DH unsympathetic with me being 9 months pregnant. what to do?
So DH finally agreed SS3 can wait until things settle to see a new brother. Finally said it would be nice to bond just us three as a family and then introduce SS3. Our birthing class instructor talked to him about it and he finally saw a different perspective and somehow she made it so he thought it was his idea so he's all about it now. After birthing class he was so excited for the baby and was so attentive.
But lately he's been singing a different tune. And I'm doing my best to not let my feelings get hurt. Today at the doctors office my ob/gyn walked past me and immediately ordered me to get a pregnancy brace because I'm HUGE and all belly causing a ton of strain on my back. I didn't even have to say anything. He could just tell by my posture. Then I told him I wasn't sleeping because the baby was just a night owl and he gave me some suggestions but said not to worry about it and just compensate by getting as much sleep as I can manage during the day. Which is exactly what I've been doing. This does not go over well with DH. He gets soo pissed when I don't go to bed with him. It's not that I'm not tired. Trust me I'm exhausted. But I don't want to toss and turn and keep him awake because the baby is in the middle of a kickboxing contest in utero. I think I'm being thoughtful. Tonight I made dinner and cleaned up and asked for a back massage because my back was hurting so bad it was hard to breathe and DH says "No I don't feel like it." Okay. well I dont feel like feeling like shit and picking up after you and your kid either but I do it. Whatever. Then he lays down on the couch and I couldn't sit without him on me. When I told him the pressure was hurting my back he got an attitude and said he was going to bed. He turned the Tv off and I told him I wasn't going to bed yet because the baby was kicking. He gets pissed and says all you do is sleep during the day. You're f-ing lazy. WTH? for real? I say nothing and he slams the bedroom door shut. I asked what his problem was and he goes turn the tv down you keep me up all night when you stay up.
Maybe its just the pregnancy hormones but this realllllly pisses me off. I go to school full time AND make him dinner AND do his laundry AND clean his house all while trying to stay on top of school. And this MF has the balls to tell me I do nothing and act as though I'm a selfish bitch for staying up? Where anyone else's DHs as insensitive as he's being? He's never usually like this and I don't know where its coming from. He's sweet until it gets alittle later and he starts getting pissed and acts as though when I complain I'm being a baby. CLEARLY have a reason to be uncomfortable. IM 9 MONTHS PREGNANT. Please tell me this is normal that he just doesn't understand and hes not just a total asshole.
How old is this douchebag? My
How old is this douchebag? My husband worked 60 hours a week, came home and washed dishes, grocery shopped, and rubbed my whatever-I-asked-him-to whenever I asked or looked like I needed it.
On behalf of decent men everywhere, feel free to bitch slap him with a diaper full of merconium.
Goodbye you are sooooo right
" Our birthing class
" Our birthing class instructor talked to him about it and he finally saw a different perspective and somehow she made it so he thought it was his idea so he's all about it now."
1. He's an egotist
2. He has no respect for you and doesn't value your opinion
3. He's all ears when OTHER people say the same exact thing as you have.
Sounds like a clone of GODSGIFT!!!
Honey, you've got a long road to hoe. Can you file for the big "D" now? Otherwise he needs to get to counseling STAT!!
I'm sorry but he sounds like
I'm sorry but he sounds like he's being a selfish, inconsiderate ass. So is he going to complain and be unsupportive once the baby is born and you need some help from him?
If he is acting like this
If he is acting like this now, I can't imagine how immature he will be once the baby gets here and you are both sleep-deprived and cranky. I'd have a good long talk with him.
This is NOT normal; he is an
This is NOT normal; he is an asshole!!!! My girls' BD (whom I'm no longer with,) treated me like I walked on water all three times I was pregnant. You are carrying his child, and he's treating you like dirt.
He sounds like a selfish brat. I really feel terrible for you.
I agree with the other posts
I agree with the other posts that he is being insensitive but there are issues that I am dealing with that you guys need to work through before the baby gets here.
My DH began to feel guilty that he was going to be fathering our son and not the Skids because we only have them once per week. Then the issues started... I don't know if you feel this way but pregnancy threw me for a loop.... I didn't want his kids o wanted my family.... I don't think of his kids a brother and sister their not mine! They don't get discipline but our son does... They get to eat junk and my son has to eat healthy. I try to express these feeling and DH refuses to see it. I think he is wrapped up in his own guilt to deal with our issues regarding Skids.
My issues aside I really suggest just talking to him about his behavior and how this us a hard time for you. If you are feeling any of the above issues I suggest bringing them up now so you can make a plan of action together. Not saying anything or letting him win, per say, only increases the level of frustration and eventually resentment...from my experiences. I hope everything works out for you. Pregnancy is such a challenge physically and emotionally... A supportive partner helps tremendously and when other issues are involved it's a must!