Venting ... and waiting ...
I got back together with my college girlfriend after 10 years.
After college, she got married, had 2 girls (5 and 3 y/o now), divorced, lives in Utah.
After college, I got married, had 2 boys (6 and 3 y/o now), divorced, lived in Nevada.
She's can't leave Utah, because of her kids. So I decided that I'm going to make the sacrifice, and "mostly move" to Utah to be with her. I say "mostly move", because I'm flying back and forth, 11 days in Utah then 3 days in Nevada to spend time with my kids.
My kids are with my ex-wife, and I see them as much as I can during those 3 days and miss them a lot during the 11 days that I'm not there.
My wife's kids are at our house, every weekday, and every other weekend.
I have feelings of guilt, because I'm spending much more time with my step-kids compared to my own kids, which I guess is a normal feeling.
I also need more time with my wife... but don't get it because her kids are always with us.... correction, her kids are always with her and extremely clingy.
We only spend quality time, where it's only the two of us, every other weekend. And most of that time is getting the left over chores done, that wasn't possible with the kids around.
It was brought up by my wife's ex, that they split the custody 50/50... but my wife is not willing to do it. I want her to do it so that I get more time with her without her kids.
I feel that I've made sacrifices for this relationship with myself and my own kids, and now feeling that she's not doing the same for me. I'm starting to feel that I'm on the back-burner.
I've expressed these feelings to my wife, and waiting to fly back home in 2 days so that we can talk in person.
Am I being selfish? Am I wrong for wanting her kids to spend more time with their bio-dad, so that I can spend more time with my wife?
I feel bad about forcing this issue, and at the same time, I don't think I'm willing to continue this way, and feeling that I've made too many sacrifices and not getting back enough in return.
I'm not sure what anyone else
I'm not sure what anyone else would say- but if my dh came to me and said that he wanted me to give up my child, or do a 50/50 custody split- I would be furious and probably tell him to do a flying leap.
Now that being said, I think that anytime you have young kids your relationship suffers. You have to be more creative in how you spend your time together and what you consider "time". My DH had to change his idea of what "time" was. He wanted dinner, hand holding moments. And what he has learned is- that even doing chores together makes those chores easier, more fun and a good time for us to talk. Today, we picked up dog poop together....was it the most bonding romantic time. NO, but we were able to talk and laugh and enjoy each others company. We do the grocery shopping together (which is easier for us now since our youngest is now 11) - there was a time though that we couldn't and didn't do anything together and yes our marriage about failed.
As for moving- I have found that if you play that look at what I gave up for you, that only resentment builds. the fact is that you WANTED to give up those things to get married again. But it is unfair of you to hold the move against her. And I can say this because I moved to marry my husband. He had a house, and his kids in this area. I moved my dd (whose dad was in another state), quit my job and moved away from my family. I held it against him for a long time, anytime something would come up. Then I had a light bulb moment.....and realized, that to have a relationship with him we could continue with me holding this over his head. It was a decision I made to be with him. I did not have to move, I could have said, I'm sorry but I won't date you because you live too far away. It was MY decision.
She was a full custodial parent when you married, and if those skids were your biokids, you would have to find a way to make it work. Find a way...
Yeah, asking a mother to give
Yeah, asking a mother to give up custody time with her kids is a bad idea. Maybe you can hire a babysitter once a week, but don't touch the custody.
I don't understand why you
I don't understand why you have to leave your wife to spend time with your kids? Isn't that like putting your wife on the back burner? Maybe she doesn't want things to change because she doesn't know how serious you are about this marriage. Can't you change your court order visitation schedule since you moved out of state? Instead of you flying away, maybe somehow fly your kids to your house? It may not be every weekend but that way maybe it could work out that you and your wife would have a weekend or two with NO kids. I know you made a big move to be with her but by keeping your kids seperate from your wife and skids seems to be separating your life into two different lives. Then you ask her to give up her time with her little ones? She may be wondering the same- as to why you can't give up one weekend a month to stay home with her. Idk just seems to me like you are trying to keep both lives seperate and leaving your wife out of your kids lives is a big deal.
Thank you all for the quick
Thank you all for the quick responses. I really appreciate it.
Originally my wife was going to move to Nevada because of my business that I'm still running with my ex-wife. Yes, I know it's messy. Instead, I decided it would be better for her to stay in Utah and I would do the traveling. This was so that she would not have to go to court with her ex and go through another long costly proceeding. I'm able to work remotely while in Utah, but there are about 20% of my work that I have to do while I'm in Nevada. So I fly back to Nevada for those couple of days, get the remaining 20% of my work completed and spend time with my kids. I've moved a lot of my responsibilities to my employees, but the remaining portion that I'm still responsible with, I can not trust anyone else to do it due to it's sensitive nature. My business is the majority of our income.
My wife and I currently only have two weekends together without the kids. And those are the weekends where her kids are with their dad. I currently do not spend weekends with her kids, because I'm in Nevada those weekends finishing up my work and seeing my kids.
When the 50/50 split was first mentioned to my wife by her ex, she was going forward with it, because she also wanted that time alone. She even had to ex draft up the revise court order for the change in scheduling. So I had my hopes up for this change. Once she received the paperwork, she changed her mind.
Well that clears up some
Well that clears up some things. But here's the thing- I don't blame her for not wanting to give up her kids for 50/50. Most moms on here wouldn't either, especially them being so young. She probably went thru the process just to make you happy and backed out because it was more something that YOU wanted than she wanted. Also, you have two weekends with NO kids. You are LUCKY!! remember what it was like when you were married and was a fulltime dad? Did you have weekends off from your kids then? Nope. I am a fulltime mom and married to my kids dad. I do NOT get weekends off from my kids. I have my kids 24/7. Once a year dh and I go on a trip together And we leave our kids with our parents. So he fact that you have TWO weekends a month with NO kids when there are 4 kids involved here seems like a pretty good deal to me. I have 3 bios and eowknd I have 4 because ss visits. So a free weekend sounds pretty good to me! Couldn't even imagine 2 a month! If you don't like being a parent fulltime then you shouldn't have had kids or married a woman with kids. To ask for more time without kids when both of you have 2 kids on different schedules is absurd to me. Be gratefulfor what time you have.
I will never understand moms
I will never understand moms that don't think that the Dad's are entitled to 50/50 custody. No matter what the age. Kids need both their parents equally and they are really shortchanging the kids. There is a reason it takes both a mom and a dad to create these kids. It takes both to raise them effectively. 50/50 should be mandatory unless there are significant problems with one of the parents. If we did that, we would have a lot less problems with CS and discipline issues with these kids. JMHO
I've always believed that
I've always believed that kids need the stability of a place to call home - a primary residence, not a "half" home.