SM being accused of child abuse by SS7
The BM interrogates my SS7 every time he goes back to his mothers house. She stated that SS told her I abused him - slapped him twice and locked him in room. Two days later she takes him to Doctor to have him evaluated for injuries. SS tells Dr. the story, she has to report it. Now there is a report of these allegations. Next day (3 days after initial story) BM goes to court. Husband (never married to BM) was notified of hearing 24 hours ahead of time, no other info provided. He goes to court house and reads the report with allegations against me.
Court today, no change in custody, but SS7 needs to see therapist.
BM is bipolar, has filed at least 40 police reports on husband, anything from dropping off child 10 minutes late, to not sending the child back in the same socks. Husband never calls on her, even when she is 1 1/2 hours late dropping of child, he comes over with 15 bug bites on his body and tells us that his mom never washes his sheets, and many other things.
We are afraid that she will coach him before therapy. The child has had issues long before I was in the picture. I am feeling targeted. Why would he say things about me? What if he truly believes this happened?
I am worried about what this is going to do to SS, his relationship with me and his relationship with his father.
ugh-my ss has made up lots of
ugh-my ss has made up lots of stories about me over the years as well-but always stopped short of accusing me of abuse-more just emotinally cruel and mean things I supposedly did. I didnt even know he was doing this for years and quite frankly it was too late by then or at least i believe it was too late. He's 12 now. He's told me and his dad that he knows I never did anything wrong to him, BUT he's made up so many stories over the years about me he's just used to believing them and so he just FEELS like I did these things. I have a hard time getting past that statement. To me he is saying that he prefers to think of me as an emotionally abusive person-he knows I'm not but he's just going to keep on thinking that way because he feels like it. Now, he will rarely even speak to me unless made to. I am glad it never went to any sort of court proceeding or anything further because quite frankly I would be done at that point in terms of not allowing him to darken my doorstep as those sorts of accusations could affect my children and my career.
Although in your case, it may be your bm making all this crap up. If ss does go to therapist-the therapist will probably pick up on the fact that your bm is nuts. Also, your dh has every right to be involved in the counseling and He needs to contact the counselor and come in for a session and express his concerns. (Just make sure he doesnt bad mouth bm the whole time) but presents his concerns for his son and his certainity that you were not abusive in anyway.
Won't they be able to see the
Won't they be able to see the pattern of millions of lies and accusations thart have already been made? Normally, after this much they will grow quite ill at the parent who is causing so much trouble and taking up so much time in the courts.
I'll tell you one thing that has not happened to me YET and DH knows it. If his lying, bratty SD6 EVER causes me legal troubles I am so out of here and will never look back. This "marriage" honestly is not worth that much trouble to me and I have never had to go to court for squat. No way. Bah-bye...chumps.
I think 40 police reports
I think 40 police reports says it all. :O
Juat like my step son's
Juat like my step son's mother.She accused my husband( before I met him)that he abused her and the child.They got a court date and she didn't show up saying that she feared for her life. Feared for her life??????!!!!!!!!!! :jawdrop: Are you kidding me?
10 months later she called my husband to tell him and she can no longer take care of the child because she needs to live her own life.So , I guess she stopped fearing for her life. BS!
The kid cries for attention and invents stuff.But that's not good.