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Support Groups in Western Sydney

battling_on's picture

Hi All,

just wondering if anyone knows of any support groups in western sydney for Step Parents. My fiancee is having a hard time coping and I think meeting with other SP's in a similar situation would really help both of us. If anyone knows of a social group or support group it

would be much appreciated.


oneoffour's picture

I found an online site that may help. Is is Aust. based.

One thing I have found is in NZ (I am a Kiwi but living in the USA) and Aust. step parenting is seen a little differently.

But if she feels like posting here, she is welcome. Of course if YOU read this site as well and she posts some raving diatribe about how your kids annoy the shit out of her, you will REALLY need to put it in perspective. Her feelings.

And as a s/mum myself it is often a thankless task. I certainly don't know your situation but your marriage MUST come first. You and the kids will HAVE to adapt as much as you expect her to adapt.
I see it so often here .... men remary a woman who has no kids and she has to abandon all her rules and ways to conduct her life and 100% support his. Including his kids being rude and lazy etc.

Anyway, enough. Here is the website I found.....

johnf's picture

Hi battling_on,

Just came across this post and joined just to reply to you.

Unfortunately, believe it or not there are no support groups in the Sydney area that I know of.

"I found an online site that may help. Is is Aust. based"

There are others, but I wont advertise my site, just yet. lol

I was interested in this comment "Aust. step parenting is seen a little differently"

How do you see that it is different.
