6 years of being a Step Mom and I still don't like it!
Anyone else been a step Mom for awhile and still find that you dread the time your skids are at your house? Please share with me so I don't feel alone and guilty. It's like have three BB clones at my house half the year. Uggg!
My friends are sick of hearing about it, my DH gets his feeling hurts so I need to talk to other Step Moms who understand. Maybe my complaints are old news but its still my life and it's hard!
To top it all off, I recently found the BB has been going away without her husband- without telling anyone she is leaving, to gamble and drink. Her latest trip (that i know about) was to the opposite side of the state. We found out because my in laws ran into her. LOL Well, I personally could care less what she does, but the problem was she didn't tell us she was going out of town and my DH allowed the 14 and 12 year old to stay at her house so they could spend time with school friends who live near BB. She agreed to this arrangement and never once mentioned she wouldn't even be home! So basically two of the Skids were unsupervised most of the weekend and worried my DH sick because he couldn't reach anyone to inquire about why they hadn't been dropped off at the agreed time by BB. (My DH was told BB would drop them off Sunday to celebrate DH birthday).
Oh yes, her excuse is that her husband was home all weekend and my DH should be calling him for emergencies. What??? She should have told us. I cannot believe after all this time she is still pulling such stunts. Whats the big secret? My DH doesn't care if she has a bf. LOL He does care that she was out of town during a weekend she agreed to let the boys stay with her. Uggg...
Feel free to jump in here. I would just love to talk to Step Moms about this who understand and aren't sick of hearing it. Thanks!
And please, no mushy stuff. I just want to vent and hear your opinions and stories. LOL
I used to think about leaving
I used to think about leaving DH too, just to get away from the skids. But my DH is very attentive and sweet. With the exception of the skids and the BB, we have a wonderful marriage.
I am so sorry you are treated so poorly. Thank you for venting to me. Anytime you need an ear, I'm here. I am sure you have heard many times that you deserve better, so I won't say that. You are where you are choosing to be and that is OK because it's your decision. So I will say you are blessed to have your own DD, and maybe one day your SS will be sucked into the television into another world and you can innocently say... "I have no idea where he is". LOL
It's amazing to me how the skids are so lazy. What is it with that? Is it a BB thing? To make the skids as horrible as possible so we hate seeing them? LOL
My stomach curls Every
My stomach curls Every weekend! my SS 9&14 and the weirdest part is, THEY LEAVE! my fiance has residential custody,I've been in my position for 5yrs.I wanna leave like, every other day! the bm was gone in her own lil' world for almost 2yrs. only to return when she heard of me.There have been times I'VE BEEN BLAMED FOR THE BITCH BEING A PROBVLEM! sickens me to the core! I feel like my grandparents when I say,What is wrong with kids nowadays"? but ,it's the parents!They are seemingly too worried about being "liked more" they are ruinnning their dang kids!
The way I look at it, Life, GOD, however you want to go...Sent me put me here for a reason and allthough I wanna GIVE UP daily, I don't. Some part of me says,"if ya quit,you look weak,and THEY win" another part is like,"don't give up cause things will look up" blah blah blah, I just don't want to waste another big part of my life! Plus I am the BM of my SSs little sister! like it or not THEY ARE FAMILY! Her being my only child,it's important for me for her to understand family no matter how screwed up ours is right now.
another part of the story that grabs my attention is the whole wknd thing! Seriously another example of how the bioparentals are ruinning their kids! REALLY,that is toooo young to NOT be supervised for an overnighter! And ur man should have been notified of the BM being gone! that's grossly immoral irresponsible and selfish dunno what else to say xcept, thanks for sharin' we all be carin'! Good Luck and tell your man you don't mind much,but, you will not live in filth for every wknd until HE decides to put a stop to it,How about yous trade spots. Put them up in the bdrm and you RUN THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!
my stomach curls due to the
my stomach curls due to the children leaving and being manipulated into so much bs whenever they are away. They refer to me as "the bitch" while they are away, each child gets their own time ALONE with bm ,so she can find some kind of "dirt" on me. and seemimgly everthing would be "okay" if i were not in the picture cause,"i am not their mom" yada yada. well, their mom lives out of town cause she wants to and decided long ago she "didn't wanna be a wife or a mother anymore" (must be nice to decide that huh)and hell, SOMEONES GOTTA DO IT!!!!!