weeks from now. They put me on prometrium to make me start my period. Normally I start within 2 -3 days after the last pill but its been over a week and I have yet to start. Breasts are sore and kinda itchy, I wake up sweating in the middle of the night even though its 65 degrees in our house, and the smell of food makes me want to throw up! Could I be pregnant? They did a blood test two weeks ago before I started the prometrium but it was negative.
I guess everyone's different,
I guess everyone's different, but the only pregnancy symptoms I ever had were the sore/swollen breasts and a "feeling" that I really can't describe.. but it was right on every time! Will they do another blood test before the other test? Are you having a hysteroselpinogram (spelling???) I had that done too prior to getting pregnant. If you aren't pregnant they do say that alot of people get pregnant quickly after having that test done. Good luck!
They are doing a laparoscopy.
They are doing a laparoscopy. Yeah, I've heard that's its very easy to get pregnant if there is blockage and it is removed.
I got pregnant 6 weeks after
I got pregnant 6 weeks after the laproscopy.... Best of Luck.
Thanks for the info! Hearing
Thanks for the info! Hearing things like that makes me feel much better about having the surgery!
I just took a pregnancy test
I just took a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE!!!
Woo hoo!
Woo hoo!
yeah! congrats! good for
yeah! congrats! good for you!!
Thanks! I almost don't
Thanks! I almost don't believe it! I'll have to get the results from a blood test to actually believe it! We've been doing fertility drugs for over a year and we have taken a 3 - 4 month break and I get pregnant when I'm not on the drugs! And just 3 weeks before my scheduled surgery!!!!

awesome news!!!! congrats!!
awesome news!!!! congrats!!
Awww, congrats! I was in the
Awww, congrats! I was in the same boat with the fertility drugs. It's wonderful!
Thanks everyone! I am still
Thanks everyone! I am still kind of in shock. Got two positive tests last night and going to the dr. In an hour for a blood test!
congrats!!!! enjoy it!!!!! =)
congrats!!!! enjoy it!!!!!