fraud or cs which way do we go?
my SSs bm age 30 was exepted for DISABILITY late '08 after trying for several yrs,AND working during the denial period. She "claimed" depression at first and after many attempts for disability,she stopped. Only to STILL be working, and then got pregnant.She moved out of town ( believe she did this to be closer to her family (whom btw ALL recieve some sort of SSI checks) and they "know the ropes to screw the system" She DID NOT pay cs for such a long time it was so hard on all of us.... Now since she got pregnant she was put on bedrest for the last part of her pregnancy (as was I) then, Miraculously she gets approved for disability. I know it's all wrong, I know she's a fraud, but what can i do. She gets bout 1,000 a month while living with her new babby daddy and my SSs get 70.00 a month wich up until aug.10 was ALSO used for cs! So, if I turn her in.btw i really do want to,with how bad our systems are stuggling Y should she be allowed to take advantage of it? Some part wants to really stick it to her. How do u report fraud and be taken seriously without being a Bitter Stepmom? I know we will have to go without cs for a while but I believe it is worth it.hoestly do. I wanna report her so bad!!!!!!!!! Now, this bitch posts that she gets up every morning and takes other people's kids to school no matter the weather,she journals about doing strenous things with her kids my SSs and her new kid(3yrs) and she is wanting her kids to live with her.eventhough she's sick enought o get disability. (arthritis) Now I was born with childhood RA and since my joints act up mostly during rain and cold maybe I am tough (k, I know I am)But I just don't get how her being accepted was ever possible. any advice or help would be the greatest ever omg uz just have no idea how much!!!!!!
You should be able to report
You should be able to report anonymously. I collect SSI for my son's (deceased Dad) and their is a number you can call and anonymously report someone. She gets flagged and it stops while they investigate.
If I report her do they
If I report her do they notify her so she can put on the "oh feel sorry for me bologna"?She's real good with the manipulation
SSI and SSD checks for kids
SSI and SSD checks for kids are supposed to go to the parent that has custody of them. While raising my siblings I found this out the hard way, years of not getting the $. Go to your bank, open a representative payee account. (Account has the skids name on it and the custodial parents name on it). Then take the CO to your local social security office. They will immediately change the deposit to the new account that lists the custodial parent. This can take up to 45 days.
That $ will come straight to you every month, and CS is in addition to it. If you have custody of more than one child you will need a bank account for each child that should be receiving benefits.
Is she posting on Facebook
Is she posting on Facebook about all this activity? Report her - they can check her page out
also, gonna try to make this
also, gonna try to make this quik and short. but, the same bm that is collecting diability like the rest of her family also has had several benefits for her middle child(he was mis diagnosed in june '09 w/ a rare genetic disorder)(since he has gotten better and so far was misdiagnosed)My fiance BD was NEVER informed of these events,we actually saw his pic on a flyer at a bowling alley. She then posts on ULF website about all the money she made and even had a benefit at a Senior Center (wich really pissed ME off, them poor folks are dying too, don't mean go milk them out of their money!) This was last summer, after all the tests and her lying about her own son's symptoms she told my fiance,I feel so dumb""having the benefits and all" yet she still continues... there are collection cans setup all over her hometown my oldest SS14 says,"he's embarassed to go to the store cause of all of them" it's sad the bm seems to want to benefit from her bs's condition! She still owes BD back child support and I beleive she should be taxed or something for all of that! I am discusted about it all. How can a parent do that? She sickens me, but in her world, "she can do what she wants they are her kids blah blah blah