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Hubby provokes fights with me (SM) when his 15yo daughter disappoints him

okcsm38's picture

I'm at the end of my rope... my husband ALWAYS provokes a fight with me when his daughter does something that disappoints him, such as refusing to go to school/do homework, bad grades, verbal and physical outburst, etc. I don't know what to do. Even if I point it out to him, it seems to make him even more furious... AT ME. I must say I have completely disengaged, if it has to do with his daughter it has nothing to do with me. However, his 15 year old daughter has been disappointing her father a lot lately and he seems to be taking it ALL out on me, as there are NOT any consequences for her. Any suggestions on how to handle this?

okcsm38's picture

Thanks for the good advise, I need to ignore him and find somewhere to go. I have to leave the house because he'll follow me around until I can't take it anymore and he's picked a fight.
Sorry for your situation, its no fun walking on eggshells when the SKids are around.

Jsmom's picture

Don't engage with him. My DH seems to pick a fight with me when he is frustrated with work or BM. I usually just don't take the bait and walk away. But, then I do it to him as well when BS frustrates me.

okcsm38's picture

You're absolutely right, I need to not let him get to me and get away from him. He'll follow me around the house picking and picking until I start giving it back to him. I just need to leave. Thanks for the advise.
- Oh, if I only would have known seven years ago what I know now...

skylarksms's picture

Usually for my H it is because of his frustrations with BM. I try to let it slide because I realize that.

However, I have been known to say, "It's not MY problem. I wasn't the one who had sex with the skank!" But VERY rarely }:)