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BM is ruining our lives! Do we just give up!?!?!

mommyto6's picture

This is my first time posting so please bear with me. My DH and I have been married for 5 years. We have yours, mine, and ours-I came with 2 kids, he came with 1, and we have kiddos together. We both accepted each other's kids like they were our own. I love my stepson and he loves my girls. I have no issues from my XH. Our only problems ever come from hubby's XW. She met a man on the internet and just decided to up and move 5 hours away a year ago. Apparently the man has money and it has been a constant battle since. She has hated me from day one. There has been tons of parental alienation on her part toward my DH and then tons of negative stuff toward me and our other children. For instance, when my DH and I were dating we were all at a store and she saw my SS and I walking and me holding his hand. He then leaned over and gave me a hug (he was 4 at the time). Unbeknownst to us, she saw this. The next time he came, he told me he could no longer give me hugs b/c his mom said I was not his mommy and b/c I'm not related he can't give me hugs. Fast forward a couple years later and he slipped up and gave me a hug in front of her and she went psychotic and tried to drive over us. This is just only the tip of the iceberg in what has gone on.

We have been in and out of court getting a new order for her move. The ink wasn't even dry when she decided to go back again b/c she wasn't happy with how much we had my SS. She denies visitation, she denies phone calls, she lies to SS about EVERYTHING, etc. We have contacted a lawyer and were told we'd have to do contempt of court for each thing at about $3K a piece and then she may just get a slap on the wrist. She has told my hubby that she will continue to file motions until she gets what she wants-us out of my SS's life. The lawyer said we are looking at $20-30K easy just to keep the visitation we do have and even then we may lost a couple of days.

This is all killing my DH and I. Every day it's something. She contacts his military command (he's army) and says he's not paying support-when she gets wayyyyy more support than she is supposed to be getting just to try to get him in trouble. She's also contacted his command to tell them that he was having no contact with his son when in fact he had been with us the weekend prior.

She takes him to the doctor after every visit with us to try to build a case about him being upset over our visits. In fact though, he loves to come here and get a break from her. He told us that he tells her he doesn't have fun here b/c he knows it makes her happy to hear that he had a bad time. We explained to him that his lying is going to jeopardize him coming, but things haven't improved. He said he used to go home and tell her all the fun stuff we did while he was here and she would get upset so he stopped telling her all the good stuff and changed the stories to make things seem bad. He is so manipulated by her-he is 11 now.

Financially, we are hurting so bad from it all. In addition to child support(which hasn't been recalculated in years (but that's more lawyer fees we can't afford to do it), transportation costs due to HER up and moving, food and entertainment while he is here, we are paying almost half of our money every month for 1 child when we have 5 others. Now legal fees there is no way we can afford them.

Do we just allow the new SD to adopt him like the mom is after? If we keep fighting and bankfupt ourselves, my DH is kicked out of the Army and we lose everything. Do we do that? Do we continue to keep ourselves open to her contacting his command? The thought of never seeing my SS is just horrible, but what other choice do we have? She is ruining our lives and we just keep thinking what's next that she's going to pull. We are worried about her trying to pull some crap that ends up hurting our other children. The only positive is that my DH and I are very committed to each other and we have a very family-oriented, kid-centered home despite all the crap the XW pulls.

Totalybogus's picture

I completely agree with this. You don't have to hire an attorney and fork out ungodly legal fees. All he has to do is show up. Unless he is a danger to the child, no court in the land will take away his visitation.

If she contacts his command again about any untruths file a civil suit against her for slander. Make her pay for being a pissant.

Don't let her keep father and son apart. that's not fair to either one of them.

NCMilGal's picture

Get his chain of command involved!!! All commanders and 1SGs have open door policies - he needs to tell his platoon sergeant that he needs to discuss his ex harassing him with the CoC. My DH was a 1SG for 2.5 years, and would really rather be informed than have issues come up unexpectedly. Make sure the CS is by the court order and is taken out as an allotment - that way there is verifiable paperwork that he IS paying support.

The chain of command is there to support HIM and YOU. Unfortunately, JAG stays out of civil matters.

If he were my soldier (I'm an E-7 as of tomorrow) or DH's (soon to be E-9) we'd be all over making sure his financial and emotional well-being was taken care of - he's sure as hell not as good a soldier when he's worried by matters outside the military.

Since she's filing motions, can you file a response regarding CS? Get the transportation costs (since SHE moved, not you) accounted for? If you're going to court anyway, and it's because of her, you may be able to get your court costs paid by her. We're totally doing that next time our BM tries to drag us in.

Marie0124's picture

It is so hard to fight. My DH really wanted to fight for primary custody but BM has a millionaire daddy that would have kept him in court for years and he didn't have that kind of money. I agree with wearing the uniform and seeing if you can go without a lawyer. Is there any way you guys could get the son to speak the truth in court?

mommyto6's picture

Thanks for your imput. Showing up to court in uniform didn't really help. She actually used it against DH. The judge did order that we got primary custody while she got EOWE, we still had to pay HER support, and b/c she made such a big deal about an upcoming possible deployment, the judge said DH only got custody indefinitely or until the day before he deployed. The judge left out what happened when he came home from deployment. Fast forward, DH deploys for 5 months, we lose custody, then only get back visitation when he returns.

The command knows that his XW is horrible yet she talks to a new person each time and again she is a manipulator-tells them awful stuff and then gets the "woe is me" pity going. My DH has NEVER been late with CS. Obviously, he's military so it comes straight out of his check. My horrible BM did this to my dad-she ended up calling so much that the command just went ahead and discharged him do to his ongoing personal/family matters. He was only 2 years away from retirement and my dad lost it all thanks to my crazy BM.

In the past 5 years that we have been married, I have watched my SS just be mentally and emotionally destroyed. BM has made him scared to even have a stranger say her name when he is with us. She told him that our goal is to not ever let him see her again and that if he tells us anything that goes on at her house then we will go to a judge and tell the judge to take him away from BM. SS told us this and not matter what reassurance we give him, nothing helps.

I know the going back and forth on him between 2 completely different lives is hard on him. I actually feel sorry for my SS. Four to six times a month-every other Friday and then again on Sunday-he has to travel back and forth a 5 hour trip every time. So basically spending 20-30 hours in the car a month.

Everything we do though is mis-construed to him as horrible. She always plays the "I'm a better Christian" than they are card. She's the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. In one breath she is cursing, the next quoting Scriptures at us. I hate when my SS tell me "My mom says you aren't a Christian b/c you listen to country music. You should only listen to Christian music." Every Sunday we have him-even though that's the day he goes back to her-she makes sure to call him right at 1pm to ask him if he went to church. If he says no, then she gives HIM a guilt trip and asks HIM "well, why didn't you go to church? You need to ask them to take you to church." This woman has had multiple abortions and has had at least 3 live in boyfriends just in the time I've known my DH yet we are the heathen ones.

We make it a point NEVER to discuss any adult issues or anything regarding court in front of him yet she uses SS as the go-between for SS to tell us what his mom is upset about this time. It is so hard for us to do so much for a child that is actively being turned against us. It would be easier if he wasn't home schooled. He has always had bullying issues-he's an only child when at her house-and he had major probs in school so instead of making him deal with his problems, she started home schooling him this school year. That's only made him worse. He has no clue how to be socialized. He is in the 5th grade and when he comes to our house we have tons of social outlets since we have other kids his age and he always comes across awkward when with children his own age. Anyways, thanks to the home schooling he is under BM's thumb 24/7 and is being indoctrinated by her constantly. It's like we're fighting a losing battle.

I can go on and on with examples of alienation, etc. but it's exhausting just to think about it. My DH is being affected physically by all the stuff she has pulled. Last week she pulled stuff again and his blood pressure was through the roof. He's even developed a twitching on his face from the stress she is putting him under. I hate seeing my DH suffering like this. They have joint custody, but she NEVER included DH in any decisions. Our only alternative is to go to court, which again we can't afford to even file a motion on our own.

We have documented everything, but even the lawyer said short of us having video of her snorting coke with SS in the background or her getting a DUI with him in the backseat our chances of full custody are almost nil thanks to us living in a "mother is always the best parent" state. As for going to court alone, we are pretty much just looking at us losing some of the visitation we do have. She wants to go from 2 weekends a month to 1 weekend-so we go from 4 days a month to 2 days. In the summers we get him for 4 weeks-she wants us to only have him 2 weeks. Her lawyer is already contacting my DH's command to get info on his military movements. It's kind of sad the ONLY thing they can use against him is the fact that DH is sacrificing for his country!

ddakan's picture

you can contact the attorney general of your state and ask for a review of your case. they always help BM, and they can oversee changes of this type.

we have 3 each and 1 together which = frikin hell. bm gets 1200 a month for one child who is 6 months from being 18. i hate her. she ruined her kid to spite me. we used to be so broke we couldn't barely survive. we did go bankrupt, lost everything and recovered. our BM told her 7 year old son I was a devil worshipper and that the devil was going to take my soul. It scared the shit out of him and warped his brain. he loved me and held my hand and hugged me, then it stopped. now he is an angry, low self esteemed, high school dropout on 17. don't let that woman do that to your kid.

your bm is fucking up the kid to soothe herself, just like ours did. hopefully you can help the kid before he turns into her. he is at greater psychological risk than you know.

i filed all our papers myself because i learned about typing documents in college and studied those self help books. you can file the papers yourself without an attorney if you know how. I filed a modification in suit and took BM from sole custody to joint custody and got the child support dropped in half....for awhile. she took us back to court 3 years later for a review and they increased it. you can ask the attorney general for a review of your support amount since its probably been 3 years or an amount of $100 in difference in what you SHOULD pay.

good luck. i know how much it sux! that BM is a true insult to muthers

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

What a tough decision to make! My first opinion would be to fight for your child no matter what. Then you have to consider what this lunatic mother puts her child through just because he wants to see his father and you. Poor kid. Would it be kinder to just let him alone so he can live in peace or fight to see him and make his life a living hell and risk your own family's financial stablity. Its going to be bad either way you go.

mommyto6's picture

It's like we're damned if we do, damned if we don't. I know the longer we fight for the rights to enforce what DH ALREADY has, the more SS is hurt b/c BM doesn't think twice about including SS in what is going on. He has zero confidence in himself already. Our other kids are like night and day from him. They are secure in their love for everyone in their lives and are happy, well-adjusted kiddos. I hate the thought of possibly giving up on SS, but I do see what you mean-the more we fight, the more SS is being hurt. I know it is happening. We see it in him the more time goes on. This past summer was the 1st one since his BM moved and he'd be staying with us for 4 weeks straight. He was sooooo excited in the weekends heading up to it. SS kept asking me what we were going to do and he was getting excited. The last weekend before the summer was to begin, SS came looking depressed. I asked him what was going on and he told me that he had told his BM what I had planned for the summer visit. SS said BM told him that she was scared she was going to forget him and that he was going to forget her b/c they would be apart for so long. I couldn't imagine telling my kids I thought I was going to forget them. Who would put that on their child? I was able to reassure him though that during his dads' deployments when he would go for months without seeing dad they had never forgotten each other, so SS not seeing BM for 4 weeks would not cause her to forget him.

I also have to take in consideration all of our other kids. I worry everyday that she won't stop at contacting his command and lying. What if she tries to cause probs elsewhere with her lies? She has told my DH that she won't stop until she gets what she wants. Do we jeopardize our other kids? We have a 2 year old child that has cerebral palsy among other probs who requires tons of care and has had multiple surgeries. One of the surgeries was an emergency surgery and thanks to BM's move, my DH had to leave our child to take SS back to her while our child was in the hospital. There's no way she would ever agree to allow us to keep him an extra day-if we ever ask for SS to be with us an extra day to enjoy some big occasion with us normally she doesn't agree at all. The one occasion she has agreed to, she made sure to dock us on the next time we were supposed to have him or else she wouldn't agree. How is he supposed to be a part of our family if BM makes him miss all the family events in our home (i.e. birth of siblings, visits to dying family members, etc.)?

mommyto6's picture

Do you think BM-even though she wouldn't have to-let SS still see us (at our expense obviously) a couple times a year at least? I know she wants to change his last name, have him believe everything she believes, do everything she does, and make all the life decisions herself without having to legally go through my DH and that's what she would get in the termination, but I'm curious if any BM would still let their child see his biodad even if rights are terminated. I know at one point, my two daughters' biodad wanted to terminate his rights (only b/c he didn't want to pay child support) and I told him if he did it, I wouldn't care if he still saw them at his expense though-it doesn't bother me. My XH just isn't very involved and even though he hasn't terminated his rights, he still doesn't pay child support to me b/c he can barely afford to even feed himself. So DH in addition to all of his expenses with SS is also supporting my kiddos from my previous marriage and then our kids we've had together. My DH is an excellent father to all of our children so my kids aren't lacking and when their biodad wants to be involved I don't hinder him.

witsend71's picture

I feel really bad for you. I hope it gets better. It takes about 5 years after the breakup for most of the hurt to go away. Then, she'll be more reasonable hopefully. I wish bio mom understood that when you bash bio dad you are in effect insulting your own child as they have 1/2 of their parents DNA and had no say in their parents relationship in the first place.

My dad left my mom and 2 sibs w/ one on the way when I was 5. I used to say to my mom, "Well, you picked him". When she would complain what a pain kids were I would say, "Well mom, I didn't ask to be born". Why are parents always punishing us for their own choices?

mommyto6's picture

DH and his XW have been split up 9 almost 10 years. It seems like it's only getting worse. Like her whole life is centered around making my DH pay. I just pray that we have answers soon. I think my DH just wants to wake up and the nightmare be over. That would be nice.

When my stepdad left my mom I was old enough to tell my mom that I didn't blame him. I would have left her too. I was 5 when my dad and her split up but 17 when her and my step dad split. She did the same thing with both husbands.